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Fire & Water - Cleanup & Restoration

Archived Blog Posts

Understanding the Mold Panic: How SERVPRO® Can Alleviate Your Concerns

4/25/2024 (Permalink)

Mold Growth in a Saugus Attic n the world of household woes, few things evoke the same level of panic as the sight of mold.

In the world of household woes, few things evoke the same level of panic as the sight of mold. Whether it's a small patch in the bathroom corner or a sprawling infestation hidden behind walls, the mere mention of mold can send shivers down the spine of even the most seasoned homeowner. But why exactly do people freak out about mold? And more importantly, how can SERVPRO come to the rescue to alleviate those concerns?

The Mold Menace: Understanding the Panic

Mold is not just an eyesore; it's a health hazard. The presence of mold spores in the air can trigger allergies, respiratory issues, and even more severe health problems in vulnerable individuals. The fear of compromised health is enough to send anyone into a frenzy at the first sign of mold growth.

Moreover, mold doesn't just stop at health concerns. It's a silent destroyer, wreaking havoc on property and belongings. From structural damage to ruined furniture and prized possessions, mold can leave a trail of destruction in its wake, leading to financial strain and emotional distress.

But perhaps what truly fuels the panic is the uncertainty surrounding mold. Its ability to thrive in hidden corners, behind walls, and in damp, dark spaces makes it a silent intruder, lurking undetected until it's too late. The fear of the unknown, coupled with the potential for extensive damage, makes mold a formidable foe that strikes fear into the hearts of homeowners everywhere.

The SERVPRO Solution: Restoring Peace of Mind

Enter SERVPRO, the trusted name in mold remediation and restoration. With our expertise and state-of-the-art equipment, we're not just in the business of cleaning up mold; we're in the business of restoring peace of mind.

Our team of certified professionals understands the urgency and sensitivity surrounding mold issues. We don't just treat the symptoms; we get to the root of the problem, identifying moisture sources and implementing effective solutions to prevent future mold growth.

At SERVPRO, we prioritize safety above all else. From containment to thorough cleanup and disinfection, we adhere to industry-leading standards to ensure that your home is mold-free and safe for you and your loved ones.

But our commitment doesn't end there. We understand that dealing with mold can be overwhelming, both emotionally and logistically. That's why we work closely with homeowners every step of the way, providing clear communication, guidance, and support throughout the remediation process.

So, the next time you find yourself facing the dreaded mold monster, remember that you're not alone. With SERVPRO by your side, you can breathe easy knowing that help is just a phone call away. Say goodbye to mold panic and hello to peace of mind with SERVPRO.

What exactly IS an air mover?

12/26/2023 (Permalink)

Air movers are designed to produce a high volume of airflow at a relatively low velocity. Air movers are designed to produce a high volume of airflow at a relatively low velocity.

An air mover, in the context of restoration and cleanup services like those provided by SERVPRO®, is a specialized piece of equipment designed to facilitate the drying process in water-damaged or flood-affected areas. It is also known as a "blower" or "floor drying fan." The primary purpose of an air mover is to increase the evaporation of moisture from wet surfaces, helping to expedite the drying of structures and contents in a building.

Key features and functions of an air mover include:

  1. High Airflow:

    • Air movers are designed to produce a high volume of airflow at a relatively low velocity. This helps to create turbulence and enhance the evaporation of moisture from wet materials.
  2. Compact and Portable:

    • Air movers are typically compact and portable, allowing them to be easily positioned in various locations within a building. This flexibility is crucial for targeting specific areas that require drying.
  3. Stackable Design:

    • Many air movers have a stackable design, enabling them to be efficiently stored and transported in larger quantities. This is important for large-scale restoration projects.
  4. Versatility:

    • Air movers can be used in conjunction with other drying equipment, such as dehumidifiers, to create an effective drying system. This combination helps control humidity levels and promotes efficient moisture removal.
  5. Directional Airflow:

    • Adjustable vents or louvers on the air mover allow for the direction of airflow to be controlled. This feature is useful for targeting specific surfaces or areas that need focused drying.
  6. Drying Carpets and Flooring:

    • Air movers are commonly used in the restoration of water-damaged carpets and flooring. By directing airflow over wet surfaces, they help to evaporate moisture and prevent the growth of mold and mildew.
  7. Speeding up Drying Time:

    • The use of air movers can significantly reduce the drying time compared to natural air drying alone. This is crucial for minimizing damage and preventing secondary issues associated with prolonged exposure to water.

SERVPRO® and other restoration professionals often use air movers as part of a comprehensive strategy to mitigate water damage. The specific type and size of air mover chosen depend on factors such as the extent of the damage, the affected materials, and the layout of the affected area.

SERVPRO® handles water damage in classrooms across the country.

12/26/2023 (Permalink)

A classroom affected by water damage. SERVPRO® professionals work closely with school personnel to ensure a smooth and efficient restoration process that minimizes disruptions.

SERVPRO® is known for providing water damage restoration and cleanup services, including services for commercial properties such as schools. SERVPRO® franchises across the country are equipped to handle various types of water damage scenarios, offering a range of services to address the specific needs of educational institutions.

Here's a general overview of how SERVPRO® might handle water damage in schools:

  1. Assessment and Inspection:

    • SERVPRO® professionals typically begin by assessing the extent of the water damage. This involves inspecting affected areas, identifying the source of the water intrusion, and determining the category of water (clean, gray, or black) to assess potential health risks.
  2. Water Extraction:

    • The removal of standing water is a critical step in the restoration process. SERVPRO® utilizes pumps and extraction equipment to efficiently remove water from affected areas.
  3. Drying and Dehumidification:

    • Air movers and dehumidifiers are employed to dry out the affected spaces thoroughly. This helps prevent secondary issues like mold growth and structural damage.
  4. Cleaning and Sanitization:

    • SERVPRO® professionals clean and sanitize affected surfaces, contents, and materials to ensure a safe and hygienic environment. This may involve using antimicrobial agents to control microbial growth.
  5. Content Restoration:

    • Items and contents affected by water damage are evaluated for restoration. SERVPRO® may employ various techniques to restore items such as documents, electronics, and furniture.
  6. Mold Remediation:

    • If mold is detected or becomes a concern during the restoration process, SERVPRO® can provide mold remediation services to address the issue and prevent its further spread.
  7. Coordination with School Staff:

    • Communication with school administrators, staff, and other stakeholders is essential throughout the restoration process. SERVPRO® professionals work closely with school personnel to ensure a smooth and efficient restoration process that minimizes disruption to educational activities.
  8. Documentation for Insurance Claims:

    • SERVPRO® assists in documenting the damage for insurance purposes, providing detailed reports and photographs to support claims.

It's important to note that the specific approach may vary based on the unique circumstances of each water damage incident. For the most accurate and current information regarding SERVPRO®'s services for schools and other commercial properties, it is recommended to contact the local SERVPRO® franchise or visit the official SERVPRO® website.

Identifying Common Types of Household Mold: A Comprehensive Guide

10/23/2023 (Permalink)

Mold spotted in a Lynnfield Basement. SERVPRO® is your trusted mold remediation company in the Lynn/Lynnfield area for any type growth that can be found.

Mold is a common issue in households, and it comes in various types and colors. Being able to identify the different types of household mold is crucial for effective remediation and understanding potential health risks. In this comprehensive guide, we'll explore common types of household mold, their characteristics, where they are likely to appear, and the implications for your health.

1. Cladosporium:

  • Appearance: Cladosporium is often olive-green, brown, or black and has a suede-like texture.
  • Common Locations: This mold can be found on plants, in soil, and frequently in basements.
  • Health Implications: It's known to trigger allergies and respiratory issues in some people.

2. Aspergillus:

  • Appearance: Aspergillus is powdery and varies in color, including green, yellow, and white.
  • Common Locations: It's found on decaying leaves, dust, and in air conditioning systems.
  • Health Implications: Aspergillus can cause allergies and, in severe cases, lung infections.

3. Penicillium:

  • Appearance: Penicillium is often blue or green and has a fuzzy texture.
  • Common Locations: It's found on food, especially bread, and can grow on water-damaged materials in homes.
  • Health Implications: Penicillium can trigger allergies and asthma in sensitive individuals.

4. Stachybotrys Chartarum (Black Mold):

  • Appearance: Black mold is slimy and dark black or greenish-black in color.
  • Common Locations: It thrives on water-damaged building materials, like drywall and wood.
  • Health Implications: Black mold is associated with more severe health issues, including respiratory problems, skin irritation, and headaches.

5. Alternaria:

  • Appearance: Alternaria is velvety-textured and is typically dark brown or black.
  • Common Locations: It's found in damp areas like showers and around windows.
  • Health Implications: Alternaria can cause allergic reactions and asthma in some people.

6. Fusarium:

  • Appearance: Fusarium can be pink, white, or red and has a cottony texture.
  • Common Locations: It's often found on water-damaged plants and in soil.
  • Health Implications: Fusarium may cause skin and nail infections in some cases.

7. Aureobasidium:

  • Appearance: Aureobasidium is dark brown to black and can have a suede-like texture.
  • Common Locations: It's found on wooden surfaces, wallpaper, and painted surfaces.
  • Health Implications: It may trigger allergies, particularly skin or eye irritation.


Identifying common types of household mold is the first step in effectively managing mold issues in your home. While not all molds are equally harmful, it's essential to take mold seriously and address it promptly to prevent potential health risks. If you suspect mold in your home and are unsure of the type, consider consulting a professional for proper identification and remediation to maintain a healthy living environment.

Handling Commercial Sewage Loss

8/23/2023 (Permalink)

Commercial Sewage Loss Handling a sewage loss in Downtown Lynn.

SERVPRO® offers specialized expertise in dealing with various types of property damage, including commercial sewage loss. When a commercial property experiences sewage backups, leaks, or other sewage-related issues, it can lead to significant health hazards and property damage. SERVPRO® has teams trained to handle these situations efficiently and safely. Here's how they typically approach commercial sewage loss scenarios:

  1. Assessment: A team of SERVPRO® experts will assess the extent of the sewage damage. This involves evaluating the affected areas, identifying the source of the sewage problem, and assessing the potential risks to health and property.

  2. Safety Measures: Dealing with sewage requires careful safety precautions. SERVPRO® teams will implement appropriate safety measures, such as wearing protective gear and isolating the affected areas to prevent the spread of contaminants.

  3. Containment and Extraction: The next step involves containing the sewage-contaminated areas to prevent further spread. SERVPRO® will then use specialized equipment to extract standing sewage water and clean up the affected surfaces.

  4. Cleaning and Sanitization: After the sewage water is removed, the affected areas need thorough cleaning and disinfection to eliminate bacteria, viruses, and potential pathogens. SERVPRO® uses professional-grade cleaning agents to ensure the area is properly sanitized.

  5. Drying and Restoration: Once the cleaning process is complete, SERVPRO® will use industrial-grade dehumidifiers and air movers to thoroughly dry the area. Depending on the extent of damage, they may also conduct restoration work to repair or replace damaged materials.

  6. Odor Removal: Sewage damage often comes with unpleasant odors. SERVPRO® has tools and techniques to address odor issues and ensure the affected area smells clean and fresh again.

  7. Documentation: SERVPRO® provides detailed documentation of the entire process, including before-and-after photos, which is important for insurance claims and future reference.

  8. Coordination: SERVPRO® works closely with property owners, insurance companies, and other relevant parties to ensure a smooth restoration process.

Commercial sewage loss can have serious implications for both health and business operations. By entrusting the restoration process to professionals like SERVPRO®, you can minimize the risks and get your commercial property back to a safe and functional state as quickly as possible.

Keep in mind that specific procedures may vary based on the nature of the sewage damage, the property type, and the local regulations. It's essential to reach out to professionals promptly to assess the situation and determine the appropriate course of action.

Restoration needs for the month of June

6/22/2023 (Permalink)

Residential Restoration Team Our team is ready for anything!

In the month of June, some common restoration needs for residences can include:

  1. Water Damage Restoration: June often marks the beginning of the rainy season in many regions. Heavy rainfall, storms, or plumbing issues can lead to water damage in homes, such as flooded basements, roof leaks, or burst pipes. Water damage restoration involves extracting water, drying the affected areas, and restoring any damaged structures or belongings.

  2. Mold Remediation: Warm and humid weather in June can create an environment conducive to mold growth. If there has been excess moisture or water damage in a home, it can lead to mold infestation. Mold remediation involves identifying and addressing the source of moisture, removing mold colonies, and restoring the affected areas to a healthy condition.

  3. Fire Damage Restoration: While fire incidents can happen at any time, certain activities like barbecues, bonfires, or firework displays during the summer months can increase the risk of fire-related accidents. Fire damage restoration includes cleaning up soot and smoke residue, repairing or rebuilding damaged structures, and restoring belongings affected by fire and water used to extinguish the fire.

  4. Storm Damage Restoration: June may also bring severe weather conditions, including thunderstorms, hurricanes, or tornadoes, depending on the region. These events can cause significant damage to residential properties, including roof damage, structural issues, fallen trees, and flooding. Storm damage restoration involves assessing and repairing the damages caused by severe weather events.

  5. HVAC System Maintenance: As temperatures rise in June, homeowners often rely on air conditioning systems to maintain a comfortable indoor environment. It's crucial to ensure that HVAC systems are functioning properly and well-maintained. Restoration services may include cleaning or repairing HVAC systems, ductwork, and vents, to ensure optimal performance and indoor air quality.

It's important to note that restoration needs can vary based on geographical location, climate, and individual circumstances. If you have a specific restoration requirement or concern, it's best to consult with professionals in your area who can assess the situation and provide appropriate recommendations and services.


How does SERVPRO save money for commercial clients?

4/24/2023 (Permalink)

Commercial Environment. SERVPRO is a trusted resource and can save your business thousands in the event of an emergency.

SERVPRO is a professional cleaning and restoration company that can save money for commercial property owners in several ways:

  1. Rapid Response: SERVPRO has a 24/7 emergency response team that can quickly assess the damage and begin the restoration process. The faster they can respond to a disaster, the less damage that will be done, and the lower the overall cost of restoration.

  2. Mitigation: SERVPRO uses mitigation techniques to stop further damage from occurring. By addressing the damage quickly, they can prevent further damage and avoid more costly repairs.

  3. Professional Equipment: SERVPRO has access to professional equipment that can help clean up the affected area quickly and efficiently. They use state-of-the-art equipment such as air movers, dehumidifiers, and specialized cleaning agents to restore the property to pre-disaster conditions.

  4. Insurance Coordination: SERVPRO works with insurance companies to help property owners save money on restoration costs. They can help navigate the insurance claim process and provide documentation to support the claim.

  5. Preventative Maintenance: SERVPRO also offers preventative maintenance services to commercial property owners. This can help prevent future disasters from occurring and save property owners money in the long run.

In summary, SERVPRO can save commercial property owners money by responding quickly to emergencies, using mitigation techniques, utilizing professional equipment, coordinating with insurance companies, and offering preventative maintenance services.

HVAC Decontamination

4/11/2023 (Permalink)

Commercial Building in Lynnfield Call on SERVPRO to clean your duct systems!

HVAC systems (heating, ventilation, and air conditioning) can become contaminated with various types of pollutants, including dust, mold, and bacteria. SERVPRO of Lynn/Lynnfield provides HVAC cleanup and decontamination services to improve indoor air quality and prevent health hazards.

Their HVAC cleanup and decontamination process typically includes:

  1. Inspection: Their technicians will inspect the HVAC system to assess the extent of the contamination and determine the best approach for cleaning and decontamination.

  2. Containment: They will isolate the HVAC system to prevent contamination from spreading to other areas of the property during the cleaning process.

  3. Cleaning: They will use specialized equipment and cleaning products to remove contaminants from the HVAC system, including ducts, vents, and air handlers.

  4. Sanitizing: They will sanitize the cleaned surfaces to kill any remaining bacteria or mold spores and prevent future growth.

  5. Deodorizing: They will use odor removal techniques to eliminate any unpleasant smells that may have resulted from the contamination.

  6. Restoration: If necessary, they will repair or replace any damaged HVAC components to restore the system to proper functioning.

Overall, SERVPRO's HVAC cleanup and decontamination services are designed to improve indoor air quality, reduce the risk of health hazards, and help ensure a healthy living environment. If you suspect that your HVAC system is contaminated, it's important to address the issue promptly to prevent further contamination and health risks.

Emergency Plans for Commercial Clients

3/29/2023 (Permalink)

SERVPRO's ERP is an essential tool for commercial clients. SERVPRO's ERP is an essential tool for commercial clients in the Lynn area!

SERVPRO is a company that provides disaster restoration and cleaning services for both residential and commercial properties. One of the ways SERVPRO helps businesses prepare for emergencies is through their Emergency Ready Plan (ERP).

The SERVPRO Emergency Ready Plan is a comprehensive document that helps businesses prepare for disasters before they occur. The ERP provides businesses with a step-by-step guide on how to respond in the event of an emergency. Here are some of the key elements of the SERVPRO ERP for commercial businesses:

  1. Assessment: The first step in the ERP process is to conduct an assessment of the business. This includes identifying potential risks and hazards, as well as evaluating the company's current emergency preparedness plan.

  2. Plan Development: Based on the assessment, SERVPRO works with the business to develop a customized emergency response plan. This plan includes important information such as emergency contacts, evacuation routes, and key personnel who will be responsible for implementing the plan.

  3. Communication: Communication is a critical component of any emergency response plan. The ERP includes instructions on how to communicate with employees, customers, and vendors in the event of an emergency.

  4. Training: SERVPRO provides training to the key personnel identified in the plan, as well as other employees, on how to respond in the event of an emergency.

  5. Documentation: The ERP includes important documentation such as emergency contact information, insurance information, and building plans.

  6. Ongoing Maintenance: The SERVPRO ERP is not a one-time event. The company provides ongoing maintenance and updates to ensure that the plan remains current and effective.

Overall, the SERVPRO Emergency Ready Plan is a comprehensive and customizable plan that helps businesses prepare for emergencies. By working with SERVPRO, businesses can be confident that they are ready to respond quickly and effectively in the event of a disaster.

Five Focuses on Lynn Fire Damage Restoration

8/5/2022 (Permalink)

B&A fire damage by tub, snow outside SERVPRO's goal is to restore your fire damaged Lynn home to its pre-damaged condition, "Like it never even happened."

Fire Damage Recovery Happens in Set Stages

Despite variables like the type of material affected and the size of the damaged areas, fire recovery is similar from one instance to another. Understanding the objectives and focal point of the responding team keeps homeowners more at ease with each phase and its expected timelines. From the time we are first notified of a disaster, we can move quickly to help in these five main areas:

  • Emergency Services
  • Mitigation
  • Soot Removal and Cleaning
  • Deodorization
  • Repairs and Reconstruction

It is crucial after Lynn fire damage to get professionals on-site as fast as possible. Any disaster continues to worsen after exposure. We have stocked trailers and production vehicles at our facility to help throughout the Greater Lynn area, so we can enter a building as soon as possible after first responders have deemed it safe to do so.

Early Emergency Services

Because it is important to act fast with mitigation solutions, we arrive quickly to implement specific actions that can help. Often, these processes precede focused inspections and any insurance repair work. This phase of our recovery combines the knowledge of our restoration experts and the experience of our contractors. The union becomes a series of actions to improve later recovery times through efforts like:

  • Temporary Construction
  • Debris Removal
  • Water Removal

Mitigating Loss After Fire Damage

Mitigation is among the critical elements of restoration and recovery. These are the earlier actions that our professionals can take to begin fact-finding about the damage for insurance claims purposes and removing glaring issues that could make the restoration process unsafe for our team or slower to complete. Some of these focal points include:

  • Content Relocation
  • Air Quality Improvement
  • Controlled Demolition

Removing Soot Damage

One of the more formidable obstacles to removing fire and smoke damage effects from the property is eliminating soot residues on the surfaces. Partial combustion thrusts soot particles through the air, many of which rest on horizontal surfaces. Depending on the damage condition, from wet and dry smoke to furnace puff backs, the strategy of surface cleaning changes. We rely on alkaline cleaners, solvents, detergents, and other products to clear the outermost layers of affected items from soot. More aggressive measures like media blasting are also needed when the damage extends beyond the surface.

Addressing Fire Damage Malodors

Another one of the primary objectives of complete fire restoration and recovery is the removal and neutralization of malodors in the house. Not only must our professionals manage overwhelming open-air smells, but they must also deal with trapped scents in porous materials and imaginary odors (phantosmia.) Each of these requires a unique strategy, but SERVPRO can remove the actual smells with a combination of fogging, UV cleaning, and ozone.

Fire Damage Repairs Needed

Very few fire incidents do not require some type of repair, so this is the fifth and often final focus of the restoration process. Our team can resolve structural concerns and provide temporary construction, controlled demolition, and other build-back services with a general contractor license. If requested, we can even utilize the bare conditions after demolition to provide remodeling and renovation services as the assemblies get reconstructed.

When contending with Lynn fire damage threats, it is imperative to have a team of professionals capable of helping you from start to finish. Our SERVPRO of Lynn / Lynnfield team combines experienced FSRT-Certified technicians and experienced general contractors to provide a full-service solution for post-fire recovery. Call us after a fire at (781) 593-6663.

Providing Efficient Restoration for Lynn Water Damage

8/5/2022 (Permalink)

tech vacuuming water from kitchen floor SERVPRO techs have the equipment for rapid water damage mitigation in Lynn.

Several Steps for Water Damage Recovery in Lynn

Cleaning up after water disasters is often more complex than homeowners realize. Despite the desire to perform DIY restoration, property owners do not have the sophisticated tools and the restoration experience to manage the full scope of the work necessary.

Rapid responses are critical because Lynn water damage scenarios can quickly spread and impact new portions of households and businesses. As the largest unit of our restoration team, we have WRT-Certified technicians ready to mobilize with our Green Fleet of vehicles shortly after the first notice of loss (FNOL). Mitigative priorities include:

  • Water Removal Services – Standing surface water must be removed promptly to prevent further saturation and absorption into sensitive building materials. 
  • Controlled Demolition – Sagging drywall and bulk materials must be removed.
  • Content Management – SERVPRO professionals can relocate contents to a safe place on-site or our warehouse for drying and cleaning.

Extraction for Water Damage

Because water removal services are vital to the mitigation process, customers need to recognize the tools involved. Our team utilizes a combination of pumps and vacuums to extract and discharge standing water from the residence.

The Tools of Effective Drying

Drying is the essential element of every water restoration project. Water damage must be resolved on surfaces and trapped in building materials, and our drying equipment provides the most efficient path to achieve this. Some of our most heavily used machines and instruments include:

  • Air Movers – High-velocity blowers that push warm, dry air against damp surfaces. 
  • Drying Mats – Using drying mats pulls moisture to the outermost surface layer of wood plank flooring using capillary suction.
  • Heaters – Increasing the temperature allows drying and cleaning strategies to happen faster. 
  • Dehumidifiers –  to pull moisture out of the environment after evaporation. 

Surface Cleaning Strategies

After drying up most of the damage, residues and soils are still a threat to the exposed materials. This residual damage is especially true after conditions like flooding. Some of the most heavily soiled and damaged elements in the house are carpeted floors. We use bonnet cleaning and potent cleaning products along with it to restore the colorfastness of these fibrous floors and prevent permanent staining or discoloration.

Mold Prevention Approaches

Where there is water, there is a possibility for mold growth. Damp surfaces and conditions in areas of the house that persist for more than a couple of days have likely been exposed to residential mold spores. With naturally occurring microorganisms in every environment, mold colonization is only waiting for the appropriate conditions to facilitate a colony. We treat surfaces in the area with inhibiting products and work to keep the work areas below the humidity thresholds (about 55-60%) to support mold organisms.

Are Water Damage Repairs Needed?

While many do not always consider the structural damage that water disasters can cause, this is one of the focal points of the full-service solutions our SERVPRO team provides. We understand that there are likely vulnerabilities that exist after prolonged moisture damage, including the needed repairs to elements like the plumbing system, if still a problem. We carefully determine the extent of build-back services necessary after restoration and begin implementing these actions as soon as possible to save customers time and money.

Lynn water damage incidents make up the bulk of our service calls, so it is a situation that we must always be prepared to face. We prioritize keeping drying equipment and extractors stocked on our Green Fleet vehicles for a fast mobilization when disasters strike. Give our SERVPRO of Lynn / Lynnfield team a call when you need us at (781) 593-6663.

Remediating and Restoring Lynn Mold Damage

8/5/2022 (Permalink)

opened wall showing mold damage When mold remediation and build back are needed for your Lynn area home, call SERVPRO.

Is Mold Damage Common for Lynn Homes

Damaging weather systems of snow and rain combined with frequent humid conditions make the Greater Lynn area susceptible to threats. Many homeowners have likely experienced mold in their property’s lifetime, especially in lower levels like cellars and basements. While mold can form in just about any area, it is mostly seen in:

  • Attics
  • Basements
  • Kitchens
  • Crawlspaces
  • Bathrooms

Experienced remediators get dispatched to help with Lynn mold damage when these problems arise. Through combined efforts of mold removal and the cutting-edge equipment and products used to combat these disasters, our SERVPRO team can rapidly manage the cleanup, restoration, and remediation of active colonization.

What Makes Mold Threatening?

Part of the reason mold is underestimated and overlooked as a threat to the property is that many do not fully appreciate potential damage to the residence. Mold development is a threat to the structural integrity of the hosting materials and could continue to worsen the longer conditions go unchallenged.

Containing the Work Area

Our professionals can take early actions to help after mold and microbial threats by erecting containment barriers. By combining polyethylene sheeting, tension poles, wooden framework, and other components, we can successfully eliminate pathways of spores to new areas. We also cover HVAC returns and vents, keeping the ductwork from becoming a new passage for spore activity.

Mold Remediation Approaches

There is no universal remediation approach, so the same methods do not work in every household experiencing mold development. The preferred and least invasive option is our surface cleaning solution using antimicrobial products in our inventory to neutralize or eliminate mold activity on the surface of hosting materials. This option only affects the outermost layer, however. More abrasive cleaning might be necessary in many cases, involving mechanical actions like sanding or soda blasting. It is only when there is no suitable solution that options like controlled demolition are considered.

Overcoming Moisture Threats

The same general contractor license that gets used to implement the needed controlled demolition benefits other areas of the remediation process. Because prolonged moisture exposure is the primary contributor to mold development, it is essential to take the necessary time to implement strategies to prevent recurrences. For warding off future mold damage, our SERVPRO team

  • Resolves plumbing leaks
  • Repairs to structural damage
  • Seals openings
  • Installs proper ventilation

Lingering Odors After Mold Damage

One of the more challenging aspects of remediation for our professionals is addressing odors that result from spreading colonies. Volatile organic compounds are produced by active organisms, creating musty odors that overwhelm the immediate area. In most cases, this same strong smell can help initially identify problems in your home, even if you cannot see them. Our SERVPRO IICRC-certified AMRT technicians have multiple deodorization practices to help neutralize odor compounds, like foggers and hydroxyl generators.

Are Mold Damage Repairs Necessary?

It is difficult to experience mold development in a home or business that does not require some repairs. Fungal activity may be enough to require controlled demolition, but there is the added focus on the vulnerabilities that allow moisture to persist. With this repair capability in our ranks, you do not have to wait to complete the full remediation processes and return to normal living conditions.

Lynn mold damage can impact many separate areas, making it important to have a thorough and complete evaluation when remediation first begins. Our SERVPRO of Lynn / Lynnfield team is ready to respond fast with skilled professionals, state-of-the-art equipment, and potent antimicrobial products to help. Call us now at (781) 593-6663.

Cleaning Up Fire Damage to Lynn Office Buildings

8/4/2022 (Permalink)

Power Plug Fire Contact SERVPRO to effectively tackle the fire damage in your property. Call now!

Reaching Pre-Fire Damage Condition

After a fire, damages can widely impact your office building. Mitigation must begin immediately to start returning the property to preloss condition. Early inspections can help steer needed recovery work. 

Job Scoping Helps Focus Restoration

SERVPRO must restore fire damage in Lynn offices quickly. Job scoping inspections use several inputs to create a complete restoration plan:

  • Customer Input: The best way to return to original conditions is by understanding the state of the office before the incident. Property management can help.
  • Visible and Trackable Damage: Tracking the migration of fire losses shows where restoration is needed now and where it will be required soon.
  • Damaged Contents: Inspections determine how damaged contents, furniture, and other objects in the office have become.

What Are Pre-Damaged Conditions?

The term pre-damaged condition refers to the condition of the office before the fire. A common misconception is that restoration is intended to improve the overall shape of this impacted property beyond its original state, but this could be costlier and more challenging for the business beyond what is necessary.

Cleaning and Restoring Damaged Surfaces

Soot and smoke solids are a common byproduct of combustion, impacting many surfaces and contents throughout the office. From desks and shelves to heaps of debris on the carpeted flooring, restoring damaged surfaces is one of the direct measures to recover the property. We have several cleaning agents to help trap soils and allow for effective wet wipe cleaning.

Completing Structural Repair

The preloss condition can also mean repairing portions of the structure compromised by the fire. Combustion can completely engulf certain building materials, especially thin wall assemblies of the office. After cleaning up the debris and bulk materials, SERVPRO will replace these drywall panels and other construction elements. 

The objective of fire restoration and cleanup for your office building is to return the structure to preloss condition. Our SERVPRO of Lynn / Lynnfield professionals can start this work as soon as we arrive. Call now at (781) 593-6663.

Eliminating Moisture Content During Lynn Shop Water Restoration

8/4/2022 (Permalink)

Moisture Reader Call your local professionals at SERVPRO of Lynn / Lynnfield to ensure your home is dry and sanitary.

Water Restoration Includes Humidity Management

The water restoration and recovery processes involve many approaches and focus, especially in more significant commercial properties like small businesses and shops throughout the city. As helpful as the process of removing moisture content from the environment can be, we must also prioritize other mitigative strategies first, such as:

  • Structural Repair
  • Drying
  • Cleaning
  • Content Recovery

The Impact of a Humidity Ratio

Moisture content in the environment, or humidity as it is more commonly known, can significantly influence water restoration for Lynn shops. Overcoming this threat to the property begins with understanding the current moisture concerns against the dryness in the same environment. This measure of moisture grains in the atmosphere and work areas against the dryness of the room is known as the humidity ratio. 

What is Relative Humidity?

A related term and consideration of the responding SERVPRO professionals working to eliminate moisture and water concerns in your shop is the relative humidity of the work areas. This RH is the capacity for moisture in a particular environment. This is measured as a percentage and calculates when the air in the room has become too saturated to allow drying to continue. Warmer temperatures can increase relative humidity and allow connected drying to continue.  

How Can SERVPRO Lower Humidity?

The management of environmental moisture must be a priority of SERVPRO professionals when drying gets underway. The placement and frequency of desiccant and refrigerant dehumidifiers can be critical in trapping humidity and collecting water grains in the air for discarding. Multiple dehumidifiers can operate simultaneously, which might be necessary depending on the air movers' volume. 

Humidity is one of the more challenging aspects to regulate during water restoration and post-disaster cleanup of shops. As a Large Loss recovery team, SERVPRO of Lynn / Lynnfield has hundreds of drying tools and dehumidifiers to manage these persistent concerns. Give us a call now at (781) 593-6663.

Safety Concerns with Flood Damage to East Lynn Basements

8/4/2022 (Permalink)

basement equipment Having an issue with flood damage in your East Lynn home. Call SERVPRO for the help you need.

Cleaning Flood Damage with Safety Hazards

Despite being a fast responder to emergencies, careful considerations must be made into the kind of environment SERVPRO professionals are entering when restoring flood-damaged basements in East Lynn. Some of the safety concerns for our professionals can include: 

  • Structural weakness
  • Shock hazards
  • Infestation
  • Contamination and 
  • Standing water

Damage to the House

Structural flood damage can be among the most destructive and compromising. The infiltration point for floodwater is one of these vulnerabilities, but excessive water exposure can also cause other building materials to collapse or sag. 

Shock Hazards

Pooling water is an excellent conductor of electricity. In your finished basement, there are likely many outlets connected to the main power supply of the residence. Until the power is severed, SERVPRO professionals must often consider the likelihood of shock hazards. 

The Possibility of Contamination

Contamination is also one of the pressing hazards in your flooded basement. Intruding water must get treated as a biohazard, making porous materials and contents in the damage path unsalvageable in most cases. We work quickly to get items out of harm's way and protect building materials through containment measures however possible. We use powerful disinfection cleaners and sanitizing agents to overcome bacterial and microbial threats. 

Pooling Water and Mold Effects

Standing water is also a concern for restoration professionals, especially when considering debris and infestations that could result. Only certain extraction tools, including trash pumps and truck-mounted extractors, can be used when solids are in the standing water. Secondary effects like mold growth are likely without quickly resolving water removal needs. 

After this disaster, several safety hazards from flood damage exist in your home's basement. Even if the water flow is stopped, our professionals must overcome several pressing concerns to help make it "Like it never even happened." Give our SERVPRO of Lynn / Lynnfield team a call today at (781) 593-6663.

Destructive Storms can Leave East Lynn Homes with Flood Damage

7/5/2022 (Permalink)

SERVPRO lets connect sign Storm damage restoration services by SERVPRO are second to none. We are ready at a moment's notice.

Act Fast to Lessen Flood Damage to East Lynn Homes

Storms that pass through East Lynn can easily cause flood damage to parts of your residence. Even if your neighborhood does not flood, lower levels of your property can find themselves underwater.

We act fast to decrease the severity of flood damage homes in East Lynn sustains. Letting water from flooding recede on its own can let microbes and other problems begin in earnest. Mold and mildew can grow as soon as 24 hours after cellulose-containing materials become wet. Flooding allowed to remain inside your home can also cause:

  • Odors from microbial activity,
  • Destroyed flooring, and
  • Drastically elevated humidity.

Bad odors after flooding are expected. SERVPRO pumps water out when it is more than a few inches deep with a submersible pump. Lower levels can still cause aromas to develop, so we use handheld units to extract the water and make it so we can rinse hard surfaces with clean water and use disinfecting sprays. Desiccant machines also help make the home arider, decreasing the number of microbes.

Flooring of all types can succumb to flood damage. Wood rapidly warps, carpeting and padding retain contamination, and tiles can come loose and unglued. Our construction team can start working on these as soon as possible. While carpeting and padding cannot be saved due to contamination, we can salvage wood flooring and tile. Salvaging these materials helps us restore your home “Like it never even happened.”

Average, comfortable humidity inside your home makes the air easy to breathe. Reduced humidity also helps your home’s heating and cooling work with normal efforts. Extracting water is the first step toward correcting the humidity level.

Quick action is only possible when homeowners call us as soon as a problem arises. Flooding might affect only certain areas in your neighborhood. You need to take action quickly if you see rising water inside your home during a storm.

SERVPRO of Lynn / Lynnfield is always ready to send mitigation crews to your home. Call us at (781) 214-3705 for emergency services to protect your property.

Why SERVPRO Finishes Fire Restoration of Lynn Area Homes Faster

7/5/2022 (Permalink)

SERVPRO soot removal sign Fire damage restoration is no easy task. SERVPRO techs have you covered from start too finish. Call now!

Teamwork Boosts SERVPRO's Fire Restoration

When a home in Lynn burns, firefighters, work together to put the fire out as quickly as possible. They use teamwork, practice, and experienced, to extinguish the flames and regain control of the damaged areas. SERVPRO carries out fire restoration in a very similar way, using teamwork.

Relying on each other's strengths, SERVPRO's technicians work methodically, performing fire restoration tasks inside Lynn area residences. Each aspect of fire damage requires a specialized response:

  • Burnt materials and possessions,
  • Soot that formed from incomplete combustion of materials,
  • Elevated water in solid materials and moisture in the air, and odor.

Fire destroys a lot of what it touches. SERVPRO's crew takes an inventory of these items and then bags them. Then the team can carry them outside your home so your family can get a fresh start.

Smoke from burning walls, carpets, and anything else happens because some of these items disintegrate as they burn, and the heat carries these tiny pieces of wood, plastic, cloth, and so on into the air. We call this soot. It is greasy or dry, powdery or thick and clingy, depending on its source. We use special equipment to strip it from the surfaces throughout your house.

Fighting fire requires hundreds of gallons of water. When cold water hits hot, burning things, the steam goes everywhere. Moisture in this form travels far and wide, leaving areas of your home that do not require fire restoration in need of mold remediation and water mitigation. We handle both of these issues, starting with preventative measures.

Odor and strong, unpleasant smells come from burned plastics, soot, stagnant water, or a combination of those things. Much of the other work diminishes odor related to fire and smoke, but most homeowners continue to experience foul scents. We use thermal fogging, which is extremely effective at getting into the same places harboring soot particles. Without deconstructing these areas, we would never get to the hidden soot otherwise.

After a fire, call SERVPRO of Lynn / Lynnfield at (781) 214-3705 for fast, professional fire restoration work.

Why SERVPRO Uses Dry Ice for Mold Removal in Lynn Area Residences

7/5/2022 (Permalink)

SERVPRO Open windows for fresh air sign SERVPRO mold removal specialists use the latest technology and equipment for every service. We are here to help.

Lynn Trusts SERVPRO for Mold Removal Services

Our expert mold removal technicians protect Lynn area homes with different highly effective methods. Dry ice pellets evaporate quickly into an easily dissipated gas. Because these pellets’ freezing temperatures kill microbes, releasing spores becomes impossible, creating a more thorough process.

When homeowners in Lynn need mold removal services, SERVPRO uses the most effective methods. We can only use dry ice pellets on unpainted wood, concrete, or brick because abrading these cause no damage like it would on finished or painted surfaces. Our team can clean glass, metal, tile, and other smooth surfaces with sponges instead.

Blasting with dry ice pellets results in an accumulation of dust made of dead mold. This dust is easily vacuumed and removed from the area. Here are some points of interest that can give you some information about dry ice blasting:

  • Leaves wood looking like new and cleans other hard materials like concrete and brick,
  • Requires personal protective equipment (PPE) for our mold removal technicians, and
  • Perfect for smaller areas, like closets, attic enclosures, or under cabinets.
  • Process does not introduce additional moisture

We enclose the affected area with plastic sheeting for large areas, like your great room or adjoining walls in your sunroom. Plastic sheeting can form a negative pressure system, helping to keep unaffected areas from getting dirty. The dead mold falls to the floor while the dry ice pellets evaporate into the air.

When we finish the work, we check for the moisture’s source. The repairs can also be done prior to the remediation service–depending on the circumstances. The problem could be with the house’s envelope, a water line leak, an appliance, or another issue. Our construction team can help resolve any deficits, which helps ensure that the environment becomes uninhabitable for any future microbes.

SERVPRO of Lynn / Lynnfield has highly trained experts in mold removal ready to help defend your home and clean everything, so you can relax and no longer worry about the damage microbes can cause. Call us at (781) 214-3705, 24/7, year-round.

Water Mitigation Minimizes Damage in Lynn - Call SERVPRO

6/2/2022 (Permalink)

SERVPRO here to help sign Water mitigation services in Lynn is a job for SERVPRO. Our IICRC certified technicians have all the experience needed for your home.

SERVPRO Applies Water Mitigation Techniques to Reduce Water Damage in Lynn

Water leaks in Lynn can cause lots of damage to the immediate area of the leak. Failure to stop the leak and remove the water as quickly as possible can cause permanent damage to many materials as they absorb water and moisture, swell and lose their structural integrity. Hardwood flooring, drywall, and cupboards made from particleboard are examples of materials that absorb moisture.

SERVPRO provides water mitigation services in Lynn and the surrounding areas. In less than four hours from your call, we believe in a fast response to manage the water damage and mitigate further damage to various building materials. We also know our clients are concerned about their homes and want someone onsite as quickly as possible to deal with the water damage.

Removing water from flooring materials and lowering the humidity level reduces the chance of secondary damage. For example, water seeps between the hardwood floor planks and, if not removed, causes the hardwood planks to warp and buckle as they absorb moisture. SERVPRO utilizes floor mats to withdraw water from the floor. We also deploy high-capacity air movers and dehumidifiers to reduce humidity levels in the home. Clients are also encouraged to activate their AC systems to reduce humidity levels.

Water mitigation is a primary service we offer to our clients to reduce the secondary damage to fabrics and porous materials. Our building services team can also assist with any water damage repairs required. Don’t hesitate to call us for assistance removing water and reducing humidity levels after a water leak. Services offered by SERVPRO include:

Call the water mitigation specialists from SERVPRO of Lynn / Lynnfield and nearby areas for assistance. We can help 24/7. Call (781) 593-6663.

Need Water Restoration in East Lynn – Call SERVPRO

6/2/2022 (Permalink)

over flowing toilet East Lynn homes with water damage restoration need the help of SERVPRO. We are ready 24/7 365 days a year.

SERVPRO Provides Water Restoration and Repairs in East Lynn

Water leaks in East Lynn often cause a great deal of damage to walls and flooring. A leak from a pipe inside a wall may go unnoticed before water is observed. Perhaps the carpet in the leak area is wet, or the drywall feels soft and spongy to the touch. Undetected water leaks can cause a great deal of damage if allowed to continue before taking action to find and repair the leaking pipe.

SERVPRO provides water restoration in East Lynn associated with plumbing leaks, sink or tub overflows, leaks from AC units, and many more situations involving water leaking into your home. We can help locate the source of the leak, and our building services team can assist with repairs to the plumbing system and the removal of wet drywall, flooring, or cupboards that the water has damaged.

Once the leak is corrected, we use weighted water extractors to remove water from carpets and under padding. Hardwood floor drying mats are used on hardwood floors to remove water from between the hardwood planks to prevent absorption, swelling, and buckling. Water detectors help us find pockets of water that may exist inside walls or under cupboards. We use suction wands to access the space and remove the water.

Our air movers blow dry air over the space to absorb moisture, and our high-capacity dehumidifiers reduce the humidity in your home to normal levels drying your flooring materials. Building services can assist with new carpeting or drywall repairs if needed. SERVPRO provides the following services to our clients in East Lynn:

  • Water clean up
  • Water damage remediation
  • Water damage repairs

Call the water restoration specialists from SERVPRO of Lynn / Lynnfield and nearby areas for assistance. We can help 24/7. Call (781) 593-6663.

SERVPRO Provides Mold Removal and Inspection Services in Lynn

6/2/2022 (Permalink)

mold damage on wall Mold removal in Lynn is no DIY project. SERVPRO techs have the training and equipment for every job.

Need Mold Inspection and Mold Removal Services in Lynn – Call SERVPRO

Many residents of Lynn do not realize they have an issue with mold until they notice a strong, musty odor emanating from specific areas of their homes. Often, there is a water leak, moisture from AC units, or high humidity levels with little air circulation and warm conditions creating perfect conditions for mold growth. A mold infestation can quickly grow into a full-scale colony that continues growing until mold remediation efforts are followed.

SERVPRO provides mold inspection and mold removal services to Lynn and surrounding area residents. Residents should take action as soon as they notice a strong, musty odor or observe mold forming on their homes' walls, floors, or ceilings. Our mold inspection team evaluates the affected area, and we are obligated to follow local and state laws regarding documentation and removal protocols for larger infestations.

Mold spores are everywhere, just waiting for the right conditions to germinate. Combine moisture, warmth, and a food source, and suddenly you have a mold infestation that looks unsightly, smells bad, and can cause structural issues if left in place long enough. Drywall, fabrics, and even the two-by-fours inside your walls can be compromised.

SERVPRO mold removal technicians use controlled demolition techniques and negative pressure rooms, and we bag debris in place before removing mold-infested materials from your home for disposal. We follow these removal protocols to prevent the spread of mold spores to additional areas of your home.

SERVPRO offers the following services to our clients dealing with mold issues:

  • Mold inspection and advice on the proper removal process
  • Mold removal following state-mandated guidelines
  • Mold remediation and repair of damaged areas

Call the mold removal specialists from SERVPRO of Lynn / Lynnfield and nearby areas for assistance. We can help 24/7. Call (781) 593-6663.

Cleanup Actions Facilitating Fire Damage Restoration in East Lynn

5/22/2022 (Permalink)

SERVPRO fire damage before and after photo SERVPRO fire cleanup technicians are ready at a moment's notice for the help you need. 24/7 365 days a year.

SERVPRO Emphasizes Variety during East Lynn Fire Cleanup

Soiling and other changes that develop in a house are readily identifiable. What might not be sure is how to address them, restoring your East Lynn property to its preloss state. Luckily, there are many cleaning methods that you can rely on to facilitate fire damage restoration. It is easier to explore such ways with the help of a professional team.

The effectiveness of the cleaning methods used during fire restoration in East Lynn homes depends on how vast the affected areas are or the intensity of soiling. The materials in the affected areas also play a role since some are highly vulnerable to moisture exposure, so methods that involve the use of liquids may do more harm than good. SERVPRO evaluates the soils, underlying materials, and the ingredients of a cleaning product.

Categories of cleaning approaches:

  • Dry cleaning
  • Wet cleaning
  • Abrasive cleaning
  • Specialized methods

Dry cleaning methods do not involve any liquids. However, their effectiveness is limited against severe soils. Our SERVPRO technicians use dry cleaning as a precursor to other methods or where fire damage only involves light or moderate residue accumulation. One typical dry cleaning method is wiping surfaces with chemical sponges. Wet cleaning helps when significant soiling or deeply embedded materials are involved. Wet cleaning mostly takes chemicals that react with soils loosening the bonds they have with surfaces. Wet cleaning products can also lubricate or dissolve the soil facilitating easier removal. 

Removing Soils Physically

Abrasive cleaning may be regarded as a dry cleaning method since it does not involve any wetting of surfaces. However, abrasive cleaning may degrade the surface, making it a last resort where other forms are deemed ineffective.

Various Abrasive Cleaning Methods

SERVPRO of Lynn / Lynnfield provides any resources you might need in facilitating fire restoration at your property. Call us at (781) 593-6663. We’re Faster To Any Size Disaster.

Importance of Deodorization during Fire Restoration of Lynn Homes

5/15/2022 (Permalink)

SERVPRO fire damage here to help sign SERVPRO fire damage restoration specialists are always ready to help anyone at anytime. We will be on-site within 4 hours of the initial call.

SERVPRO Mitigates Odors to Manage Fire Damage in Lynn

Odors are common after fire incidents. Although smells are invisible, they make it uncomfortable to stay inside a house, especially over extended periods. It is easy to ignore odors during fire restoration since they are expected to dissipate on their own over time. However, your Lynn home may require elaborate deodorization to restore its preloss conditions.

Before thinking of deodorization, it is essential to ensure the other fire restoration processes your Lynn property requires are well executed. Odors are highly prevalent when combustion residues, charred materials, moisture, and firefighting chemicals are still within the property. SERVPRO eases the effort to fight odors by cleaning up a property thoroughly before starting odor management processes. We also have a better understanding of odor issues.

Things to note when dealing with fire-related smells:

  • Odors are deeply embedded
  • Odor molecules are volatile 
  • Malodors are vastly spread in a property

Unlike soils and other physical issues, which are mostly restricted at the surface of a material, smells tend to be deeply embedded in materials. Therefore, no matter how thorough, cleaning is not that effective in combating them. When done properly, deodorization works on the surface and penetrates deep into materials neutralizing the embedded molecules. Our SERVPRO teams use methods such as thermal fogging or running activated oxygen generators to combat deeply embedded malodors.

Changes Related to Odors

Unlike other soils which remain static, odors emanate from volatile compounds which continually release the molecules into the air, resupplying the bad smell in the house. Therefore leaving any section unaddressed is not ideal. Unfortunately, some materials such as structural supports or HVAC ducts may be difficult to work on or access. Our SERVPRO technicians apply unique solutions to resolve such situations.

Advanced Deodorization Methods

  • Sealing surfaces
  • Enzyme digesters
  • Activated oxygen

SERVPRO of Lynn / Lynnfield can conduct a thorough fire restoration exercise leaving your home odor-free. You can reach us at (781) 593-6663.

Things to Remove when Flood Damage Affects a Lynn Home

5/4/2022 (Permalink)

storm damaged home Flood damage restoration is no easy task. SERVPRO technicians are IICRC certified and have the experience and training you need.

With SERVPRO, Flood Restoration Is Convent in Lynn

Accumulation of unwanted materials is a common outcome of flooding. Apart from the intruding water, silt, and mud, items inside the house also deteriorate, contributing additional unwanted substances. Removing all these materials is essential to resolve flood damage problems in Lynn homes.

Some materials are more susceptible to the flood damage at your Lynn home than others leading to irreversible changes. The changes could develop from physical deterioration, heavy soiling, or contamination. Several advantages accrue when you involve SERVPRO, including safer and faster removal of unwanted matter.

Contaminated materials needing immediate removal:

  • Flood water
  • Carpets and pads
  • Silt or mud
  • Drywall

Water accumulation is the main issue during a flooding incident, so it is essential to clear it from the property as quickly as possible. Floor materials such as carpets and pads are usually fully saturated, and unfortunately, cleaning them cannot eliminate all traces of contamination. Once floodwaters settle on surfaces, residues like silt and mud separate, so removal must factor in how to address such materials.

Appropriate Removal Procedures

A method can be deemed appropriate in facilitating flood removal if it meets or exceeds certain criteria. SERVPRO technicians have significant work experience, which eases decision-making.

Factors influencing the choice of flood removal methods:

  • Level of thoroughness
  • Possibility of damage to surroundings
  • Safety for the technicians or occupants

Some floor coverings such as carpets and pads are easily peeled off the surface. However, the removal should be procedural to avoid injury or damage to baseboards or trim. Our SERVPRO technicians use pry bars to wedge out the baseboard conveniently. We then unfasten the carpet from the tack strip before unrolling it. Since carpets are considered hazardous material after flooding, cutting them into small pieces helps ease disposal.

There is no reason to remove the entire drywall panels when only a small area is affected. Our SERVPRO crews make flood cuts 2 inches above the visible water line. You can replace the removed pieces and refinish the spot, eliminating the traces of damage "Like it never even happened."

SERVPRO of Lynn / Lynnfield helps remove all deteriorated or hazardous materials from a property. Call us at (781) 593-6663.

Pre-Existing Damage Impacts Fire Restoration in Lynn

4/24/2022 (Permalink)

Chairs on fire SERVPROs IICRC certified technicians have all the fire restoration training needed for every size disaster. Call now!

The Scope of Lynn Fire Restoration Efforts Can Be Increased by Pre-Existing Damage

Before starting fire cleanup and restoration efforts, Lynn area fire remediators check to see if there is pre-existing damage present. Performing this check is crucial because it identifies what your insurance should cover and how issues existing before the blaze might raise the cost of repairs and increase the time necessary to return your home to its preloss condition.

SERVPRO’s fire restoration experts in Lynn are always vigilant in locating and identifying problems your residence might have had prior to the house fire in question. Our fire restoration pre-checks help determine what fire and smoke damage are related to the current event and guide the proceeding house fire clean up and smoke remediation work.

Often, when we test fire-damaged homes, we uncover the following pre-existing issues:

  • Central heating and air conditioning ductwork filled with non-fire-related dust/dirt that has accumulated on its surfaces over many years, which could make cleanup more difficult
  • Smoke residues deposited by forced air heating systems that cover ceilings, walls, and other surfaces throughout your residence and represent an additional remediation issue
  • Cigarette and cigar smoke stains/remnants that have discolored structural elements
  • Dark coronas or outlines left on walls by hot devices like TVs and microwaves
  • Structural damage from termites, dry rot, and other pre-existing issues that necessitate the replacement of elements, increase costs and lengthen restoration times
  • Construction not up to current building or fire codes that needs to be updated

Rest assured that your knowledgeable friends at SERVPRO of Lynn/Lynnfield are usually going to identify all potential fire restoration problems before they begin their remediation work. In doing so, they are likely to save you a lot of time and money. So, whenever you need our help, don’t hesitate to call us at (781) 593-6663.

Water Damage Repair Completes Commercial Remediation in East Lynn

4/17/2022 (Permalink)

SERVPRO water damage cleanup experts Water damage repair services by SERVPRO techs are top-notch. We have the knowledge and experience for every size disaster.

Several Actions May Be Taken to Finish Water Damage Repair at Your East Lynn Shop

Remediating commercial water issues in East Lynn involves water extraction and drying, cleaning measures, deodorization, and fixing or replacing damaged structural elements and contents. All of the steps taken after the water removal process are typically referred to as “water damage repairs.” These repairs can vary and are dependent on your particular situation.

East Lynn water damage repair firms like SERVPRO routinely perform diverse tasks to return local businesses to their normal operations. Our highly-skilled water damage remediation experts first look for the source of your problem, work to repair the burst pipes or ceiling leaks causing it, and then perform their water removal services and water damage repairs. Some of their restoration efforts include:

  • Cleaning up, fixing, and reinstalling water-impacted flooring like carpets, padding, and hardwood segments
  • Installing tack strips and restoring or replacing subflooring materials such as concrete and plywood
  • Washing, refinishing or replacing structural elements and materials like ceilings, walls, framing, baseboard plates, and insulation
  • Remediating damage in basements, crawl spaces, attics, and other storage areas
  • Cleaning, fixing, or replacing HVAC system elements and electrical components, including light fixtures, switches, and outlets
  • Thoroughly washing and deodorizing all interior contents

The ultimate goal of all of these various repairs is to return your facilities to their preloss state as soon as possible so you can resume normal operations quickly.

With all of that said, remember that good water damage repair professionals can resolve even the worst water-related issues in a timely, cost-effective manner. So, if your commercial establishment is ever impacted by a water leak, contact SERVPRO of Lynn/Lynnfield. We are always ready for your call at (781) 593-6663.

Fire Restoration in Lynn Begins with Scoping the Structure

4/6/2022 (Permalink)

SERVPRO smoke and soot cleaning SERVPRO fire restoration services are second to none. We will be on-site within 4 hours of the initial call.

Several Procedures Are Involved in Fire Restoration Scoping in Lynn

An important first step in the fire remediation process is finding out the extent, type, and cleanup requirements of your fire-damaged Lynn home. Knowing this information enables restoration firms to determine what equipment and supplies are necessary to complete the job and the time it might take to finish the work.

SERVPRO, a Lynn fire restoration service, follows all of the generally accepted procedures for properly evaluating residences impacted by fire. Once our technicians arrive on-site, they quickly assess the fire and smoke damage of fire-damaged homes. After they have gained sufficient knowledge of your particular situation, SERVPRO begins its house fire cleanup and fire restoration efforts.

In general, our scoping measures involve:

  • Measuring the dimensions of affected rooms and determining the extent, or impact number and percentage, of materials fouled by the fire-related event
  • Pre-testing all surfaces, exposed and hidden, with a dry cleaning sponge first to see if the dry method can be used to remove discovered residues
  • Then, performing wet cleaning pre-tests on surfaces not responding well to the dry test with a cleaning cloth and a pre-mixed solution of Wall and Surface Cleaner #351 or this cleaner enhanced with Solvent Additive #253 if the residue is greasy
  • Wiping away pre-testing effects so that contrasts between test sites and other areas are eliminated or reduced as much as possible
  • Documenting pre-existing issues on a scope sheet and preventing secondary damage by cleaning acidic residues off of and lubricating expensive metal features like faucets and appliance trims
  • Carefully avoid disturbing hazardous materials, like lead and asbestos, and refer such issues to a qualified abatement contractor 

So, if your home ever needs fire restoration, don’t hesitate to call your helpful neighbors at SERVPRO of Lynn/Lynnfield. Our experts are always ready to assist you at (781) 593-6663.

Mold Damage and the Impact on Your Lynn Property

3/18/2022 (Permalink)

mold damaged door and walls Mold remediation is no easy task. SERVPRO technicians have the training and experience needed for your property. We are ready to help 24/7 365 days.

Why Call SERVPRO in Lynn? We Handle Mold Damage Fast!

As with any home restoration project, there are many moving parts involved when you suspect mold damage in your home. Lynn residents can trust SERVPRO for several reasons, including our IICRC-certifications and ongoing training.

Why not handle mold damage in Lynn on my own? Because DIY leaves you open to secondary damage and the potential health effects of mold on your family and pets in the home. Here at SERVPRO, we are professionals regarding air quality, careful mold cleanup, and handling the root cause of mold infestation.

Again, why SERVPRO? Here are the highlights:

  • Damage assessment and inspection – We carefully inspect your Lynn property for signs of mold using our training and moisture detection tools. Our team understands mold is often hidden from view, so we take the time for careful inspection.
  • Containment is imperative – You never want mold to get dislodged and travel through the air into unaffected rooms of your home. We use containment measures to isolate the damage using negative air pressure and physical barriers.
  • Diligent air filtration – Air filtration is vital for any mold cleanup and restoration project. We have specialized HEPA filtration air scrubber units to pull microscopic mold spores from the air to capture them. Our team also uses vacuums to carefully pull up the mold and keep it from spreading during remediation. 
  • Contents cleaning – Not everything that mold touches is a loss. We address restorable items with meticulous cleaning and sanitizing. This may also include specialized fogging equipment to help us trap foul, musty odors for easier removal.

Depending on how significant the mold infestation is, some materials may need replacement – this includes subfloors, carpeting, drywall, and more. Our trusted contractors will handle reconstruction; we then leave all surfaces cleaned and deodorized – Certified: SERVPRO Cleaned!

Request help online or call SERVPRO of Lynn/Lynnfield at (781) 593-6663. We are available to help any day of the week to handle your mold damage needs!

Lynn Home Water Leaks – Call for Water Damage Repair

3/11/2022 (Permalink)

SERVPRO state of the art sign SERVPRO water damage repair services are top-notch. We use the latest technology and equipment for every disaster. Call now!

SERVPRO Technicians in Lynn Handle Water Damage Repair Work

Water damage occurs due to different causes. Your Lynn property may have old plumbing elements, an appliance could spring a leak, or there may be a break in your supply line. No matter what, you need someone there to handle water removal services. SERVPRO looks at the root cause of the issue, extracting water and repairing the problem so that you are not dealing with more headaches in the future.

If you do not handle water damage repair in Lynn as it happens, you could be in for immense secondary damage. Keep in mind:

  • Moisture may develop within walls, carpeting, carpet pads, subfloor, furnishings, and more.
  • Black mold can develop in as little as 24 to 72 hours after moisture exposure.
  • Given the right conditions (temperature, humidity, etc.), mold can colonize in two weeks or less.

Is Hidden Moisture a Problem?

There are some disasters in the home that cause visible water damage. However, you may be amazed at how often hidden moisture creates costly damage. The best thing to do is remain proactive and inspect various areas for moisture development, such as:

  • Damaged gaskets on appliances such as dishwashers, washing machines, refrigerators, and freezers.
  • Condensate lines from your HVAC system that may cause damage to ceilings or walls.
  • Water heater damage, including tank issues, plumbing damage, or valve problems.
  • Loosened hookups or pinholes on supply lines connecting to any water-based appliances throughout the home.

No matter the source of the damage, SERVPRO is there with repair solutions and restoration efforts to make everything good as new again. Using controlled demolition with trusted contractors, we make your property “Like it never even happened.”

Why trust your restorations to anyone but the best? SERVPRO of Lynn/Lynnfield is available 24/7 by dialing (781) 593-6663 – or requesting water damage repair help online!

24/7 Fire Damage Restoration for Residents in East Lynn

3/3/2022 (Permalink)

SERVPRO logo Fire damage restoration services by SERVPRO are second to none. Call now for fast and immediate service for your home.

SERVPRO is Trusted in East Lynn for Fire Damage Restoration

Nothing causes panic more than a fire in your East Lynn home, which is why you need someone there to take up the burden of cleaning and restoration. SERVPRO makes it “Like it never even happened,” so you can return to life as usual without lingering reminders that a fire emergency took place.

At SERVPRO, we believe that fire damage restoration in East Lynn deserves a customized approach. We are locally-owned and operated, so we care about our local community. We want to see all customers get their life and home back in order after any restoration emergency.

Our IICRC-certified technicians have you covered for house fire cleanup:

Never let a fire damage situation get out of control. We have the techniques and training to restore your property to pre-fire condition.

  • Smoke remediation and soot cleaning – Soot and smoke residue settle on contents and surface areas throughout the home. We use specialized cleaning methods and techniques to handle wet, dry, or sticky residues – addressing damage and foul odors. 
  • Odor control – As mentioned, stubborn odors are commonplace with any fire situation. Combustion often leaves noxious, harsh odors that pose challenges only our Odor Control Technicians (OCT) know how to handle. We begin surface cleaning while fire debris gets removed. Our crew also has access to various tools and equipment like hydroxyl generators, powerful HEPA filtration, and odor counteracting beads to get the job done right the first time.

There are plenty of reasons to choose SERVPRO after a fire on your property. Not only are we quick to arrive, but you can also look to us for guidance and explanations throughout the cleanup and restoration. When necessary, we act as a liaison with your insurance provider to ensure your claim goes smoothly. 

Restore versus replace with the help of SERVPRO of Lynn/Lynnfield! Call us 24/7 for emergency service at (781) 593-6663.

Can Lynn Water Restoration for Kitchen Sink Leaks Save Cabinets?

2/18/2022 (Permalink)

female catching water leak under a sink SERVPRO can salvage most water damaged kitchen base cabinets in Lynn, "Like it never even happened."

SERVPRO Water Restoration Techs Take Care to Restore Water-Damaged Cabinetry in Lynn

Kitchen water restoration needs for Lynn homeowners can vary based on the scale of the disaster that caused the moisture exposure. Fast action is needed to minimize potential damages and microbial growth, regardless of whether a small leak saturates the bottom panel of an under-sink cabinet, or a burst pipe pours copious amounts of water all over the underlayment, other assemblies, and the flooring.

SERVPRO water restoration services save Lynn home fixtures after any size disaster with the help of cutting-edge technologies and EPA-registered fungicides. This crew can return the property to a pre-disaster condition while preserving as much of the original structure and contents as is feasible.

Drying Under-Sink Cabinets After Water Damage Occurs

SERVPRO technicians have several strategies available for cabinet cleanup and drying depending on the construction and placement of under-sink cabinets and the amount of damage present.

  • Cabinets without backs can prove much easier to dry, especially when located on interior walls, where techs can make small holes on the opposite side of the wall to dry them from the back
  • Drying underneath a wet cabinet typically entails removing any base molding present so technicians can easily access the toe-kick. SERVPRO technicians can then drill small holes into the bottom of the cabinet for maximum ventilation underneath
  • SERVPRO professionals can use back-mounted extraction units for thorough water removal from nooks and crannies and treat affected areas with EPA-approved biocides
  • When the cabinet is ready for drying, techs can combine containment measures like polyethylene sheeting with vent systems to force air into hard-to-reach cavities for accelerated drying

Homeowners seeking “Like it never even happened” quality service for their fixtures can contact the SERVPRO of Lynn / Lynnfield crew at (781) 593-6663.

Why Remove Lynn Bedroom Floodwater Damage with Fast-Acting Service?

2/11/2022 (Permalink)

flooded park bench Lynn area flood damage cleanup and restoration for SERVPRO is a "Walk in the Park," we make it "Like it never even happened."

SERVPRO Floodwater Damage Mitigation Returns Lynn Homes to a Safe, Pre-Loss State

Floodwater can cause extensive damage in a Lynn home, particularly carpets, mattresses, upholstery, and other bedroom furnishings. While many items, such as drapes and clothing, can often be salvaged and sanitized after black water exposure, mattresses and carpeting are lost due to the inability to guarantee a completely safe restoration after flood exposure.

SERVPRO floodwater damage technicians preserve Lynn residences with emergency-response, 24/7 services that focus on restoration over replacement where possible. Home floods can be distressing for homeowners to endure, and technicians minimize distress with comprehensive cleanup and rebuilding services.

Preparing Flood-Damaged Bedrooms for Structural Drying with Extraction and Sanitation

SERVPRO flood technicians perform several restoration tasks to salvage bedrooms and surrounding structural materials and contents in Lynn properties.

  • Some items, such as carpeting, wet sheetrock, and mattresses, require removal after a flood. Disposal of unsafe or unsalvageable contents is performed after coordinating with homeowners and insurers. Carpet and flooring removal allows technicians to prepare subflooring for drying
  • Other contents that may require off-site cleanup can be moved to a SERVPRO-approved warehouse for cleaning, drying, and restoration. These items can include furniture, electronics, jewelry, keepsakes, and even books or documents
  • In the event of large-scale flooding, SERVPRO technicians can spray down surfaces with EPA-registered biocides before extraction begins in earnest to mitigate the spread of mold and bacterial contamination throughout the property
  • After extraction and sanitation, flood technicians can remove odors with equipment like hydroxyl generators, which use ultraviolet radiation comparable to sunlight to eliminate odor-causing bacteria

After technicians implement adequate floodwater removal, the bedroom is ready for structural drying with air movers and dehumidification units.

We’re Faster To Any Size Disaster and prepared to prove it. Call (781) 593-6663 for emergency-response services from SERVPRO of Lynn / Lynnfield.

Why Hire Trained Certified Pros for East Lynn Fire Damage Restoration

2/1/2022 (Permalink)

iicrc logo SERVPRO has in-house trained FSRT fire and smoke damage technicians following the guidelines of the IICRC--Why East Lynn Homeowners trust us!

SERVPRO Fire Damage Restoration Training Prepares East Lynn Technicians for Cleanup

DIY fire damage restoration may strike East Lynn homeowners as the more cost-effective solution after a small home fire occurs. However, soot and smoke damage can affect more than surface-level char and soot might indicate, impacting food storage, appliances, electrical components, fibers, and metals in the affected area.

SERVPRO fire damage restoration professionals provide East Lynn property owners with 24/7 service that returns structures and contents to a pre-disaster condition. SERVPRO equipment also handles water damage from fire suppression, protein residues from cooking fires, and heavy char on wood furniture and fixtures.

Highly Trained SERVPRO Professionals Meet Restoration Industry Standards

SERVPRO’s rigorous training programs keep technicians, staff, and franchise owners well-versed in current restoration industry best practices and how to implement them. Technicians and staff and staff are encouraged to pursue further certifications to increase their knowledge base at their own pace.

  • SERVPRO’s Institute of Inspection, Cleaning and Restoration Certification (IICRC)-based training covers topics including fire and water damage cleanup, mold remediation, and cleaning upholstery and carpeting. One certification is FSRT—fire and smoke restoration.
  • Employee Certification Training provides new SERVPRO employees with the knowledge and certification necessary to implement SERVPRO restoration strategies
  • Self-paced e-Learning modules allow restoration technicians and staff to further their understanding of mitigation services and pave the way for earning additional certifications
  • New franchise owners experience a hands-on, 15-day SERVPRO Corporate Training Facility program that covers fire, water, and mold remediation as well as carpet and upholstery cleaning
  • Continuing education courses with credit and noncredit options are available for SERVPRO staff and professionals in real estate, insurance, and other industries

Property owners can call (781) 593-6663 for “Like it never even happened” mitigation services from SERVPRO of Lynn / Lynnfield.

What Are the Options After Water Damage Affects Lynn Business Premises?

1/23/2022 (Permalink)

SERVPRO at the Toyota Dealership SERVPRO commercial damage restoration team has the manpower and equipment. We will work around your schedule.

SERVPRO Provides Professional Opinion That Can Guide Your Water Restoration Efforts

Sitting idly after water intrudes into your workplace is not a viable option. Whether you are overwhelmed or confused by the intensity of the intruding water, taking decisive steps is the only solution for you to take back control. Many commercial establishments are driven out of business by water damage incidents due to lackluster responses.

When planning a response to water damage at your Lynn premises, you need to explore different ways to address the incident. SERVPRO considers the convenience of a restoration approach and its effectiveness in controlling the damages.

Some common water restoration approaches for businesses include:

  • Closing the facility for restoration
  • Isolating affected areas to keep operating
  • Renovating during off-hours

Halting all operations to address water intrusion creates sufficient access for restoration tasks such as water extraction or cleaning and enough space to place crucial equipment like dehumidifiers and air movers. However, it disrupts all operations, and if the process is not concluded in good time, your business might not recover from the extended closure.

Depending on when the intrusion occurs, it might be possible to time the closure for restoration during off-hours when your facility is normally closed. You need help from a flexible service provider like SERVPRO since our teams work at any hours, including at night or during holidays whenever the need arises. Such timing ensures you get the advantages of full closure without inconveniencing your staff or clients.

Doing restoration while the facility is still open is also possible and advantageous. Isolating the affected areas from the rest of the structure is essential for such restoration. 

Isolating water damaged areas of a property takes:

  • Waterproof material such as 6-mil plastic sheets
  • Sturdy support materials such as spring-loaded metal bars
  • Warning signs such as wet floor signs

SERVPRO of Lynn / Lynnfield has the technical skills and experience to determine the best approach for water damage management. You can reach us at (781) 593-6663. We're Faster To Any Size Disaster.

Which Fire Damage Aspects Do Lynn Homeowners Underestimate?

1/17/2022 (Permalink)

fireman in kitchen fire When a fire strikes your home, SERVPRO fire damage restoration techs should be your first call. We are ready 24/7 365 days a year.

SERVPRO Helps Evaluate the Impact of Issues Like Smoke in Your Lynn Residence

Of the many damages caused by fires in properties, one may not expect smoke to have severe effects or require costly restoration because, unlike heat and flames, it does not consume materials. Therefore it is easy to underestimate the restoration work needed for your Lynn home to regain its preloss state.

Smoke is a significant aspect of fire damage that leaves Lynn properties in a worse state. Smoke readily spreads to most house sections, unlike the other fire elements like heat and flames, which progress systemically and are contained when extinguished. SERVPRO provides highly technicians to help resolve smoke damages.

Addressing smoke damage involves activities like:

  • Deodorizing furniture
  • Cleaning porous and hard surfaces
  • Replacing wallpaper and insulation
  • Inspecting appliances 

Smoke is made up of particulate matter, aerosols, and moisture, among other things. As smoke billows out of the structure through openings like windows, it touches surfaces and items all over the house. The particulate matter and moisture it contains are deposited on the materials. Therefore, every surface and object in a home requires cleaning to remove the smoke residues.

Various cleaning methods are necessary within one property because of:

  • Different types of residue left
  • The different materials affected
  • Condition of the affected materials

One broad classification of smoke residues is whether they are dry or wet. Wet residues are difficult to clean since they adhere strongly to surfaces. They are produced by shouldering fires or when synthetic materials such as plastics burn. SERVPRO restoration technicians help by evaluating the type of residues to determine cleanability and then using advanced cleaning techniques to tackle stubborn soils.

Smoke odor is another significant category of damage. Odor is significantly harder to manage in furniture items. However, our SERVPRO technicians use powerful solutions such as thermal fogging, which can reach all nooks and crannies, neutralizing all odors.

SERVPRO of Lynn / Lynnfield can help take care of any fire damage issue at your property “Like it never even happened.” Call us at (781) 593-6663.

How Do Mold Removal Companies Improve Restoration of East Lynn Homes?

1/6/2022 (Permalink)

SERVPRO logo Mold growth will spread like wild-fire within 24 to 48 hours. SERVPRO mold remediation specialists have the equipment and technique for every size job

SERVPRO Focuses on Understanding Why There Is Mold in Your East Lynn Property

Of all issues that lead to property damage, mold may not seem that difficult to address, especially when you identify contamination in the early stages. Therefore the thought of involving mold removal companies may not be one of your priorities.

The assistance of mold removal companies benefits East Lynn property owners in many ways, including faster turnaround time and better outcomes. SERVPRO offers mold remediation as part of other property restoration services, so we are best equipped to handle all restoration work.

Among the benefits of professional restoration include:

  • Revealing all hidden mold
  • Minimal risk of exposure to moldy materials
  • Access to advanced remediation procedures

One thing you might not factor in as you restore moldy areas yourself is the chance of recurrence. To an inexperienced person, mold is what grows on surfaces. On the other hand, trained microbial remediation technicians understand that spores are naturally occurring and only need sufficient moisture and food source to trigger new growth. Therefore, companies like SERVPRO use remediation approaches that address current contamination and prevent future development.

Likely methods for controlling mold in your property include:

  • Removing all excess moisture and stopping any sources
  • Applying antimicrobials on cleaned surfaces
  • Removing any heavily contaminated porous materials

Another unique advantage companies present is advanced remediation procedures such as dry ice or soda blasting. Such methods use air pressure to force dry ice or sodium bicarbonate pellets. The pellets explode on contact with a surface, removing any residues and thus simplifying remediation in attics and crawl spaces that characteristically have unfinished surfaces and limited space. Therefore, it is difficult to use other methods to clean mold debris in these areas. 

SERVPRO of Lynn / Lynnfield is one of the reliable mold removal companies you can call when mold contaminates your property. You can reach us at (781) 593-6663. We’re Faster To Any Size Disaster.

Flood Damage from a Storm in East Lynn is Better Mitigated When Addressed by Skilled Technicians

12/20/2021 (Permalink)

a tree fallen over on a power line After a big storm passes through our local area, large scale damages can result. Contact SERVPRO 24/7 - 365 days a year - to assess the situation.

SERVPRO Features the Flood Damage Technology and Manpower You Need for Fallout from East Lynn Storms

Once a storm passes, you must stay safe as you wait for help to arrive. When that help is SERVPRO, you can count on us to be at your door in East Lynn and ready to get to work within hours of your call.

To prevent further flood damage in East Lynn after a storm, we suggest the following – especially if you know that there is water damage:

  • Contact SERVPRO so we can mobilize our Green Fleet to come to your property for assessment and water damage restoration services
  • Turn off your circuit breakers to eliminate the chance of electrical dangers
  • If possible, remove excess water by blotting or mopping
  • Use wood blocks or aluminum foil as barriers between wet carpets and furniture legs
  • Stay out of unaffected areas of the home to limit the tracking of contamination
  • Never use a regular household vacuum for removing water – wet/dry vacuums only 


  • Provide emergency service 24/7 – Our locally owned and operated franchise is staffed and ready to go should you have storm damage and flooding on your property.
  • Have highly-trained IICRC-certified technicians – When it comes to your home, you want emergency services water damage help from people that know how to get the job done right the first time. We are ready to assist!
  • Use industry-proven water cleanup and restoration – We utilize the latest technology, techniques, and proven steps to get your home back on track, including repairing your leaking roof from storms, basement flooding, and more. 
  • Simplify your insurance claims process – Dealing with storm flooding is hard enough, so we take added pressure off your shoulders by assisting you while you navigate the insurance claims process. 

Flood damage is an event where you never want to deal with it alone. SERVPRO of Lynn/Lynnfield knows best practices for handling contaminated floodwaters and all of the proper debris removal and restoration protocols. Call us whenever you require assistance by dialing (781) 593-6663.

Knowing How to Prevent Water Damage in Your Lynn Home Cuts Stress and the Potential Costs of Restoration

12/13/2021 (Permalink)

a bucket in the middle of the living room catching water falling from the ceiling Whether you are facing current water damage or trying to prevent a future scenario, SERVPRO can help! Contact our certified team 24/7.

SERVPRO is Ready to Help with Water Removal Services and Restoration to Handle Damage to Your Lynn Property

Water damage is something that can be difficult to prepare for, and emergencies happen without warning. However, there are some smart steps you can take to prevent issues from causing damage to your Lynn home. SERVPRO wants customers in the area to know that you can protect your home and its contents from water damage just like you would fire. If you have a water-related emergency, We’re Faster to Any Size Disaster to help you get back on track!

Water infiltration and damage in Lynn can sometimes go unnoticed until the damage caused is already quite significant. We want our customers to have tips and prevention tools to help keep them from dealing with pricey repair work. You can protect your interior and belongings from water damage by:

  • Performing visual inspections of your plumbing network and fixtures
  • Having a plumbing professional come in for regular maintenance and upkeep
  • Protecting and repairing your home exterior from outside rain and storm damage
  • Winterizing your outdoor hose bib and exterior shutoff valves to keep pipes from freezing when temperatures drop 

Should a hidden leak or emergency event cause water damage, SERVPRO is available 24/7 for rapid response. We can come out to your property, begin a detailed assessment, and use our state-of-the-art moisture detection tools to get to the heart of the issue. Our IICRC-certified team will implement a plan for water removal services, drying, and restoration to ensure everything gets back to pre-water damage condition. If necessary, we perform controlled demolition to remove and replace any unsalvageable building materials. Potential mold and mildew growth also get addressed, including sanitizing all surfaces for safety and peace of mind.

Do you need help with water restoration? SERVPRO of Lynn/Lynnfield is the team to call! You may reach us any time by dialing (781) 593-6663 or requesting help online.

Ice and Winter Storms in Massachusetts Bring Dropping Temps – Think About Frozen Pipes and Ice Damming

12/5/2021 (Permalink)

icicles hanging off of a frozen pipe Has your home been affected by frozen pipes and ice damming? Team SERVPRO can help with just such a situation. Contact our certified technicians 24/7.

SERVPRO Wants Massachusetts Residents to Know What to Look for When it Comes to Freezing Pipes and Ice Dams

Drops in temperatures cause pipes to freeze and possibly burst. In the Lynn area, lines are likely to freeze once the temperatures get below 20° F. This can happen during a cold snap or winter storm in New England, and the resulting water damage can be significant if you are not careful. SERVPRO wants all area residents to know what to look for and prevent such damage from taking place. If you do have an emergency, we are here for water removal services and total restoration to make your Massachusetts property look “Like it never even happened.”

Outdoor piping or pipes that sit in unheated zones in your home could freeze without proper insulation. All residents should know what to look for when it comes to ice dams and freezing pipes. Your pipes outside that are susceptible to freezing include:

  • Water sprinkler/irrigation system lines
  • Outdoor hose bibs
  • Hot tub and swimming pool supply lines

Within your home itself, areas that may be partially heated or unheated can be at risk of freezing, such as:

  • Crawlspaces
  • Basements
  • Garages
  • Seasonal rooms

Prevent your lines from freezing and possibly bursting during a cold winter storm by keeping the thermostat inside your home no lower than 55° F. Should you be away from home for an extended period, consider draining your water system and having it turned off.

What are Ice Dams?

During the winter months, homeowners in Massachusetts need to be mindful of ice dam growth. The icicles you see around your home can cause damage such as:

  • Loosened shingles
  • Gutter damage
  • Water backing up into your home’s structure

Remaining proactive to rake snow off your roof or using de-icing methods will help keep ice dams at bay. Should you have water infiltration, SERVPRO is available for moisture detection, mold remediation services, and reconstruction to get everything back to normal again. 

Call SERVPRO of Lynn/Lynnfield to assist with frozen pipe or ice dam damage after winter storms. We can instal more insulation in your attic to help prevent snow melt on the roof. You can reach our team 24-hours a day by calling (781) 593-6663.

Fast Help for Large Losses in the Boston Area

11/18/2021 (Permalink)

contained med area office with plastic doorway SERVPRO follows EPA and OSHA protocols for medical facility water damage removal and sanitizing in Boston and Lynnfield

SERVPRO - We Are Here to Help

After a devastating flood damaged a biomedical facility in the Boston metropolitan area, the second emergency of a burst pipe caused an even more significant threat to the property after our SERVPRO team had begun mitigation. There was a critical timeline to protect the structure, its equipment, and its occupants.

Restoring Damage from Water Exposure

Whether the flooding or the water damage incident, fast extraction was necessary to overcome standing water on the concrete floors throughout the facility. Containment barriers were constructed to identify drying zones and protect sensitive instrumentation throughout this affected level of the property.

Certified: SERVPRO Cleaned

After a flood, whether in Lynn or Boston, there are concerns about microbial growth and contaminants. For this reason, we used hundreds of HEPA 500 air scrubbers throughout the structure to contain and regulate potential hazards before they got out of control. Other regulatory equipment and products necessary include:

  • Air movers
  • Trailered desiccants
  • Sporicides and biocides

Our SERVPRO of Lynn / Lynnfield large loss response team is ready 24/7 to help at (781) 593-6663.

Which Resources Are Essential for Cleaning and Restoration of Lynn Public Facilities?

11/17/2021 (Permalink)

Here to Help When grime, odor, and moisture challenges go beyond the scope of your regular janitorial staff, you should call SERVPRO for prompt service.

SERVPRO Uses Sophisticated Machines and Specially Formulated Cleaning Products for Better Outcomes

Maintaining top cleanliness levels in a public facility such as a hospital or a train station is essential for aesthetic and health reasons. Some of the challenges that prevent this include quick re-soiling of cleaned areas, moisture issues, accumulation of soils in hidden areas, and development of odors, thus limiting the effectiveness of regular janitorial staff. Periodic cleaning and restoration by professionals overcome the challenge. Our well-trained crews can work off-hours to complete cleaning and maintenance tasks without disruptions to normal operations.

Cleaning and restoration at your Lynn facility may be necessary when an incident leaves the place heavily soiled. Constant foot traffic can lead to gradual soiling requiring stringent measures to bring back the sparkle. Flooding and fire incidents are the common reasons. Another common reason is the gradual deterioration from the accumulation of grime and the yellowing or browning of surfaces through oxidation or otherwise. SERVPRO simplifies the challenge of such cleaning exercises by availing the appropriate equipment and cleaning products.

Some of the essential resources for restorative cleaning include:

Any cleaning task involving a vast area is challenging because it requires more passes, longer use of cleaning solutions, and in some cases, a wide variety of surfaces. The exhaustion from executing these seemingly ordinary things or the time it takes to complete the exercise can be very demanding. When SERVPRO professionals use specialized machines such as Roto, fitted with brushes or pads, each pass leaves materials cleaner, thus shortening the overall time taken and ensuring the technicians handle each task enthusiastically.

Removing the grime from various materials requires sufficient cleaning power. Cleaning power depends on the alkalinity or, in some cases, the acidity of the cleaning solution. The pH of regular cleaning detergents changes very quickly when exposed to soils. Our SERVPRO technicians use cleaning products with buffering agents, which retain their pH levels throughout the cleaning process, thus producing excellent results.

SERVPRO of Lynn / Lynnfield readily takes over when cleaning and restoration challenges exceed the scope of your regular janitorial staff. Call us at (781) 593-6663 for immediate assistance and the elimination of any soiling, “Like it never even happened.”

What Is Necessary for Safe Water Damage Restoration in Lynnfield Properties?

11/12/2021 (Permalink)

Servpro water sign Water damage restoration for your home is no DIY project. SERVPRO techs will be on-site within 4 hours of the initial call.

SERVPRO Evaluates Property Affected by Water Damage Establishing the Best Restoration Approach

Whenever water inundates your Lynnfield property, you are likely to focus on the extraction and drying of wet areas. However, it would be best if you did not overlook safety since water exposure creates personal, environmental, and biohazards in properties. Professional restoration teams are usually trained to incorporate safety into every restoration.

Performing a safety evaluation should be a priority during water damage restoration in Lynnfield properties since every situation manifests different risks. SERVPRO technicians work with a standard checklist which helps ensure a thorough and faster evaluation of the property. 

Among the priority items in the safety checklist are:

  • Checking whether ceilings are sagging
  • Checking whether light fixtures contain water
  • Confirming whether the water involved is clean, gray, or black

The evaluation is only valid if followed by the proper precautions to prevent injury or structural damages during restoration. Organizing the loss site is one of the crucial precautions you need to take since restoration equipment, hoses, cables, and house contents may be strewn all over the place, creating trip hazards. Our SERVPRO technicians create a staging area to store all equipment when not in use and stack contents to make room. We also zip tie cables and hoses to create order.

A sagging ceiling poses a significant risk of collapsing, causing head injuries, and increasing the amount of debris to be removed. Water trapped in lighting fixtures increases the risk of electrical shorts. Safely releasing such trapped water should be a priority. Our SERVPRO technicians punch weep-holes in ceilings allowing the water to drip off. For the water trapped in lighting fixtures, we disassemble such fixtures after confirming that power is turned off.

SERVPRO of Lynn / Lynnfield values safety and thus makes it a priority during water damage restoration exercises. Call us at (781) 593-6663. We're Faster To Any Size Disaster.

What Are Some Key Considerations When Cleaning Your Lynn Offices?

11/3/2021 (Permalink)

SERVPRO vehicle outside a job site. When it comes to commercial damage restoration, SERVPRO is second to none. We have the manpower and equipment for every size disaster.

SERVPRO Focusses on Producing Quality Outcomes and Minimizing Interruptions

The process of cleaning your Lynn office may be categorized differently depending on what is involved. The two commonly executed categories are regular maintenance cleaning and deep cleaning. Involving a professional when deep cleaning your premises is prudent since you can get the desired results faster.

Playing close attention to certain factors helps ensure the right outcomes when cleaning offices in Lynn. The crucial factors include segmenting the cleaning area into clusters and choosing appropriate products to use. Assistance from SERVPRO has a significant impact because of the experiences we have handling such cleaning projects.

Some of the essential considerations include:

Traffic lanes are areas with heavy foot traffic, such as the hallways, lounges, and receptions, among others. Different types of soiling accumulate on the floors and furniture in such areas. They are also deeply embedded because of the constant pressure from people moving around. One of the solutions our SERVPRO technicians rely on is specially formulated products designed for such areas. The agent has neutral pH of around 7.5 to 7.8, making it not only effective in soils removal but also safe for different fabrics.

The detergents used to remove soils also tend to leave trace elements, including odors. Since people have different tolerance levels to smell, the trace elements can be irritating, interfering with daily operations after the cleaning exercise is over. SERVPRO technicians rinse all cleaned areas thoroughly to minimize trace elements. We also use rapid biodegradable agents with zero VOCs.

SERVPRO of Lynn / Lynnfield considers cleaning offices and essential service and thus commits sufficient resources to eliminate all traces of soiling, “Like it never even happened.” Call us at (781) 593-6663 for a consistently safe and clean work environment. Certified: SERVPRO Cleaned.

What to do when there is a Commercial Fire in East Lynn – Call SERVPRO.

10/19/2021 (Permalink)

SERVPRO vehicle outside job site. SERVPRO will work with your insurance company. Commercial building restoration is a job for us.

Why should someone call us when there's a Commercial Fire in East Lynn?

Commercial fires in East Lynn have a huge impact on many people as well as the business impact. Even small fires have a large effect. There may be damaged finished goods, raw materials, implications on the business's processes, and potential structural damage. Customers are impacted, employees may lose pay, and 3rd party suppliers also lose goods and trade. A return to normal business operations is a high priority for many business and personal reasons.

SERVPRO provides commercial fire and smoke damage restoration in East Lynn. We respond the fastest, maintain the highest standards of professionalism and quality work. We aim to return your business to normal operations as fast as possible.

Why should you call us for assistance after a fire? Our highly trained fire and water damage specialists are available 24 hours a day, and we are onsite in less than four hours from your initial call to us. We deploy technicians who specialize in:

  • Fire and smoke restoration
  • Odor control
  • Water damage restoration

What should you do if there is a commercial fire? There are several steps business managers can take to mitigate their losses and also reduce the time needed to return to normal operations. Commercial fires can evolve quickly, don't hesitate, follow these steps:

  • Call 911 and evacuate the building.
  • Verify the safety of your employees, customers, and suppliers. Do a headcount.
  • Call SERVPRO so our team can get to work as soon as the fire department gives the all-clear.
  • Call your insurance company. We can discuss restoration plans with your adjuster to manage the cost and get your business back in operation as fast as possible.
  • Do not enter the building. There can be several safety-related concerns:
    • Slips and falls
    • Live electrical connections
    • Carcinogens
    • Weakened structure

Let the experts get to work with fire and smoke restoration and cleanup services.

Call SERVPRO of Lynn / Lynnfield for fire restoration service in East Lynn and surrounding areas. We can help 24/7. Call (781) 593-6663.

Activate Flood Removal & Cleanup in Lynn – Call SERVPRO

10/13/2021 (Permalink)

Call Now! For fast and immediate storm damage restoration for your home. SERVPRO is the team to have on your side. Call now!

Avoid Extensive Damage from Mold, Secondary Damage from Floodwaters in Lynn – Call SERVPRO

Floodwaters raging through your neighborhood in Lynn can cause extensive damage in a matter of minutes to homes and businesses. Debris, sand & silt, chemicals, and biological material are all mixed, coating everything inside your home and business. There are dangers from slipping and falling, short-circuiting electrical connections, and viruses and bacteria. Mold can also begin growing in 24 hours or less with the right conditions.

Fast action by SERVPRO initiating flood removal and cleanup in Lynn structures can protect your family, your employees, and customers, and you return your business to normal operations quickly. Within four hours of your call, we are on-site, perform an immediate assessment of the situation and activate the resources needed to immediately begin removing water, debris, and residues while keeping everyone safe. SERVPRO provides mold remediation in Chicago, and we are an "Official Downtown Chicago Licensed Operator."

Among the many services our local SERVPRO franchise provides are:

We also provide external generators and truck-mounted pumps if needed until power is restored. High-capacity dehumidifiers and air movers begin drying the structure and contents before mold colonies become established. 

Calling SERVPRO immediately after a flood can also mitigate the secondary damage from contents and structures exposed to high humidity levels, water, and moisture. Many materials can be cleaned and restored if cleaning and drying action begins without delay.

Call SERVPRO of Lynn / Lynnfield for flood removal service in Lynn and surrounding areas. We can help 24/7. Call (781) 593-6663.

Manage Your Risk with a SERVPRO Fire Safety and Prevention Plan in Lyon

10/5/2021 (Permalink)

smoke from fire SERVPRO technicians are trained and experienced in all phases of fire damage restoration. We are here to help.

What is a SERVPRO Emergency Fire and Safety Prevention Profile in Lynn?

Business owners are focused on day-to-day operations for their businesses in Lynn. They are focused on developing sales forecasts, fulfilling customer orders, ordering finished goods, manufacturing, and providing support services to their customers. Few take the time to consider managing their risk associated with natural disasters, e.g., fire, flooding, and the impact on operations from mold infestations.

SEERVPRO can assist in managing these risks with our fire safety and prevention plans for businesses in Lynn. Our Emergency Ready Profile and Plan (ERP) includes fire safety and prevention and other natural disaster preparedness for your business. The ERP plan is straightforward, available for residential and business customers, and free of cost.

SERVPRO combines our fast response commitment with our ERP plan to mitigate the secondary damage caused by chemicals and water used by the fire department to put out the fire. We also identify areas within your property that may place your building and contents even more at risk of damage during a fire.

Our ERP plan success is based on the following attributes:

  • Our in-person inspection identifies areas that are at risk
  • Business owners can identify high priority areas and materials for intervention
  • Utility shutoff locations are recorded
  • Contact details for preferred vendors and contractors providing support services for equipment
  • Identify management team for decision making during a fire or natural disaster

A SERVPRO ERP plan can be added to your risk management plan for your business and incorporated with training for your employees to help manage fire safety and prevent fires that could devastate your business. We aim to return your business to normal as fast as possible.

Call SERVPRO of Lynn / Lynnfield for fire safety and prevention in Lynn and surrounding areas. We can help 24/7. Call (781) 593-6663.

Why Is Professional Assessment of Flood-Damaged East Lynn Properties Essential?

9/23/2021 (Permalink)

IICRC logo Rely on SERVPRO's IICRC certified technicians to restore your East Lynn flood damaged property, "Like it never even happened."

SERVPRO evaluates East Lynn residences’ flood damage, locating and planning interventions for a broad range of safety hazards

Although you might feel lucky after what seemed like minor storm and flood damage in your East Lynn neighborhood, arranging for an assessment of potential safety issues is critical. Water trapped in cavities and moisture absorbed by porous building materials sets the stage for progressive deterioration and secondary damage including mold growth, although you are oblivious to its presence.

How Does SERVPRO Assess Post-Storm and Flooding Hazard Risks?

When torrential rains and high winds attack your East Lynn home, ceiling leaks and basement flooding cleanup are not uncommon and can be painfully apparent. You might not realize that due to the individual construction details of your home, however, that hidden flooding and associated damage is possible. The unaddressed storm devastation will present days, weeks, or months later, and delayed water damage remediation is expensive and disruptive. Make a proactive decision, inviting SERVPRO to evaluate your home for:

  • Sagging ceilings due to leaking roofs from storm activity
  • Walls with bulges or “sweating,” staining, or peeling paint indicating stormwater flooded between behind and between vertical surfaces
  • Caches of water trapped in cinder block cells or behind plaster, drywall, or paneling in basements
  • Wet floors wicking water pooled behind baseboards
  • Mold growth from damp building materials such as insulation or framing

Can SERVPRO Access and Complete Flood Restoration for Trapped Storm Water?

The robust construction background possessed by SERVPRO work crews supports our use of controlled demolition to address basement flooding and wall and ceiling repairs from water damages. Emergency services provided by our Institute of Inspection, Cleaning and Restoration Certification (IICRC)-trained technicians include:

  • Strategic punching of weep holes in ceilings to prevent collapse
  • Drilled or sawn holes or flood cuts in drywall or mortar joints to release stormwater and permit access for applied structural drying interventions
  • Use of advanced technologies to suction water and introduce dry, warm, moving air into confined spaces through negative pressure air systems (hose and drying mat placement where more invasive demolition is contraindicated)

Count on the professionals from SERVPRO of Lynn / Lynnfield when storms flood your property. We’re Faster To Any Size Disaster -- call us at (781) 242-5430.

Can Property Owners Improve the Odds of Successful Disaster Restoration in the Lynn Massachusetts Region?

9/14/2021 (Permalink)

ERP mobile app images The mobile ERP Emergency READY Profile Program developed by SERVPRO Can Prevent or Mitigate Damage to Lynn Area Properties

Lynn area businesses and residents seek streamlined recovery efforts, why SERVPRO offers the innovative Emergency READY Profile (ERP)

When seeking the best fit for fire, water, storm, and mold among property damage recovery professionals in Lynn and surrounding communities, owners are wise to take proactive steps to customize and speed the restoration process. Our investment in robust planning tools is why SERVPRO is the company to call. We make it convenient for you to create practical disaster mitigation and remediation agendas to guide our managers and technicians when an emergency presents.

What Is the SERVPRO Emergency READY Profile and Plan (ERP)?

Professional assessment, plus the essential details only an owner knows, combine during emergency pre-planning, why SERVPRO’s ERP benefits Lynn’s residential and commercial properties in anticipation of natural or human-made crises. The ERP creation process is straightforward and available free of cost:

  • Call ahead to set up an on-site evaluation with an experienced project manager.
  • Walking through your specific physical space is why SERVPRO can individualize the plan.
  • Diagrams, photos, and other information seen through the eyes of a professional restorer support the most effective response, why SERVPRO stresses in-person inspection.
  • Property owner input sharpens our focus, why SERVPRO developed a mobile app owners can use to provide details.

What Should Property Owners Add to Make the ERP More Constructive?

Although we are a leader in commercial and residential damage restoration in the Lynn area, you are the experts concerning your property, why SERVPRO values and requires your perspective. Here are some hints on using our ERP app most efficaciously:

  • Clarify your restoration provider preference, explaining why SERVPRO can begin work immediately.
  • Identify the location of utility shutoffs.
  • List contact information for vendors and contractors who designed and installed your equipment, appliances, and systems.
  • Indicate your priorities to help us rank interventions.
  • Designate individuals who can act on your behalf if you are unavailable when disaster strikes.

Our highly effective Emergency READY Profile Plan (ERP) is among many reasons why SERVPRO of Lynn / Lynnfield delivers outstanding outcomes after property disasters. Call us at (781) 242-5430 to schedule an ERP assessment.

How Do Professionals Approach Water Removal from Lynn Hardwood Floors?

9/1/2021 (Permalink)

planks cupping from water damage SERVPRO strives to restore water damaged hardwood flooring to the delight of our Lynn customers

SERVPRO’s advanced moisture detection and extraction emergency services solve water damaged flooring challenges in Lynn

Water removal after Lynn homes suffer ceiling leaks or burst pipes is rarely straightforward. Homeowners quickly discover that fluids seep into cracks and crevices, disappearing from view while still causing progressive damage to building materials. The trapped water requires extraction and thorough drying to avoid deterioration of load-bearing surfaces and the potential of secondary mold growth and damage.

How Do Wet Subfloors Harm Lynn Hardwood?

Porous materials like plywood subflooring absorb excess water trickling down from the surface. Like a soggy sponge, the unfinished wood in the substrate continuously saturates the visible hardwood layer from the bottom or sides. Appropriate water removal in Lynn and judicious drying prevent the strips or plank hardwood floors from damage such as:

The edges of each piece of hardwood slightly raise or “cup” when the water wicks into the unfinished bottom and sides and the wood swells.

  • Crowning

If the top of the hardwood absorbs more water than the sides or bottom, the planks or strips arch up in the middle. Crowning links to overdrying of  the bottom of the stips or planks.

Note: Cupping frequently resolves with professional drying. Sanding can restore extreme cases. Crowning is usually permanent. Sections of hardwood might need replacement.

Why Do SERVPRO Technicians Trace Moisture Migration When Repairing Water Damaged Hardwood Floors?

Sensitive moisture detection and metering devices help SERVPRO workers trace the perimeters and severity of water incursions under hardwood floors. After locating pooled water and measuring moisture levels, our crews remove water and dry out damp materials before severe damage using strategies like:

  • Negative pressure technology, suctioning trapped water through sealed floor mats attached to extractors via hoses
  • Controlled demolition where technicians lift or remove some hardwood strips or planks to permit the direction of warm, dry airflow between the flooring layers

Innovations in trapped water extraction permit SERVPRO of Lynn / Lynnfield to restore the function and appearance of hardwood floors damaged by leaking roofs after storms or pipe ruptures. For the best outcomes, call (781) 242-5430 immediately after noticing the damage for rapid water removal.

Efficient Mold Inspections for East Lynn Homes 

8/19/2021 (Permalink)

mold damage wall SERVPRO is the professional outfit needed for all of your mold remediation services. Call now for fast and immediate service.

Evaluating moist conditions in East Lynn homes can identify when mold threats exist. 

No matter where mold might exist in your home, our experienced remediators work to eliminate the colonies without making the situation worse with added moisture or improper containment. The first step in this process is identifying the extent of the damage and what specific materials are affected by fungal colonization. 

Inspecting Damaged Attics and Basements 

Two areas where mold removal in East Lynn homes is often necessary are the attic and the basement. Structural breaches and vulnerabilities in either of these areas can lead to excessive moisture concerns that leave organic matter installed susceptible to mold growth. Fungal development can be quickly identified with mold inspections by our production manager or crew chief. 

Remediation Solutions for Mold Threats 

There are several potential options for removing mold and microbial threats from area residences. With the lack of air circulation and possible moisture concerns in the attic and basement levels, the best remediation approaches are ones that target exposed organic matter like roof supports, trusses, floor supports, and other wooden constructs. Some of these remediation solutions include: 

  • Surface cleaning
  • Media blasting (dry)
  • Controlled demolition

Mold is a threatening presence in area homes and can be challenging to remove even with the fast response of our SERVPRO of Lynn / Lynnfield team. Our remediation professionals are ready to help 24/7 at (781) 593-6663.

Can SERVPRO Offer Water Damage Repairs for Lynn Homes? 

8/12/2021 (Permalink)

standing in a pool of storm water in home Leaks and burst pipes will cause water damage in your home. SERVPRO techs are trained and ready at a moment's notice.

With a variety of build-back and repair options, we can help return Lynn homes to preloss conditions. 

While not all water damage events require repairs and reconstruction, having the capability to provide these services when necessary saves time and money for customers when choosing SERVPRO. 

Fixing the Cause of the Water Damage 

From burst pipes to ceiling leaks, water damage repairs for Lynn homes are inevitable. Our SERVPRO professionals work to correct the causes of water damage and the effects of lingering moisture on sensitive building materials. To repair vulnerabilities for the house, we provide:

  • Plumbing – Leaks and burst pipes create excessive damage scenarios rapidly on the property. Through controlled demolition to access the breach, we can remove damaged connections or pipes to restore service. 
  • Roofs – Leaks from the roof can lead to flooding in the attic and the living space beneath it. 
  • Building Envelope Breaches – From broken windows to missing siding, exterior damage can become interior problems. 

Reinstalling Removed Building Materials 

Reconstruction and reinstallation are one of the final steps towards making water and flood damages "Like it never even happened." With a general contractor license and experience, we can seamlessly transition between the restoration work and the reconstruction or build-back to follow. 

Water can be a destructive force against Lynn homes and businesses, requiring multiple types of water damage repairs. Our SERVPRO of Lynn / Lynnfield team is ready to help however you need at (781) 593-6663.

What Can Lynn Homeowners Expect from the Fire Cleaning Process?

8/3/2021 (Permalink)

picture of home on fire Fire and smoke damage restoration is a job for SERVPRO. We will be on-site within 4 hours of the initial call.

Our cleaning process is a consistent element to restore Lynn homes to pre-fire condition.

House fire clean-up and smoke remediation are intricate processes after disasters. Evaluating the condition of the house and its damaged areas can determine the best restoration and mitigation steps to help. 

What Are the Typical Focal Points of Post-Fire Cleaning?

When fire damage restoration in Lynn homes gets started, our SERVPRO team must focus on specific obstacles that could lead to worsening conditions for the structure. Some of these include: 

  • Remove Smoke Residues – Soot and smoke residues or soils come to rest on surfaces and contents, requiring several products and practices to remove them entirely. 
  • Remove Malodors – While much of the deodorization process comes later, house fire clean-up is not complete without overcoming harsh smoke odors. Air scrubbers, hydroxyl generators, and thermal fogging are some options for odor elimination.
  • Remove Blistered Contents – Destroyed and ruined contents or furniture cannot remain in the house. We can safely pull these from the residence and discard them appropriately. 
  • Remove Ruined Building Materials – Controlled demolition, and bulk material removal can be vital mitigation steps to prevent structural collapses, identify weak points, and reduce hazardous environmental conditions.

Managing fire losses in your home begins with trusting the property to skilled restoration professionals like our SERVPRO of Lynn / Lynnfield team. We have clear mitigation strategies to protect the property and its contents from further harm. Call us at (781) 593-6663.

Does SERVPRO provide Fire and Smoke Cleanup in Lynn?

7/22/2021 (Permalink)

fire extinguisher behind fire background Fire damage done to your personal property occurs SERVPRO should be the first call you make. Our techs are trained and experienced in all phases.

Need Fire and Smoke Damage Restoration and Cleanup in Lynn – Call SERVPRO

Most consumers think of smoke residue as oily grime that must be removed from the walls, floors, and home contents. Smoke residues can be oily, they can also be fluffy, and the residue can also be acidic or alkaline depending on the material consumed in the fire. Strong acids or strong alkaline smoke residues can further damage your contents if left in place too long.

SERVPRO provides fire and smoke cleanup to homeowners and businesses in Lynn. We respond to your home in less than four hours, assess the situation, and deploy fire restoration and smoke remediation technicians immediately. We know our clients are anxious to have their homes back in one piece, cleaned and deodorized.

Burning plastics produce chlorides that combine with water to form hydrochloric acid. Combustion from fires also produces carbon dioxide, which produces carbonic acid after combining with moisture. Although in most cases are mildly acidic, these substances can damage fabrics, porous materials and cause discoloration and corrosion of other materials over time. Our technicians test for acidic and alkaline smoke residue and utilize the appropriate cleaning materials suitable for acids and alkaline residues.

SERVPRO can help residents with all of their fire clean-up needs. Our services include:

  • House Fire Clean Up
  • Water and Fire Damage Restoration
  • Smoke Damage Cleanup

Call SERVPRO of Lynn / Lynnfield for fire and smoke cleanup in Lynn and surrounding areas. We can help 24/7. Call (781) 593-6663.

Does SERVPRO Provide Emergency Flood Damage Clean-Up in East Lynn?

7/17/2021 (Permalink)

storm damaged home Storm and flood damage is not a DIY project. Call the professionals at SERVPRO for all the storm mitigation services you need.

SERVPPO Can Help with Basement Flood Damage in East Lynn After a Storm

Flood damage in East Lynn is not always from raging waters after a storm. Water can build up in window wells and leak into a basement. Sump pumps can’t handle the excess water and the basement floods. Broken windows caused by flying debris can allow lots of water into the house during a heavy downpour. Water can seep under the subfloor in the basement, creating excellent conditions for mold infestations.

Fortunately, SERVPRO has managed these types of flood damage events in East Lynn and many more. We have the experience, and we respond in less than four hours to help remove the excess water and begin drying the contents and structure of your basement and home.

SERVPRO provides board-up services to cover broken windows, and we can furnish temporary electrical power to run sump pumps if the local electrical power is not functioning. Our truck-mounted water pumps and extractors can make short work of the excess water in the basement. We also use small wand extractors to remove water in cavities and hard-to-reach areas. In some cases, flood cuts are necessary to remove wet drywall, insulation and dry the structure. Fast response and action reduce the potential for the growth of mold.

Our flood damage services include:

Call SERVPRO of Lynn / Lynnfield for flood damage restoration in East Lynn and surrounding areas. We can help 24/7. Call (781) 593-6663.

SERVPRO Offers Fire Restoration Services in East Lynn

7/12/2021 (Permalink)

fire in the kitchen with a fireman. When a fire disaster strikes, call SERVPRO A.S.A.P. Let our trained and ready technicians handle the work for you.

Can SERVPRO Help with Disposal of Fire Damaged Contents in East Lynn?

Many East Lynn residents are surprised at the contents and structural material that must be carted away after a fire. Even a small kitchen fire causing damage to the contents of the kitchen and the cupboards around the oven where the fire took place can cause a lot of damage.

SERVPRO can help with fire restoration in East Lynn. Restoring a home after a fire involves many steps; however, one of the initial actions is to assess what items can be saved and which items must be replaced. Many nonporous items, although they may appear to be severely damaged, can be cleaned. Once we remove the ash and smoke residues, we can save many of your contents.

Structural components and contents damaged by the flames and fire retardants often must be removed. Depending on the amount of material, SERVPRO can arrange for a trailer or dumpster to dispose of these items. We can dispose of leftover restoration materials in this manner.

SERVPRO manages every aspect of the restoration and restores your home, “Like it never even happened.” Our fire restoration services include:

Call SERVPRO of Lynn / Lynnfield for fire restoration in East Lynn and surrounding areas. We can help 24/7. Call (781) 593-6663.

Does the Initial Fire Restoration Inspection Identify Hazards in East Lynn Homes?

6/17/2021 (Permalink)

fire damaged home Fire damage restoration isn't an easy job. SERVPRO has IICRC certified technicians and is ready at a moment's notice.

Damage assessment is vital to creating a safe work environment for fire restoration in East Lynn properties. 

Evacuating a damaged home after a fire damage incident is not uncommon, as many possible threats and hazards could exist for those unprepared or unprotected. While the damage assessment and job scoping process can be a critical step for securing damage claim approval and a restoration plan, this inspection must also seek to find any hazards that might expose workers or bystanders to harm in any way. Some of these dangers might include:

  • Overhead threats (such as ceiling collapses)
  • Electric shock
  • Poor lighting
  • Debris and tripping hazards
  • Circulating carcinogens and contaminants

Creating a Safe and Clean Staging Area Can Benefit East Lynn Homes

A staging area is a method for our SERVPRO professionals to safely begin fire damage restoration in East Lynn homes without a considerable concern for cross-contamination or spreading fire damage. This becomes a convenient location for readily accessible tools, machines, and cleaning products as they are necessary without multiple trips to a vehicle outside.

When fire damage incidents threaten your home or business, you can count on our SERVPRO of Lynn / Lynnfield team to help. We can make fire damage “Like it never even happened,” when you call (781) 593-6663

A Proven Mold Removal Company for Lynn Warehouses

6/10/2021 (Permalink)

mold damage in corner office Mold remediation for your commercial building should be handled by a professional outfit. SERVPRO has you covered from start to finish.

Fast and reliable mold removal tactics for large commercial customers in Lynn. 

As a leading mold remediation team for the area, we must devote our initial efforts to eliminating threatening microbial growth while preventing these microorganisms from spreading throughout the warehouse. Establishing physical barriers is the most efficient method, though it is often combined with negative pressure machines and air filtration.

Proactive Disaster Responses for Damaged Lynn Properties 

One of the things that set SERVPRO apart from the top mold removal companies for Lynn businesses is our commitment to a proactive response to emergencies. Disasters do not wait for convenient times to strike, so our team must be prepared to help at all hours. We ensure the most efficient approach and action by encouraging local businesses to create a free profile with our Emergency Ready Profile (ERP) plan. Beyond designating our talented SERVPRO team as the choice restorers for potential hazards, the app allows you to provide critical information needed when amid an emergency, including:

  • Chain of command
  • Vital structural information 
  • Priorities for restoration and remediation

The threat of mold growth in moist warehouse spaces cannot be ignored, and that is why our SERVPRO of Lynn / Lynnfield team responds fast with effective strategies to help. You can reach us anytime by calling (781) 593-6663.

What Advanced Moisture Detection Devices Does SERVPRO Use in East Lynn Homes?

6/4/2021 (Permalink)

Burst main water line Water removal is a specialty of SERVPRO. We use the latest technology and equipment for any size disaster.

Tracking moisture pockets is critical to efficient water removal and drying. 

Despite multiple tracking methods, portable tablets equipped with infrared cameras offer a lightweight solution to establishing damage perimeters. Thermography uses temperature readings to predict damp pockets and show what tools work best for recovery.

How Do Infrared Cameras Track Moisture? 

Thermal imagery moisture detection helps distinguish and set SERVPRO among the top water restoration companies for East Lynn. Understanding the data these instruments produce can showcase when alternative cleaning and drying efforts might be beneficial. Thermography can read two types of temperature fluctuations, including:

  • Thermal Capacitance – This term is meant to indicate the ability of an affected material to store thermal energy. From water’s natural ability to retain heat to cooler surfaces in damp spaces, infrared imagery can help track moisture.
  • Evaporation – Evaporative cooling takes place when well-placed air movers begin to dry out affected areas. This development gets tracked through surface meters and infrared, with blue colors often pointing to the likelihood of moisture. We can act quickly to deploy drying and water removal tools. 

Following up on water damage with monitoring is wise to prevent irreparable harm when possible. Let our SERVPRO of Lynn / Lynnfield team help by calling (781) 593-6663.

What Challenges Can Hamper Water Removal From My Lynn Home?

5/19/2021 (Permalink)

a bucket on the ground catching water Does the current situation have you under water? Contact SERVPRO for effective water removal and remediation services.

SERVPRO Uses State Of The Art Equipment to Probe and Expedite Water Removal Services in Lynn Properties

Water, whether from burst pipes or ceiling leaks, spreads quickly all over a property. However, removal can take days or even weeks to complete. What is even more consequential is that taking too long to dry the property or leaving traces of moisture creates a separate set of problems such as mold, rotting, and physical changes such as swelling or warping in some materials. 

Knowing the challenges that can hamper water removal from Lynn properties can guide the process leading to the desired outcomes. The two common challenges many homeowners encounter are failure to complete water removal in good time and leaving traces of hidden moisture because of lacking the appropriate resources.

When our SERVPRO teams embark on water damage remediation, we prioritize estimation of the amount of water involved to dedicate enough resources, especially in the first 48 hours, since mold can start growing within that period. We consider the total square feet affected by the water. We also use penetrative moisture meters to check the level of wetness in materials. Thermal cameras, on the other hand, help reveal any moisture in hidden places, thus restoring your property to a preloss state after:

  • Basement flooding
  • Burst pipes
  • Ceiling leaks

SERVPRO of Lynn / Lynnfield is well equipped to handle any water removal task. Call us at (781) 593-6663. 

Can Fire Restoration Processes Minimize The Need for Replacing Items in Lynn Properties?

5/14/2021 (Permalink)

a fire damaged kitchen with burnt cabinets Recent fire in your home? Team SERVPRO has the tools and trained personnel for fire damage remediation. Call us right away.

SERVPRO Relies on Advanced Techniques during House Fire Cleanup Improving Chances of Item Recovery

In many cases, the aftermath of a fire is characterized by piles of damaged items strewn all over the affected property. Demolition and removal of the damaged materials is, therefore, necessary as part of fire damage restoration.

You can keep the cost of fire restoration in your Lynn property low by minimizing the number of items you have to replace during the restoration process. It is possible to save more items through restoration using skilled approaches and sophisticated equipment.

One crucial phase of the restoration process is isolating items based on the level of damage they have. Salvageable and questionable items can be saved through specialized cleaning, drying, or deodorization. After categorizing the items, our SERVPRO technicians can use various cleaning techniques such as:

  • Ultrasonic cleaning for small items that can be immersed in cleaning solutions
  • Blast cleaning with non-abrasive media such as sodium bicarbonate
  • Cleaning with semi-refinishing products such as wood crème paste

The unique approaches help save materials and thus keep costs manageable when dealing with:

  • Fire damage restoration
  • Fire and smoke damage
  • Fire damaged homes

Call SERVPRO of Lynn / Lynnfield when you fire restoration services. You can reach us at (781) 593-6663 at any time.

What Is Necessary To Address Water Damage in East Lynn Properties?

5/9/2021 (Permalink)

a woman holding a bucket a catch water leaking from her ceiling Water leaks can happen when you least expect them. Contact SERVPRO right away after an occurrence. We are standing by to take your call.

SERVPRO Sends Fully Equipped Teams to East Lynn Properties to Deliver Water Removal Services

The town that once held the title "City of Sin" was settled in the early 1600s. It is the 5th oldest commonwealth colonial settlement. Lynn was established as an industrial center, but economic development had a negative side effect, with crime and vice taking root in the area earning it the infamous moniker. 

Shoemaking was one of the main industries that thrived in the formative years of the city. The first shoemakers set up shop in Lynn in 1635, but it took a while for the industry to thrive. John Adam Dagyr is widely credited with upgrading the quality of footwear made in the city. He settled in the city in 1750 and introduced the ten-footer concept in which a wooded building approximately 10-foot squared was set up and dedicated for shoemaking. The building would hold 5 to 10 artisans and apprentices seating around a table cutting leather, sewing uppers, attaching soles. The ten-footers improved comfort for the artisans since they were heated and also enhanced division of labor, improving the output.

The ten-footers were popular all over New England. However, the quality of shoes made in Lynn was exceptional. President George Washington visited the area in a post-election tour of the young nation and proclaimed Lynn was the "greatest shoe town in the country." 

Another pivotal change affecting the footwear industry happened in the late 1800s after Jan E. Matzeliger arrived in 1875. He created and patented a new machine that could make shoes automatically by 1885. Automation helped make shoes readily affordable to average Americans.

A Cosmopolitan City

Over time, the city has developed in other ways. For instance, unlike the days when shoe production was the mainstay, Healthcare and Social Assistance, Retail Trade, and Hotels are the dominant employers. 

Lynn is also notable for its large international population, making it a melting pot for different cultures. The downtown cultural district has several distinct properties, including:

  • Lynn Arts a gallery run by a community of artists
  • Central Square Historic district
  • Mary Baker Eddy House

There are also several loft-style apartments within the city. 

What Resources Does SERVPRO Use to Fix Water Damage in East Lynn?

Whenever water leaks into your home, it can affect a wide range of materials. Therefore restoration requires several procedures, including water extraction, cleanup, and drying. In extreme cases, you must replace some items and materials damaged beyond repair. 

On visiting water damage sites in East Lynn, our SERVPRO technicians prioritize inspection to establish what is affected and create an action plan for the restoration. Depending on the amount of water pooling in the property, we can choose an appropriate extractor, whether it is a portable one, truck-mounted, or submersible. 

Porous and semi-porous materials tend to absorb and hold the water. Drying such materials requires the right evaporation rates and proper humidity management. Our SERVPRO technicians use high-speed air movers, industrial dry/wet vacuums, and a variety of dehumidifiers, including LGR and desiccant, making it easy to address:

  • Emergency services water damage
  • Water damage remediation
  • Flood restoration

SERVPRO of Lynn / Lynnfield has resolved numerous water damage situations in homes. Call us at (781) 593-6663 if there is an incident at your property.

How Does a Leaking Roof from Storms Get Fixed in Lynnfield?

4/20/2021 (Permalink)

a hole in a roof Leaking roof? Contact SERVPRO for remediation services when affected by flood damage.

Our SERVPRO team can help with repairs and flood damage restoration in Lynnfield homes.

Leaking roofs can often develop when severe summer storms or Nor’easters reach our coastal area. When shingles get removed, or underlayment material becomes compromised, water penetration and subsequent flooding can result. We can help with:

  • Flood restoration
  • Basement flooding
  • Ceiling leaks
  • Burst pipes
  • Emergency services water damage
  • Water damage remediation

Repairing and Restoring Attic Flooding in Lynnfield Properties

Repairing flood damage to Lynnfield home is often directly correlated to the leaking roof from storms and ceiling leaks that result from any water pooling in unfinished attic space. Emergency services water damage can fixate on extraction and preliminary drying, but our general contractor license also allows for full-scale roof repairs and reconstruction when vulnerabilities exist.

From water damage repairs to flood damage cleanup, our SERVPRO of Lynn / Lynnfield team can help. We have leading water restoration techniques and products. Give us a call today at (781) 593-6663.

Is Controlled Demolition Needed for Mold Removal in Lynn Homes?

4/16/2021 (Permalink)

a woman looking at a mold infested wall Found a mold infestation? Our technicians are standing by 24/7 for your mold damage emergency call.

As leading remediators, we have multiple approaches for restoring Lynn homes.

Controlled demolition is a common practice necessary for removing black mold and attic mold growing in Lynn homes. Our remediation team is a one-stop-shop to help with multiple concerns, including:

  • Mold damage
  • Mold removal 
  • Odor elimination
  • Structural repairs
  • Build back

When is Controlled Demolition Necessary in Lynn Homes?

Mold removal for Lynn homes is always the first choice in protecting the property and eliminating organisms that could cause health effects. Because conventional remediation practices might not handle the full scope of the house's remediation and restoration needs, our general contractor license can become a vital element. We can provide multiple services and actions beyond surface treatments to make mold damage "Like it never even happened."

Mold removal might not always be enough to resolve spreading destructive colonies, but our controlled demolition practices can help. Give our SERVPRO of Lynn / Lynnfield team a call today at (781) 593-6663.

What Water Damage Repairs are Needed for Lynn Businesses?

4/11/2021 (Permalink)

a water damaged ceiling Recent water damage affected your business? Call Team SERVPRO for effective water damage remediation services.

Our general contractor license provides several critical services to Lynn businesses after water damage.

Water damages can have a destructive impact on area stores and shops in Lynn. While removing standing water and drying the structure must be prioritized, our general contractor license can help with additional services like water damage repair to remove, repair, and replace compromised areas of the property. We have Water Restoration Technicians (WRT) and those trained in Applied Structural Drying (ASD) accredited through the Institute of Inspection, Cleaning and Restoration Certification (IICRC) to begin mitigation and dedicated professionals to oversee water damage repairs. Our team can help with:

  • Emergency services water damage
  • Basement flooding
  • Burst pipes
  • Ceiling leaks
  • Flood restoration
  • Water damage remediation

Providing Ceiling Repairs from Water Damages

Water damage repair necessary for Lynn businesses can often start with concerns occupants of the space recognize. A persistent dripping ceiling can usually point to a more significant issue within the structural cavity or with the roof, requiring several construction and repair services to begin. Our SERVPRO team starts with removing oversaturated materials that can become too heavy for drywall screws and other fastening hardware to support. Burst pipes within these structural cavities can also make the vacuuming out of wet insulation and its reinstallation a part of water damage repair.

Resolving Leaking Roof from Storms in Lynn Properties

Harsh weather conditions can also lead to a need for water damage repairs. When strong winds, torrential rain, hail, or heavy snowfall impact the building's installed roof, vulnerabilities can form that allow for moisture penetration. With many single-story storefronts or aging commercial properties throughout the coastal community, water penetration can begin deteriorating many exposed materials. Water damage repair conducted by our team addresses these concerns temporarily with tarping and board up. Full-scale build back and reconstruction are often required for water damage repair following storms.

Flood Restoration Steps Beyond Water Damage Repair

Water damage repair is only part of the restoration process for area businesses. Much of the work that must get done inside of these buildings is intended to remove standing water, dry up moisture, or provide adequate water clean up. As challenging as water damage incidents can become, our professionals must ensure that our drying measures meet the expectations and timeline of our initial job scoping. Moisture detection meters and thermal imagery can both be used to track the presence of damp pockets to direct air movers and dehumidifiers in the appropriate areas. Beyond centrifugal air movers, evaporation recovery tools include:

  • Positive/Negative Pressure Systems
  • Axial Air Movers
  • Desiccant Dehumidifiers
  • Portable Heaters
  • Trailered Generators

When your business requires water damage repair, you can count on our SERVPRO of Lynn/ Lynnfield team with our general contractor license to help. Our comprehensive solution for restoration and recovery makes us a one-stop-shop for water clean up and water damage repair. Give us a call today at (781) 593-6663.

How to Clean Up Fire Damage From a Toaster Oven?

3/15/2021 (Permalink)

fire damaged kitchen Kitchen fires may happen any time. SERVPRO techs are ready 24/7 365 days a year for fire restoration services you need.

SERVPRO Can Remediate the Fire Damage in Your East Lynn Home! 

Fire damage occurs in American kitchens reasonably often, as cooking directly uses heat. Kitchen appliances, such as toaster ovens, are incredibly convenient for everyday life. However, it is vital to use them properly and to keep them clean. 

Neglecting to keep the toaster oven in your kitchen could cause fire damage in your East Lynn home. Everyone gets busy, and the problem could occur faster than you realize. One moment, you're tiredly trying to heat something, and the next, you have a small kitchen fire on your hands. When you call SERVPRO for help, we can: 

  • Rush to your home no matter what time you need help 
  • Come to your home with advanced technology 
  • EPA Inspect the damage and create a remediation plan 

Most apartment homes have fire suppression systems. In the past, a simple sprinkler system was in place. Modernly, a powder is used to snuff the flames, and unfortunately, your small kitchen fire could make quite the mess because of it. However, our technicians can: 

  • Clean up the suppression powder in your kitchen using vacuums 
  • Remove soot with house-made cleaning agents
  • Clean up melted plastics and burnt food-products 

When it comes to fire damage, never leave your home waiting. Contact SERVPRO of Lynn / Lynnfield by the number (781) 593-6663. We're open 24/7!

Local Mold Inspection Services Near Me?

3/9/2021 (Permalink)

mold damage door and ceiling SERVPRO techs use the latest equipment and technology when it comes to mold remediation services needed for your home.

SERVPRO Can Provide Your East Lynn Home with Mold Inspection Services 

Many homeowners do not reach out for mold inspection services when they first suspect potential damage, which is a mistake. The reality of microbial growth in your home is that it tends to get very out of hand before you ever see physical evidence. It is better to be safe rather than sorry. 

If you find yourself wondering about reaching out for professional East Lynn Mold Inspection Services, don't hesitate. For example, if you know you had water damage in your home a few weeks back, it wouldn't hurt to have a follow-up inspection. Some signals of mold damage could be: 

  • A musty smell
  • White dust-like powder (as no all mold is the same color)
  • Health effects in some individuals 
  • Possible health effects

Furthermore, your home could have damages before any of these signs are visible. Here at SERVPRO, our technicians are highly certified and are mold remediation experts. We can inspect your home with our advanced technology. Should we find mold, we can use the following devices and techniques to address it:

  • Antimicrobial disinfectant for exterminating spores
  • Air scrubbers with HEPA filters 
  • Remove infested drywall and insulation 

If you suspect mold damage may be an issue in your home, do not wait. Contact SERVPRO of Lynn / Lynnfield by calling (781) 593-6663. 

Local Water Damage Repair for My Store?

3/4/2021 (Permalink)

SERVPRO vehicle outside job site. Commercial water damage should be handled by a professional outfit. SERVPRO techs are IICRC certified for water damage restoration of any size.

SERVPRO of Lynn / Lynnfield is Here for Your Commercial Water Damage Repair Needs!

Lynn is the largest city in Essex County of Massachusetts. Historically, it was known as the "City of Sin" due to its early industrial status. More crime happened within the city than others around it due to its growing nature. However, modernly, the town is a peaceful place with many examples of historic architecture and open spaces. 

Lynn Facts: 

Before European settlement, Lynn was home to the Kaumkeag People. European settlement began roughly around 1629. Like many east coast cities, it is not far off from 500 years old. Some more general information and facts about Lynn include: 

  • Lynn's official seal shows a port with sailboats and a rising sun in the background
  • Its population is estimated to be around 94,000 people
  • An old rhyme used to be sung about Lynn, stating, "Lynn, Lynn, the city of sin: if you aren't bad, you can't get in" 
  • Susan Stafford, the original hostess of Wheel of Fortune, was born in Lynn

Places to See in Lynn: 

Due to the fact that Lynn is so old, there are many things to do and see. Should you find yourself in Massachusetts, consider going to Lynn and visiting: 

  • The Lynn Woods, a small getaway from the traffic and noise of the city. It contains hiking trails and perfect places for picnics 
  • The Lynn Shore Boardwalk is known for its scenic views of the ocean 
  • The Lynn Museum and Historical Society has an excess of information about early settler life. Come here to study about the history of Lynn and New England! 

What Can I Do About the Water Damage in My Lynn Office Building? 

Owning property and seeing it in need of water damage repair is difficult for any Lynn business owner. In the case of your office, picture a burst pipe on the first floor, right near reception. However, do not worry. Here at SERVPRO, we have your back. 

A burst pipe right near reception could leave computers fried and important files soaked. Our SERVPRO technicians understand how stressful it would be to have the entrance of your building unreachable. For this reason, we are: 

  • Able to work around your schedule, whenever you need us
  • We travel with state of the art equipment designed for water mitigation 
  • Our technicians are highly trained and experts in our field 

When you work with SERVPRO, you are getting quality service. Once inside your building, we can help you sort through ruined material and pack up anything salvageable. Furthermore, we can help you create a list of lost items for your insurance adjuster. To clean up the damage, we can: 

When your office building suffers water damage, never wait. Speak with SERVPRO of Lynn / Lynnfield by dialing (781) 593-6663. We're ready for you 24/7. 

Flood Damage Cannot Wait!

2/17/2021 (Permalink)

a flooded living room Contact SERVPRO right away when facing flood damage. We are available 24/7 to take your emergency call.

Lynnfield Residents Get Rapid Response From SERVPRO When Called for Flood Damage

When your home gets hit with high winds and torrential rains, there could be several things that go wrong. No matter the season, you need to have a team on-site at your Lynnfield property to get to work as soon as possible. SERVPRO arrives within hours of your initial call, beginning remediation right after assessment to save precious time.

Securing your home after flood damage in Lynnfield is just half the battle. Your exterior must get stabilized, and any damage addressed to keep wind, rain, and debris from getting inside. When SERVPRO arrives at your door, we work to secure your property in many ways, including inspecting your siding, roofing, or windows that have taken on damage. For cleanup, we utilize equipment such as:

  • Pumps, extractors, and other industrial-strength water removal equipment
  • Powerful fans, centrifugal air movers, and dehumidifiers to evaporate moisture and restore humidity levels
  • Careful moisture monitoring with meters, thermal imaging technology, and sensors
  • Deodorization and disinfection of all surface areas with the help of EPA-registered products

When your property goes through a significant weather event, SERVPRO of Lynn/Lynnfield is available to help with professional flood damage assistance. You can reach us any time for emergency service by calling (781) 593-6663. With our skills and experience, we get the job done right the first time!

East Lynn Businesses Need Prompt Cleanup After a Fire

2/12/2021 (Permalink)

a fire damaged living room One of the most important things after fire damage is a prompt response. Contact SERVPRO right away. We are available 24/7.

Your East Lynn store will not miss a beat when you contact SERVPRO for fire restoration

There is a lot that you must think about if your East Lynn shop has a fire. Not only will you want to handle all of the inventory that has been impacted by soot and charring, but you also have to think about safety and the ability to stay open. SERVPRO is here with a rapid response to help you check each important step off of the list.

When you call us for commercial fire restoration in Lynn, we take the time to manage the contents of your business carefully. Steps that may get taken include:

  • Pack outs to store or clean items off-site
  • Detailed content manipulation, including inventory and organization
  • Inventory and disposal for any unsalvageable contents

We understand how important it is to carefully manage restoration of your business after a fire. We remove all traces of the blaze, including deodorization, to combat odorous soot and smoke residue. Everything is left in a preloss condition so that your business can get back to regular operation.

SERVPRO of Lynn/Lynnfield wants you to know that our services are available 24/7 when you require skilled fire restoration. Call us at (781) 593-6663 to have a crew deployed to your store after a fire for prompt, reliable cleanup.

Rapid Flood Removal is Crucial After a Storm

2/7/2021 (Permalink)

a flooded laundry room and hallway Don’t face flooding and subsequent flood damage alone. Contact SERVPRO’s certified technicians for remediation services.

Lynn Homeowners Look to SERVPRO for Reliable Flood Removal and Restoration

As the biggest city in all of Essex County, Massachusetts, you will find Lynn situated just 10 miles to the north of Boston along the Atlantic Ocean. Known for being part of the urban core of Greater Boston, this is a bustling region with a population of 90,329 people as of the time the 2010 United States Census got taken.

For years, Lynn was referred to as “City of Sin” because of the reputation for vice and crime in the area. Today, the area is known for a beautiful downtown cultural district, historical architecture, and wonderful open spaces and parks.

Learning About the History of Lynn, MA

The area now known as Lynn was initially inhabited by native Naumkeag people. In 1629, European settlement began with Edmund Ingalls, followed up in 1631 by John Tarbox. Moving forward, further settlement of Lynn brought about the formation of several independent downs, including:

  • Reading in 1644
  • Lynnfield in 1782
  • Saugus in 1815
  • Swampscott in 1852
  • And Nahant in 1853

During the 19th century, many estates and quaint beach cottages were constructed all along Lynn's shoreline. Because of this, the region and surrounding Atlantic coastline quickly became the fashionable place to spend time during the summer months. Many of these original structures along the coastline are now listed within the National Register under the Diamond Historic District.

Lynn, Massachusetts – Things to See and Do

There are many great locations to take in some local history or spend some time for a day trip. The top attractions in Lynn include:

  • Lynn Museum and Historical Society – Located in downtown Lynn, this is an excellent place to go with the family as there is something for all ages. There is an audio tour, interactive displays, courtyards for relaxing, and much more.
  • Lynn Shore – Are you hoping to spend some time amidst the ocean air with crashing waves in the background? This beach stop will provide plenty of shops to explore, a local pier, and a boardwalk for the ultimate beach day adventure.
  • Lynn Woods – When you want to get out to experience nature, there are lots of great trails in the middle of this stunning natural setting. Locals love to visit Lynn's wooded area to get away from a lot of the hustle and bustle of city life. 

Flood Removal by SERVPRO Ensures Your Lynn Interior Gets Back to Normal Fast

Be it a big flood or small; there is bound to be hidden moisture left in your Lynn home after storm waters rush in. Rather than DIY methods that can lead to secondary damage, SERVPRO features skilled IICRC-certified technicians to get the job done right the first time.

Failing to address all moisture with flood removal in Lynn could lead to numerous issues, such as:

  • Warped ceilings, walls, and flooring if water remains under the surface
  • Walls, baseboards, and flooring might require total replacement if moisture lingers
  • Potentially harmful microbial growth may develop, including mold colonization

SERVPRO of Lynn/Lynnfield is available whenever you need us for flood removal measures after a recent storm. Call us at (781) 593-6663!

East Lynn Residents Can Learn Wilderness First Aid

1/25/2021 (Permalink)

first aid kit for the wilderness When an emergency occurs at your West Lynn home, call SERVPRO for water extraction and restoration--We give First Aid!

Get The Skills To Help Others In An Emergency At This East Lynn Seminar

East Lynn residents can hone their skills to save a life potentially by having basic first aid knowledge. This Wilderness First Aid workshop runs for two days. It covers many critical necessary actions to take when someone is injured or needs assistance, and there is not fast access to a medical facility. Participants learn how to handle getting caught in the elements, stay warm when the temperature drops, what to do if you get lost or ill, and handle emergencies calmly. Attendees get the first aid training to handle crises when on outings with family, friends, and groups. The training covers how to assess a situation, manage broken bones, necessary survival skills, and safe treatment of soft tissue injuries. At the end of the course, a certificate good for two years will get given to individuals completing the course.

  • Date: January 30, 2021
  • Time: Saturday, 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM EST
  • Price: $195
  • Location: Boston Outdoor School, 131 Walnut Street 

SERVPRO of Lynn / Lynnfield at (781) 593-6663 brings their certified technicians and professional equipment to handle water mitigation for East Lynn property owners.

Tacos and Board Games in Lynn

1/18/2021 (Permalink)

interior of restaurant and lounge tables Enjoy the tacos while SERVPRO removes the mold from this Lynn restaurant

Come in And Enjoy Game Night Plus Dinner in Lynn

Taco Tuesday is still running strong in the Lynn area at Savvor Restaurant and Lounge. Every Tuesday, this eatery features Taco Tuesdays with $3 taco specials featuring a choice of steak, chicken, jerk, or fish fillings.) There are also trivia games played with the winner getting shots. Due to the temporary curfew in effect, the event ends at 9 PM instead of 11 PM. The establishment asks that masks be on before entering the restaurant and observe social distancing between tables where the maximum seating together is six persons. Attendees for the game night must order food.

  • Date: January 19, 2021
  • Time: Tuesday, 5:00 PM - 9:00 PM EST
  • Price: No cover 
  • Please note attendees must be over 21 years of age
  • Location: Savvor Restaurant and Lounge at 180 Lincoln Street

SERVPRO of Lynn / Lynnfield at (781) 593-6663 deals with the problem of commercial mold removal in local Lynn properties. The techs are available 24/7 for any size infestation that needs remediation.

How Does a Lynn Home Get Cleaned After Puff Back Damage?

1/4/2021 (Permalink)

green furnace in basement SERVPRO can clean your Lynn home, ducts, and heating system after a Puff Back--Contact us for a professional job!

Our SERVPRO professionals can clean and restore soot-damaged contents and structural elements.

There are inherent risks to running oil furnaces in your Lynn home, especially when these units begin to age without proper maintenance. A stalled ignition in the chamber can cause a small explosion when the furnace ultimately ignites. This event causes soot and smoke particles to blast through the HVAC system and out of vents and registers. Your personal belongings and exposed structural elements are both in need of immediate fire restoration.

How Do Furnace Puff Backs Affect Lynn Homes?

Fire puff back cleaning for Lynn homes hinges on knowing the extent of the damage. Beyond the immediate damage that puff backs can do to both the furnace and its ducts, there are several other impacts that these events can have:

  • Surface Damage – When soot comes to rest on the surfaces of structural elements and fixtures throughout your home, it can affect the underlying material. Without immediate cleaning with the appropriate techniques, these residues can permanently mar exposed surfaces. Soot is acidic and can etch glass and corrode metal surfaces.
  • Content Damage – Your personal belongings must also get considered when harmful particles are circulating in the environment. These items can become permanently damaged through prolonged exposure. SERVPRO can provide the advanced Esporta Washing System to gently clean fabrics using a hydraulic-based process.
  • Environmental Hazards – Circulating soot particles can be hazardous to the health of those exposed, making air filtration vital to begin as soon as possible to capture potentially threatening carcinogens. HEPA filters work with air scrubbers to trap airborne particles.

What Practices Are Used in Soot Removal?

Knowing what happens when soot needs to get removed from your house can help homeowners to prepare for these stages as they happen. Depending on the severity and thickness of present soils, there are multiple approaches to removing oil-based residues. While oil-based solvents and detergents can loosen heaping particles, agitative cleaning practices can reduce the threat's severity so cleaning can become more successful. Some of these approaches include:

  • Brushing
  • Dusting
  • Vacuuming

Whenever a puff back occurs in your home, you can count on our SERVPRO of Lynn / Lynnfield team to help you make it "Like it never even happened." We are available anytime you need us at (781) 593-6663.

Lynn Residents Rely On SERVPRO For Fast Water Removal

1/4/2021 (Permalink)

boots splashing in water with person wearing blue jeans You can take off your boots when SERVPRO arrives for water removal and cleanup in your Lynn area home

SERVPRO Arrives Quickly To Lynn Properties For Water Removal and Restoration

Like most of the land in the area, early settlers in the area that would become Lynn bought the land from the indigenous people, the Naumkeag. The tribe maintained their independence, although they initially were members of the Massachusett Confederacy of tribes. There is no evidence this particular tribe was anything but peaceful with their surrounding neighbors, both Native and the settlers. As more European settlers came into the area, the Native American population dwindled due to illness. When a plague swept through the site in the early 1600s, the Naumkeag people got hit hard and lost large numbers. The population did not recover and by 1633 were all but gone.

Lynn as a city would have never come into existence 350 years ago without a group of settlers from Salem who tired of the fast pace, crowded conditions, and wanted more farmland to raise crops and livestock. All of those needs got met in the not-yet-named Lynn, then called Saugus in 1630. The first official minister for the town was Samuel Whiting, who hailed from King's Lynn in England. The local townsfolk changed the name of the city to Lynn in 1637 in honor of Whiting.

Lynn grew primarily as an agricultural hub, but also due to the making of leather shoes. In fact, the soldiers’ boots for the Continental Army during the Revolutionary War had their creation in the city.

In the present, the city's seal has a colonial boot on it. A Quaker gentleman named Ebenezer Breed saw potential in the town and persuaded other shoemakers and Europeans to settle in the area. By the time Lynn became an official city in 1850, it was already hailed as the Ladies Shoe Capital of the World. At the start of the 1900s, the town was the world leader in shoe production. Over 200 factories put out over one million pairs of shoes daily. This was in part due to the automation developed by an African-American immigrant named Jan Matzeliger. The city saw production begin to decline post-WWII and the last show factory finally closed its doors in 1981.

Jan Ernst Matzeliger was an immigrant from Suriname, then called Dutch Guiana, born to a plantation owner father and a mother who was still an indentured servant. He traveled to Lynn as he was a skilled shoemaker. To make shoes that fit, molds of the buyer’s feet called “lasts” got made and the shoes made around that mold. It was a tedious process that required dexterity and skilled hands. Also, the last-makers would sometimes hold back on delivery of the needed molds asking for more money for the job. Matzeliger set about to automate the shoe laster.

He spent five years developing his invention and finally in 1883, he received the patent for an automated shoe laster. This was the beginning of mass production of shoes, where a skilled shoemaker could produce up to 50 pairs of shoes a day; Matzeliger’s process could produce anywhere from 150 to 700 pairs of shoes in a single day. This lead to the price of most types of shoes getting cut in half and becoming more affordable. The downside of his dedication to developing this technology took a toll on his health. He did not eat and caught a severe cold which led to the discovery he also had tuberculosis. He died in August 1889 just three weeks shy of his 37th birthday.

Another important nickname is "The City of Firsts." Some critical "firsts'' for this town are: 

  • Established the first leather tannery in 1629
  • First fire engine in 1654
  • Lydia Pinkham is the first woman to use her image to sell a product in 1875   
  • Engineers built the first jet airplane engine in Lynn's GE Plant in 1942

Best Places to Check Out in Lynn

Lynn has the benefit of beautiful, natural scenery while still being able to see the city. Lynn Woods is one of the most popular venues for nature lovers. The trails are some of the best hiking in the area. Other popular places to visit in the city are:

  • Lynn Shore situated on the beach by Nahant Bay
  • High Rock Park has excellent views of Boston
  • Lynn Museum and Historical Society highlight the contributions the immigrant population made, plus Lynn's influence on the area’s growth through its hold on the ice and shoe industry. 

When it comes to dining, the winner of the Traveler's Choice for restaurants was the Antique Table Restaurant. This eatery is popular because of its Italian menu, excellent food, and gluten-free options. The city has a considerable number of food options with something for everyone's taste. 

What Furnishings Have The Best Outcome After Water Removal In Lynn Homes?

When a water damage event occurs in a Lynn property, the items that have the best potential for reuse after water removal are nonporous articles. Anything that absorbed the water has the potential for damage. Wood furniture can get restored if absorbing the water has not swelled or cracked crucial joints. SERVPRO technicians have extensive training to visually inspect items and determine if they have the potential for reuse through the various restoration techniques utilized by the techs.

Other top-level concerns about whether an item can get reused depend on many factors: 

  • How quickly the cleanup started
  • If the water caused damage to the item 
  • Whether the water contains contaminants 

If the water caused staining or discoloration to an item or surface, the techs have an array of cleaning agents, and some can lift away water spots. The technicians always test the surface to ensure the method chosen does not mar the exterior the techs are cleaning

Odor control can be another concern, mainly if the water waited a length of time for removal. Pungent, musty odors can set up quickly in a home, and after extraction and drying, the techs can perform different types of applications to dispel and get rid of odors.

SERVPRO of Lynn / Lynnfield at (781) 593-6663 serves the local Lynn community for all types of water removal services. The trained technicians bring their professional equipment and experience to make the damage in the home, "Like it never even happened."

Lynn Executives – Experience the #MTMN Executive Buffet via Zoom

12/18/2020 (Permalink)

A person ordering food looking at a laptop. Supporting local businesses as well as getting to know local executives from your home or office sounds like a great way of networking. Try out #MTMN.

Free Networking Available for Lynn, MA, Professionals with the #MTMN Executive Buffet

Each month, the MTM Institute hosts a buffet where local professionals have the chance to network with other executives in and around the Greater Boston Area. Due to the need for social distancing, you can now enjoy this networking event online from your home or office. This “buffet” networking event is geared toward helping professionals with business education. Participants are encouraged to support local restaurants by ordering in from their favorite restaurant or purchasing a gift certificate. 

  • Date: Wednesday, December 23, 2020
  • Time: 6 pm to 8 pm
  • Where: Virtual via the Zoom portal
  • Cost: Free
  • Details: Registration is required to take part in this business networking event

Having like-minded people to network with is crucial if you want to be successful in business. This is something that our team at SERVPRO of Lynn/Lynnfield supports for our current and future customers. Should you suffer from a fire in your business, you may feel overwhelmed at the immense damage and need for detailed cleanup. Our crews are readily available 24 hours a day to tackle your fire damage restoration needs. Give us a phone call at (781) 593-6663, and we can send out a crew to get started as quickly as possible.

Lynn Residents – Experience the Salem MA Weekly Meditation Group

12/14/2020 (Permalink)

A lady meditating in a livingroom. A healthy mind and body makes daily life so much better. Try out the Salem MA Meditation Meetup Group virtual classes.

Virtual Meditation is Available for Lynn, MA Residents Online Via Zoom 

Meditation is something that many people enjoy as a way to relax or to look into their higher self. This is a process that is based on Kriya practices, and you experience blissful silence as you are guided through the process. Each week, the Salem MA Meditation Meetup Group offers virtual classes for people to participate in openness and healing for the mind, body, heart, and soul. If this is something that you are interested in, you can take part without ever having to leave your home or office. All you have to do is register and log into the online Zoom class, and you can begin the experience with Judy and the rest of the participants. 

  • Date: Sunday, December 20, 2020
  • Time: 5 pm to 6 pm 
  • Where: Online virtual meditation via Zoom
  • Cost: Free

Health and wellness are essential, and SERVPRO of Lynn/Lynnfield likes to encourage local residents to take charge of their well-being. If you have issues after a storm and you require assistance with groundwater cleanup, our skilled team at SERVPRO has the tools to handle the job. Our fleet of vehicles is at the ready, meaning that we can be there with 24/7 emergency on-call services when you contact us at (781) 593-6663.

East Lynn Business Professionals – Don’t Miss Business Ethics 1 Day Virtual Live Training

12/7/2020 (Permalink)

Two women looking at a computer. SERVPRO of Lynn/Lynnfield supports continuing education, if your in a business you can gain from This Business Ethics 1 Day Virtual Live Training.

Academy for Pro’s is Hosting Live Training Available Virtually for East Lynn, MA, Area Residents

Business ethics training is essential for anyone involved in the field of business, all avenues. Proper business ethics is critical if you want your organization to be successful over the long-term. In this world of social distancing, you can still take part in valuable training sessions. This Business Ethics 1 Day Virtual Live Training session features all of the details that you need to help you work with suppliers, employees, customers, and the competition. Registration is required for this online event, and anyone interested in learning more about business ethics is welcome to attend.

  • Date and Time: Two options available – Thursday, December 10, 2020, at 10:30 pm and Friday, December 11, 2020, at 6:30 am
  • Location: Online via EventBrite
  • Cost: $395 - $695, tickets available online

Local businesses and residents of East Lynn are vital to us at SERVPRO of Lynn/Lynnfield, and we always support continued learning and enrichment. If you suffer from flood damage after a significant storm rolls through, we can come out to your home to handle the cleanup and restoration. Call our team at (781) 593-6663, and we will arrive on-site and ready to work within hours. We are Faster to Any Size Disaster!

Why Lynn Residents Should Call Certified Technicians for Water Removal – Understanding How DIY Methods are Not Enough

12/2/2020 (Permalink)

A blue skyline over a city. Calling SERVPRO of Lynn/Lynnfield quickly after your water damage will help get ahead of any further issues your Lynn property has already occurred.

SERVPRO Arrives Quickly to Start Water Removal So That Your Lynn Property Gets Restored Fast!

In the heart of New England and just 10 miles to the northeast of the Boston area, you will find the city of Lynn, Massachusetts. Nestled along the North Shore, Lynn boasts a population of 90,329 as of the 2010 U.S. Census. 

The city is named after a town located in England known as King's Lynn. This region is the home of Lynn's first minister, a man by the name of Samuel Whiting. Lynn is often referred to as the "City of Firsts" because the city proudly lays claim to several "firsts," including:

  • The first tannery developed in the United States was constructed here in Lynn back in 1629
  • Lydia Pinkham, a resident of Lynn, MA, was the very first woman who used her image for selling a product, which was a vegetable compound
  • In 1888, the first electric-powered trolley started running from Lynn
  • The first airmail delivery took place in New England in 1912 where it made the flight from Saugus, MA to Lynn, MA
  • In 1942, Lynn's General Electric facility was the site for production on the first jet airplane engine in the nation
  • Maria Mitchell, an astronomer from Lynn, was the first female inducted into the Academy of Arts and Sciences

Lynn, Massachusetts, originally began as a community centered on fishing and agricultural aspects. Later on, Lynn morphed into a city built on the thriving shoe industry based on the residents' leather shoe proficiency. The town was incorporated in 1631 and then became a city in the year 1850. Thomson-Houston Electric Company was perfect in 1892 with the Edison Electric Company, which then became General Electric. This is a company with a jet engine division that is still a significant employer within the city today.

Enjoying All that Lynn, Massachusetts Has to Offer for Recreation

Since Lynn, MA, is just minutes from the state capital of Boston, you will have many great sites to visit and take in. This includes the New England Aquarium, the Old North Church, the USS Constitution, and the Franklin Park Zoo. However, there are plenty of beautiful attractions within the Lynn city limits, including:

Lynn Woods – This is a beautiful park, which happens to be one of the most substantial municipal parks located within the United States. Here, you will have the ability to explore about 2,000 acres that are loaded with areas for biking, cross-country skiing, and hiking. Many locals love to visit for lunch during the workweek or a nice getaway to relax on the weekends.

Lynn Museum – The Heritage Museum and Lynn Arts is the cultural hub of the city and home to a broad range of exhibits that change throughout the year. The staff is very friendly and helpful, and the museum itself is often home to different kid-oriented events and special occasions. The museum was founded back in 1897 to help preserve the rich history of Lynn, Massachusetts.

High Rock Park, Tower, and Observatory – This beautiful observatory can be accessed either by taking the stairs on the hillside or enjoying a winding drive in your vehicle. The towers' views are incredible, with many people flocking to this location to view the fireworks displays in the summer over the week of July 4th.

Sampling the Flavors of the Many Restaurants and Eateries of Lynn

Whether you are looking for a diner-like atmosphere or you want to find a place to bring someone special on a date, the city of Lynn has plenty of incredible places to grab a bite to eat. Some of the top restaurants and watering holes in the area include:

Christopher's Café: This dining establishment on Lewis Street takes diner specialties to a new level. You can come here to enjoy generous portions for breakfast or grab something quick during your lunch break. Top dishes on the menu include loaded omelets, grilled pork chops, and baby back ribs.

Rossetti Restaurant of Lynn: You will find this Italian restaurant on Sutton Street with a menu filled with exquisite dishes crafted from the finest ingredients. The atmosphere is cozy and inviting, just right for sampling menu favorites like antipasti, jumbo Gulf shrimp scampi, steaks, and much more.

Atha's Roast Beef: Locals will tell you that this quick-bites eatery located on Boston Street is a real gem and a diamond in the rough. Despite the humble appearance, the menu is loaded with robust flavors and colossal sandwiches, such as the roast beef seasoned to perfection. Other favorites on the roster include buffalo fingers, specialty pizzas, and fresh Greek salads.

Why Call SERVPRO to Assist When You Have an Emergency That Calls for Water Removal? We Have All the Equipment and Proven Methods to Ensure Professional Results!

Water emergencies happen suddenly, which means many homeowners have little time to react. The good news is that SERVPRO features skilled technicians that utilize industrial-grade equipment to facilitate rapid cleanup throughout your Lynn home. Whether you have a leaking pipe, a burst pipe, or an appliance malfunction, you need to extract water quickly so that you can limit the impact of secondary damage. The longer you wait for cleanup, the more damage sets in, destroying materials and running up the restoration cost. 


When you call us for water removal in Lynn, we handle significant issues from the emergency, such as:

  • Standing water removal
  • Treatment of blackwater, which contains potentially harmful contaminants
  • Handling all soiling and debris
  • Cleaning your entire structure, leaving no area unaddressed
  • Thoroughly drying your residence while using moisture detection equipment to eliminate hidden moisture pockets
  • Controlled demolition, if necessary 
  • Deodorization and sanitization using EPA-registered products

There is no job that SERVPRO of Lynn/Lynnfield cannot handle. When you contact us at (781) 593-6663, we send out a crew within hours to address your water removal needs. Our Green Fleet of vehicles come filled with all of the equipment, tools, and cleaning agents that we need to ensure rapid extraction, thorough drying, and impeccable cleaning throughout your property.

Lynnfield Locals Get Creative with Ceramics

11/20/2020 (Permalink)

flooded rooms in a home SERVPRO looks forward to the Pottery courses for families in Lynnfield!

Two-Session Pottery Courses For Lynnfield Families

The Pottery Mill in nearby Lowell, MA, is proud to present two-visit workshops for interested parties in Lynnfield and elsewhere to unleash their inner artist. An experienced instructor guides small groups through a relaxing Saturday evening of throwing functional pieces on a pottery wheel. November and December course dates are available for groups of up to six people at a time.

  • Classes are split into a duo of two-hour courses designed to help you create up to four pieces of pottery on a pottery wheel. Participants must be at least nine years of age.
  • Attendees are allowed to bring snacks and refreshments.
  • Course costs cover guided instruction, pottery materials, and kiln firing for both classes.

After your pottery is fired, you can come back to glaze it to finish your piece. Pottery is typically completely cured in approximately three weeks. Pickup takes place on Tuesday and Thursday evenings from 6:30 to 9:30.

SERVPRO of Lynn / Lynnfield is a phone call away from providing water restoration for your Lynnfield home at (781) 593-6663.

Lynn Shoppers Enjoy Chelmsford Crafts and Shopping with Their Favorite Drinks

11/13/2020 (Permalink)

shelves full of SERVPRO equipment It will be exciting to see the community at the Fall Sip and Shop to kick off the Holiday season.

Lynn Residents Kick off the Holiday Season with the 2020 Fall Sip & Shop

The Chelmsford Fall Sip & Shop is home to dozens of vendors and craft specialists, all of whom have something interesting to offer Lynn shoppers. This occasion is the perfect opportunity for some holiday decor or gift shopping. The Fall Sip & Shop takes place on November 18, 2020, from 6:00 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. at the Princeton Station BallRoom in North Chelmsford.

This free admission, annual fall shopping event features the following:

  • Over 30 vendors to shop from
  • Raffle tables to boost your prize-winning opportunities
  • A cash bar to enjoy as you shop
  • Entertainment in the lounge area
  • Appetizers and other dining options available

Supporting local businesses is key to revitalizing communities. Giving back to hardworking solo entrepreneurs and company staff alike can be a fun and memorable experience that benefits everyone involved.

SERVPRO of Lynn / Lynnfield provides Faster To Any Size Disaster mold remediation for Lynn homeowners when they call (781) 593-6663.

Local Festivals Invite Lynn Residents to Usher in Autumn

11/13/2020 (Permalink)

rusted pipe leaking water It will be exciting to see the community sampling delicious wines and seltzers this November!

Lynn Locals Sample Delicious Wines and Seltzers This November

Whether you live in Lynn or Cambridge, locals in the Boston area are welcome to join in the fun of the Boston Fall Seltzer & Wine Fest. All guests are submitted as entrants to win a multitude of door prizes and giveaway goodies. Prizes are valued at over $1,000. This fun and vibrant event kicks off on November 14, 2020, from noon to 10 p.m. at the Revere Hotel in Boston Common.

Other features at this exciting festival include:

  • Photo stations and photobooths
  • Music curated by live DJs
  • Games and contests
  • A silent auction, the proceeds of which benefit Project Smile

Project Smile is a New England charity that donates items meant to comfort children who have experienced trauma. Toys, books, crayons, stuffed animals, and more are donated to local fire and police departments to give to children in need.

SERVPRO of Lynn / Lynnfield is prepared to support Lynn residents requiring water extraction. Call (781) 593-6663 for 24/7 rapid-response service.

Disaster Mitigation for Lynn Homes from a Local IICRC-Certified Firm

11/8/2020 (Permalink)

fire damaged home When fire affects your home, team SERVPRO can help. Contact our certified technicians for fire damage remediation services.

SERVPRO of Lynn / Lynnfield is a Phone Call Away from Returning Fire-Damaged Homes in Lynn to a Pre-Loss State

Lynn, Massachusetts, founded in 1629, is among the largest cities in the Commonwealth and one of the oldest. Today, this integral part of the Greater Boston area is best known for its unique combination of contemporary art and historic architecture. This city’s gradual shift from an industrial powerhouse to a cultural landmark in the Commonwealth makes for a unique history.

Local offerings for the over 90,000 residents of Lynn include a diverse array of activities and venues such as:

  • The Grand Army of the Republic Museum on Andrew Street, a military museum constructed in 1885 with exhibitions dating from the American Revolution through the Korean War
  • The winding trails of Lynn Woods, a sprawling forest reserve packed with both flora and fauna that nature lovers are sure to enjoy
  • The Lynn Auditorium, which regularly hosts big-name performers. Upcoming performances in late 2020 and early 2021 include The Irish Tenors, Christopher Cross, and Brian Culbertson

This historic city got its start as an English settlement shortly after the founding of Salem. The town initially got its name from a similarly-named market town in England, originally known as Bishop’s Lynn, until being renamed to King’s Lynn in the sixteenth century.

During this colonial period, Lynn was most renowned for its shoe-making and tannery, which focused on leather goods. To this day, the city seal features a colonial boot that is evocative of its history with shoe manufacturing. In the nineteenth century, this focus expanded into dozens of factories and several tanneries opening to accommodate the demand for shoes and leather goods.

Lynn’s booming shoe industry allowed entrepreneurs to invest in electricity through such companies as the Thomson-Houston Electric Company, which would merge with Edison Electric to form General Electric before the end of the nineteenth century. GE started as a manufacturing hub for various electrical components before expanding into aircraft engine manufacturing during the Second World War.

The First and Second Great Fires of Lynn

Unfortunately, Lynn has experienced several large fires throughout its history, including a 3-alarm fire in a three-story house on Chestnut Street in May 2020. In particular, two fires have left indelible marks on the city almost a century apart from one another.

The Great Lynn Fire of 1889

On the afternoon of November 26, 1889, a fire ignited at Almont and Oxford Streets that spread rapidly, eventually destroying Central Square and decimating Lynn’s business district. This fire spread incredibly quickly due to the prevalence of wooden structures. While no serious injuries or deaths were reported, the local economy took a significant hit.

  • Over 100 buildings were destroyed by the fire
  • Losses incurred were totaled at over $5 million at the time, or over $164 million today
  • According to The Boston Globe, on the following day, buildings on several streets were destroyed
  • Commercial losses included over 150 factories, over 120 houses, 80 shoe manufacturers, four banks, and three newspaper companies

The Second Great Lynn Fire of 1981

The 1970s and 1980s were hard on Lynn, as the city endured many large fires, the most disastrous of which occurred at a shoe factory on November 28, 1981. This fire required the assistance of a whopping 94 communities from Rhode Island, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts to extinguish.

Damages incurred included an estimated $80 million of property loss to seventeen downtown properties. The affected area on Washington and Broad Streets has since been redeveloped into loft apartment buildings and a satellite campus of North Shore Community College. While the fire was later determined to be an arson, no suspects were convicted of the crime. The only associated charge was for perjury committed in a federal court.

Lynn: A City of Resilience

In the early 1990s, while on the road to recovery from several major fires in the past decade, marketing for the city shifted to focus on the city’s achievements, which included:

  • The first ironworks, tannery, fire engine, and operable electric streetcar in Massachusetts
  • The birthplace of Lydia Pinkham, the first woman in advertising
  • Home of the United States’ first dance academy

The early 2000s saw a shift from industrial districts to revitalizing historic districts into cultural centers. Revitalization efforts are ongoing, focusing on converting former industrial complexes into mid- to high-end lofts. These efforts have led to downtown Lynn being formally recognized as an arts and culture district by the Massachusetts Cultural Council.

SERVPRO of Lynn / Lynnfield’s team has extensive training and certification in fire damage cleanup and restoration. The faster these tasks are performed by licensed professionals, the more quickly communities can be safely restored to a safe and comfortable condition.

How Does SERVPRO’s Fire Damage Cleanup Remove Smoke Odors from Lynn Homes?

SERVPRO technicians are licensed to render fire and smoke damage cleanup for Lynn properties with industrial-grade mitigation tools and EPA-registered antimicrobial solutions that sanitize spaces and kill odors.

Smoke odors, fire damage soils, and protein residues can contribute significantly to persistent odors in your home. SERVPRO Odor Control Technicians (OCTs) use a variety of deodorization methods to address these soils, including:

  • Removing unsalvageable, odor-causing debris from the property
  • Manually dislodging loose soot deposits with agitating tools
  • The use of sophisticated technologies like hydroxyl generators and HEPA filter air scrubbers
  • Abrasion cleaning with soda ash, which offers a certain degree of deodorization
  • Time-release odor control pellets and counteractant beads

SERVPRO’s Institute of Inspection Cleaning and Restoration Certification (IICRC) training allows local teams to service your property according to restoration industry standards 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

SERVPRO of Lynn / Lynnfield has an emergency response team on standby to make your home look and feel, “Like it never even happened.” Call (781) 593-6663 to begin the restoration process within hours of your initial contact.

How Do Fire Damage Restoration Services Return Your Lynn Home to Its Pre-Fire Condition?

10/31/2020 (Permalink)

fire wrecked house with yellow tape over it Repairing your home after fire damage is a hard task to tackle alone. Contact SERVPRO for professional remediation and mitigation services.

In General, Lynn Fire Damage Restoration Services Eliminate Fire-Related Airborne Particles and Soot Residues, as Well as the Foul Odors They Cause.

As Lynn house fires burn, they produce two main things: odorous airborne particles and acidic soot residues.  Airborne particles spread throughout your home, landing on various surfaces, while residues are left behind by burned substances.

How Do Remediators Remove Harmful Particles and Residues from Your Home?

Lynn fire damage restoration companies like SERVPRO work to eliminate these residential fire products.  Various steps are taken to clean the interior air of your home and remove combustion remnants from impacted surfaces.  Once onsite, SERVPRO technicians:

  • Employ advanced air movers and high-velocity box fans to suck in and push out odorous smoky air from your interiors
  • Use state-of-the-art air scrubbers to remove smoke particles from the air and surfaces around your residence
  • Clean up smelly soot residues from your ventilation network with innovative HVAC cleaning systems
  • Remove acidic residues from household surfaces via wet, dry, or abrasive methods
  • Deodorize impacted upholstery and carpeting with deodorant injectors
  • Neutralize any odorous airborne particles with Vaportek systems and ozone generators
  • Generate smell counteracting fogs with sophisticated foggers to further deodorize affected spaces and materials   

Once these steps have been taken, the basic restoration process is generally complete.  However, depending on the extent of your home’s fire damage, we may also need to reconstruct rooms or areas of your residence destroyed by the blaze. 

When it comes to fire risks, you can never be too safe.  Always be sure to avoid fire-related hazards whenever you can.  SERVPRO advises that you practice safe cooking habits, like never leaving cooking food or children unattended or allowing cooking oil to overheat, and always keep a class ABC fire extinguisher in your kitchen.  Also, properly maintain and periodically clean all household appliances.       

Call your helpful neighborhood SERVPRO of Lynn/Lynnfield at (781) 593-6663 if you ever need assistance.

Click here for more information about Lynn.

How are Contents Cleaned During Fire Restoration?

10/22/2020 (Permalink)

Flames The situation can feel quite overwhelming when your home and belongings are affected by fire damage. Contact SERVPRO for remediation services.

SERVPRO Handles the Cleaning of Your Lynnfield Home’s Contents Using Proven Fire Damage Restoration Techniques.

Fire is a destructive force that can leave behind thousands in damages, even if it only impacted one room of your home. When addressing the contents of your Lynnfield home, it is not always the case that everything is a total loss after a fire. SERVPRO features highly-skilled fire restoration technicians (FRT) ready to handle pack-outs and specialized contents cleaning services. We’re Faster to Any Size Disaster, giving us plenty of time to address soot and smoke damage before it has time to set in and create costly secondary damage. 

Why Do I Need Pack-Out Services?

Often, the fire damage restoration process in Lynnfield is more manageable when our crew carefully inventories, packs up, and transports items off-site for cleaning. This frees up space to allow our team the room necessary to address structural damages and debris. Not only that, but we also have specialized cleaning tools available at our facility to handle varying levels of fire damage from soot, smoke, and moisture left from the water or chemicals used to extinguish the blaze.

The way that we handle contents cleaning includes:

  • Appliances – Non-absorbent surfaces, such as metal, plastic, and glass, can get cleaned using water-based detergent solutions.
  • Books – The severity of the damage determines how we proceed when cleaning books. Light smoke residues are often handled with dry cleaning methods like brushing, compressed air, and vacuuming. Moderate or heavy residue calls for more aggressive measures, including alkaline surface cleaners or thermal fog deodorizing.
  • Upholstered Furniture – We always test materials before cleaning to select the right method for the job. Dry soils get cleaned first, followed by dry solvents to ensure no shrinkage, bleeding, or browning occurs.

SERVPRO of Lynn/Lynnfield is the team to call if you want help handling your contents during fire damage restoration. Call (781) 593-6663, and we can dispatch a crew 24/7 to get to work.

What Are the Different Types of Flooding that Can Impact Lynnfield Homes?

10/18/2020 (Permalink)

boots on flooded floor Contact SERVPRO of Lynn / Lynnfield at (781) 593-6663 for expert flood damage service.

Storms Bring a Variety of Flooding to Lynnfield, and SERVPRO Can Provide Fast Mitigation

Flooding can cause water to come pouring into your home in various ways. Groundwater from natural flooding can be highly contaminated and present all kinds of biohazards. Certain flooding comes from clean water but can cause severe damage to the structure and content. Our technicians assess the situation and provide the mitigation you need in Lynnfield.

What are the Most Common Flood Situations SERVPRO Technicians Encounter?
SERVPRO technicians encounter different types of storm flooding and understand the flood damage it can cause in Lynnfield. Knowing what type of flooding they are dealing with and the water category, they can then provide the right mitigation. Every situation is unique and can call for a different approach. Here are the typical flood scenarios are technicians see:
•    Natural Flooding – Steady rainfall and even heavy snowfall can lead to creeks, lakes, and streams rising. When they overflow, it can result in water penetrating homes as the levels rise and spill over their boundaries. The water, in this case, is contaminated
•    Flash Flooding – This type of flooding occurs rapidly. It can be from heavy rainfall or storms such as hurricanes. Flash flood water is also contaminated. The water surges in swiftly and can damage structural elements quickly.
•    Roof Flooding – Storms can cause roof damage and leave your home vulnerable to water intrusion. This is typically clean Gray Water that can quickly degrade into category 3 Black Water but can cause moisture to spread throughout the entire home.
•    Wind-Driven Flooding – Strong winds from storms can tear the siding off a home; windows can break, and winds can damage the outside. Winds like this often accompany torrential rainfall and can drive water inside the residence.

No matter what type of flooding causes flood damage to your home SERVPRO is here to help. We understand the importance of returning to normal as quickly as possible when a flood comes surging through. Our Green Team arrives on the scene ready to clean, repair, and restore your home to preloss condition whenever possible.

Contact SERVPRO of Lynn / Lynnfield at (781) 593-6663 for expert flood damage service. We’re Faster to Any Size Disaster!

How Does SERVPRO Decide What to Clean During Fire Damage Restoration?

10/2/2020 (Permalink)

House Fire SERVPRO Can Help Homeowners in Lynn when They Are Confronted with fire damage.

Lynn Homeowners Want to Know if SERVPRO Can Save Their Belongings.

Lynn homeowners only need to take a quick look around to realize just how many possessions a home can contain. Whether you live with a family or live alone, it is effortless to accumulate furniture, clothes, knick-knacks, etc. If there is a fire in your home, your belongings provide fuel for the flames, which is a sobering thought.

Residents who need fire damage restoration in Lynn are curious about what SERVPRO can save from smoke damage, and how we decide what to clean and what to toss. Many factors affect the cleanability of an item.

What can SERVPRO clean after a fire?

Fire spreads quickly, and in a very short time, your belongings can burn. We understand how distressing it is to see your home after a blaze. Thankfully, we have the tools and cleaning products to clean most household items:

  • Clothes, linens, towels, and drapes
  • Wooden furniture and cabinets, textiles, and carpets or rugs
  • Documents, art, photographs, and craft supplies
  • Ornaments and keepsakes

It is our policy to clean items rather than replace them, if possible. Cleaning is cheaper than replacing things, it makes it easier to claim on your insurance, and it lessens the emotional impact of losing precious belongings.

We cannot save items that have suffered extensive physical damage. For example, we cannot salvage clothes that are burned beyond wearing or furniture that is warped to the point that it is unusable. These items were often close to the heart of the fire. However, as we move out from the source and into the rest of your home, we will find many not physically broken items. Instead, we start seeing things covered in smoke stains, and our technicians are highly skilled at dealing with those.

What difference does the kind of smoke make?

The kind of smoke makes a big difference to the cleanability of an item:

  • Dry smoke residue is powdery and easy to clean away from surfaces
  • Wet smoke residue contains more compounds such as aerosols and is stickier, which makes it harder to clean
  • Fuel oil soot is generally soft, but some particles are crustier and, therefore, more challenging to clean without damaging the surface underneath
  • Protein soot is harder to see but smells terrible and requires an extensive cleaning

What about the type and age of material?

Porous materials are more difficult to clean than smooth materials because soot residue can penetrate further into them. For example, it is easier to clean an enamel-painted surface than a wallpapered one because the wallpaper is more porous. Synthetic fibers are usually easier to clean than natural ones because of their smoother surface.

The age of the item also makes a difference. Older items generally have more wear and tear and are thus harder to clean. This is true for furniture, clothes, and textiles.

Are there any other factors?

Several other factors affect cleanability:

  • The temperature of the fire – hotter fires cause more warping, bubbling, and cracking, which makes surfaces more porous and more likely to take on smoke residues
  • The amount of moisture – fire-fighting chemicals and sprinkler systems can make residues wetter and more likely to sink into a surface and stain it
  • Air pressure during the fire – as the pressure rises, the air forces soot into cracks and crevices
  • Type of material burned during the fire – synthetic materials and plastics leave behind more challenging residues than natural fabrics like cotton and wood

 We take all aspects into account when deciding what to clean and what to discard.

How do fire restoration technicians reach a decision?

SERVPRO of Lynn / Lynnfield technicians start at the source of the fire and work outwards, dividing materials into salvageable, non-salvageable, and undecided. We train our remediation teams to the Institute of Inspection, Cleaning and Restoration Certification (IICRC) standards, which means they are experts in assessing what to clean and what is beyond saving.

We agree on our cleaning plan with you before we commence. Then we use a combination of HEPA vacuuming, scrubbing, hydraulic cleaning, ultrasonic cleaning, spot cleaning, and fogging to cleanse and restore your furniture, textiles, and personal belongings.

We deodorize your home and contents before we leave, to get rid of lingering smoke odors.

Will SERVPRO restore items to their preloss condition?

We aim to restore items “Like it never even happened,” where possible. However, it's not always possible to restore an item to its preloss condition. Our team will inform you of the likely results before we begin cleaning, so you always know what to expect.

For help with fire restoration, call SERVPRO of Lynn / Lynnfield at (781) 593-6663.

Can Restoration Services Remove Smoke Odors from My Business?

9/22/2020 (Permalink)

Fire sprinkler head on white ceiling in a building with flames below. If your office experiences fire damage, SERVPRO has the tools and training to restore your business to pre loss condition.

SERVPRO Arrives at Your Lynn Business Ready to Remove Tough Smoke Odors with Expert Fire Damage Restoration Service

Even the smallest fire leaves behind foul odors and damage within any commercial space that may keep you from regular operations. Knowing that you need prompt action to get your business back up and running, calling in the help of trained restoration technicians to your Lynn business is the best move. At SERVPRO, we have IICRC-certified technicians and the advanced technology necessary to get the job done fast. 

How Does Smoke Odor Removal Work?

When called for fire damage restoration in Lynn, we arrive at your business to begin the initial assessment. Once the action plan is in place, we remove all charred building materials and any interior contents deemed unsalvageable. Any water left from extinguishing the flames gets extracted, and we start to focus on soot and smoke residue.

  • Dry sponges allow us to pick up powdery soot
  • Wet sponges and industrial-grade cleaning solutions help remove sticky, stubborn smoke residue
  • All areas are tested before cleaning, which helps to ensure the best method gets used for the type of residue present

For tough smoke odors, we often use thermal fogging technology. With this process, our thermal fogging equipment puts out a chemical fog with odor-neutralizing power that reaches particles deep down in crevices and cracks. We also use air scrubbers to help remove odorous elements and particles from the air. 

Whatever building materials are deemed unsalvageable, our team removes them, and everything is replaced with brand-new materials to bring your business back to preloss condition.

Fire damage restoration is something that we specialize in at SERVPRO of Lynn / Lynnfield. You can call us 24/7 to have a team deployed to your location in as little as four hours. We can be reached at (781) 593-6663.

We Can Remediate Mold From Your Lynnfield Home

9/22/2020 (Permalink)

Mold on a white wall SERVPRO can help remediate mold damage in your home. Call us today.

SERVPRO Can Remediate Mold Damage Inside of Your Lynnfield Home

Many situations could cause mold damage inside of your Lynnfield home. Mold spores are omnipresent and relatively harmless in their spore form. However, when exposed to excess moisture, they become active and cause many issues inside your home.

The mold damage in your Lynnfield home could damage your house's wooden frame as mold feeds off organic material. Furthermore, mold can cause health effects to the individuals inside of the home. Whenever you suspect mold damage may be inside of your home, it is wise to reach out for help right away.

Here at SERVPRO, we believe in being available when you need us. No matter what time you call, our technicians are ready to travel to your location with a van-full of advanced technology. Our technicians are expertly qualified for remediating the mold damage in your home and are certified by the Institution of Inspection Cleaning and Restoration (IICRC).

When our SERVPRO technicians arrive at your home, they can get to work right away. The mold damage in your home came about by leaky plumbing in your bathroom. Thankfully, such a small space makes it easy to contain and remediate.

Our technicians can start by setting up plastic sheeting around your bathroom entrance to quarantine the mold damage. Furthermore, we can shut vents and ensure that any opening airborne mold spores could travel through is closed. Once we're ready to remediate, SERVPRO can set up an air scrubber equipped with a HEPA filter to pull mold spores from the air while we work.

We can begin to agitate the mold colony, scrubbing it away from any non-porous materials. SERVPRO can also remove any infected porous materials to ensure no remnant of the colonies remains behind. Our technicians can use a biocide to help stop future infestations from the treated area to finish things off.

When you need help, always reach out for it. Immediately contact SERVPRO of Lynn / Lynnfield by calling (781) 593-6663. No matter the time, we're ready to help.

How Long Before Standing Water Becomes an Emergency?

9/22/2020 (Permalink)

A woman's feet, wearing waterproof rain boots are standing in a flooded house with vinyl wood floors. Let SERVPRO help you with water removal in your home.

Water Incidents in Your Lynnfield Home Call for Prompt Water Removal – SERVPRO is Available 24/7!

A water emergency is generally an unpredictable event that happens when you least expect it. Whether you had a washing machine malfunction or a pipe burst, you need to do whatever is possible to clean up any standing water. Time is of the essence, so waiting too long to have all water removed and your interior dried can lead to secondary damage within your Lynnfield home. Regardless of the water's origin, any unexpected flooding can put your flooring, upholstery, carpeting, and other areas of your property at risk. We are Faster to Any Size Disaster at SERVPRO, and we have crews ready to go 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

What Can I Expect When Calling in Skilled Restoration Technicians?

When you call SERVPRO to assist with your water removal in Lynnwood, you can count on our crew to handle everything from start to finish. Our flood and water extraction experts will:

  • Offer helpful advice on minimizing damage to your interior and belongings until our Green Fleet arrives.
  • Get started on a quick assessment to formulate a plan for cleanup, drying, and sanitization.
  • Begin removing any standing water as soon as possible.
  • Carefully extract water from your carpets and carpet padding below, as needed.
  • Locate any areas where water may have migrated so that moisture is not left to fester.
  • Treat any affected areas with EPA-registered cleaning and antimicrobial agents.
  • Coordinate industrial air moving equipment and dehumidifiers to speed the drying process.

All of our water restoration technicians (WRT) are ready to adapt and work efficiently to meet our drying goals. When all gets wrapped up, your interior will be back to preloss condition, "Like it never even happened." 

Call SERVPRO of Lynn / Lynnfield when you need us for water removal services at (781) 593-6663. We will deploy a crew to get to work within a few hours.

What Role Do Dehumidifiers Play in Lynn Water Restoration?

9/17/2020 (Permalink)

green and black dehumidifier SERVPRO has the equipment for water restoration in your home.

When drying a structure, air movers and dehumidifiers are vital to promoting evaporation and managing moisture. 

When it comes to removing moisture and promoting a healthy drying environment for Lynn homes after a water disaster, many tools and devices are necessary. Dehumidification is vital to the process because it removes water vapor from the air, lowering the humidity ratio. The lower this ratio, the more effective evaporation strategies become. 

Because of how involved water restoration in Lynn homes often becomes, the right balance of these dehumidification devices is critical to reducing recovery time. The objective of the placement and running of moisture and water vapor removal equipment is to create a balanced drying system where the amount of moisture removed from the environment matches or exceeds what evaporation by our air movers produces. 

What Types of Dehumidifiers Exist? 

Removing water vapor from the established drying zones in your home often requires different types of dehumidifiers as conditions change throughout the year. Our SERVPRO of Lynn / Lynnfield team uses three main types of dehumidifiers when restoring and drying damaged structures. These include: 

  • Refrigerant – These are the most common dehumidifiers in restoration, and work much as air conditioners do. Water pulled into the system condenses on cooling coils, removing the moisture from the environment. 
  • Low Grain Refrigerant – Between conventional and LGR units, the primary difference is how LGR dehumidifiers can produce a lower humidity ratio. Beyond pre-cooling before reaching evaporator coils, the system works the same as conventional options. 
  • Desiccant – These options are ideal for lower temperatures and have the advantage of exhausting dry, warm air back into the drying zone after moisture removal. 

Moisture removal from drying areas in the house requires a few dehumidifier types that our SERVPRO of Lynn / Lynnfield team uses. For efficient drying after a loss, give us a call at (781) 593-6663.

Where Should Homeowners Seek Help After Fire Damage?

9/17/2020 (Permalink)

Flames and smoke coming out of 2 windows of a white siding home and grey roof If your home has fire damage, Contact SERVPRO for restoration.

Talk to SERVPRO Restorers in Lynn to Help You Restore Your Fire Damaged Home

The secondary damage of a fire can be more severe than the damage caused by the flames that engulfed your Lynn property. If left unattended for an extended period, your valuable items may get damaged beyond repair. Professional restoration within 48 hours minimizes or prevents further damage.

When is the best time to contact the restorers?

After the firefighters extinguish the flames, do not waste time. Contact our restorers immediately to handle fire damage in your Lynn property. We respond fast to our customer's emergency calls and begin the inspection and fire cleanup process. Our highly skilled restorers always aim to get our customers' homes to their preloss state as fast as possible. SERVPRO is a leading fire restoration firm. Some of the things we do when restoring fire-damaged homes include:

  • Comprehensive odor removal
  • Soot and smoke cleanup
  • Water damage restoration

How can you protect my home and its contents?

Our priority during fire damage restoration is to secure the building. We can board up all openings to secure your property from intruders and extreme weather. Our restorers can use plywood enforced by two-by-fours to board up any openings. We can separate the salvageable contents from those damaged beyond repair. The content restoration team can take care of your rugs, furniture, among other possessions, for maximum recovery.  

How do you remove smoke and odor?

Soot and smoke residues can reach just about anywhere, including inside ductwork and walls that look unharmed. The smoke even makes its way into stereos, appliances, computers, among other electronics. If not removed on time using advanced cleaning solutions and techniques, smoke residue can corrode metal surfaces and stain porous surfaces. Our technicians can use cleaners like stain scrub to clean high gloss surfaces and stainless appliances. 

Immediate odor removal is essential since odor-causing compounds penetrate surfaces deeply, making it difficult to remove them. If you attempt to handle the process yourself, you can force the compounds deeper into the surface. Our technicians can employ several procedures involving multiple professional equipment and products to eliminate odors. For instance, if there are lingering odors on carpeting and upholstery, our SERVPRO team can use a pump and injection needled to inject small amounts of deodorant into confined spots. This odor removal method is effective in situations where restorers cannot lift the carpet easily to get to the backing material or padding. 

Fire damage can be devastating, primarily, if not handled on time. Contact SERVPRO of Lynn / Lynnfield, to restore your property "Like it never even happened." Talk to us today at (781) 593-6663.   

Will My Interior Be the Same After a Flood?

9/17/2020 (Permalink)

Water spreading on the parquet floor of a house When floodwaters invade your home, contact SERVPRO for fast flood damage restoration.

Professional Flood Damage Recovery Ensures Your Lynn Home is Returned to Pre-Loss Condition

Flash flooding can come and go without warning, leading to varying levels of damage within the lower floor or basement of your home. While floodwaters in Lynn can bring a range of contaminants into your home, prompt attention and cleanup ensure that you and your family do not get subjected to harmful bacteria. At SERVPRO, we are Faster to Any Size Disaster, and we can come to you 24/7 for emergency restoration services.

What If There are Toxins in the Floodwater?

Flood damage in Lynn poses a threat due to the level of infectious and toxic substances that floodwaters carry. Our skilled technicians are vigilant about containment, and we always adhere to local regulations for the disposal of all fluids. To help minimize risks before starting on your flood loss job, we often overspray the impacted area with EPA-registered disinfectant. While on the job, we also:

  • Seal off all workspaces with heavy-duty plastic sheeting
  • Wear personal protective equipment (PPE) for safety
  • Use foot coverings that eliminate the potential for tracking harmful biohazards into other unaffected areas of the house
  • Use air-scrubbers that help to filter out dangerous residues

We Take the Time to Map and Monitor Moisture

Water migrates to drier spaces, and moisture tends to get into hard-to-reach areas or difficult to detect with the naked eye. Because of this, our team uses moisture metering and detection tools that help us to address hidden moisture before it has time to cause secondary damage. Along with applied structural drying techniques for airflow and dehumidification, the entire job gets wrapped up with the application of powerful cleaning agents for sanitization and deodorization.

When you need prompt flood damage assistance, we are here to help at SERVPRO of Lynn / Lynnfield. Call (781) 593-6663 to have a crew deployed to your home to make it, “Like it never even happened.”

Is My Home Susceptible to Mold?

9/12/2020 (Permalink)

mold on wall, tile floor Count on SERVPRO for mold remediation for Lynn Properties

All Homes in Lynn are Susceptible to Mold, but a Professional Mold Remediation Team Can Help You

Homes in Lynn and throughout the area are vulnerable to mold if the right conditions come together. Whenever there is excess humidity, mold spores find a friendly environment to grow and spread throughout your home. We often don't perceive mold until it becomes visible on our walls, or health effects develop. Rather than waiting until the situation escalates, place a call to a specialist as soon as you suspect mold.

Our team at SERVPRO meets your mold remediation needs in Lynn. Our team members are certified by the Institute of Inspection, Cleaning and Restoration Certification (IICRC) as applied microbial restoration technicians (AMRT), a testament to their knowledge of the mold remediation process. Mold remediation protocols should occur as soon as you suspect mold, which can happen when you see it, smell it, or otherwise determine excess humidity in your home. Failure to address the issue quickly can affect your health. As we do our job, we coordinate with other contractors necessary to control the leak's site or the root cause for mold.

What steps does SERVPRO take to remove mold from my home?

Removing mold from your home is as essential as containing its spread. Our SERVPRO team trains and become experts in achieving optimal results while mitigating the risks associated with mold. A thorough remediation process includes removing mold from surfaces as well as mitigating its airborne effects. Some of the techniques you can see taking place in your home could consist of the following-

  • Use of negative pressure air scrubbers with HEPA filters to avoid cross-contamination
  • Ultra-low volume foggers to counteract airborne mold spores
  • Ozone generators can also help clean the air in your home

Dehumidifiers and personal protective equipment also play an essential role in the mold remediation process. Our team at SERVPRO of Lynn/Lynnfield is here to help you through the process. Call us at (781) 593-6663 as soon as you suspect the problem and let us leave your home, "Like it never even happened."

How Can Water Restoration Professionals Help My Flooded Gift Shop?

9/9/2020 (Permalink)

Gift shop Our technicians have state of the art equipment and experience to restore your Lynn gift shop to pre-damage condition. “Like it never even happened.”

Businesses in Lynn Can Depend On SERVPRO to Return Their Business to Pre-loss Condition.

Lynn is a lovely town and is the 5th oldest colonial settlement in Massachusetts. Today it is known for its immigrant population, contemporary public art, and historical buildings. There are many unique boutiques, gift shops, and other small businesses in the town. All of these are prone to water damage. The top four reasons commercial businesses experience water damage are leaky roofs, HVAC systems, leaking pipes, and faulty appliances. If any of these situations happen in your store SERVPRO is there to help.

What Do You Mean By Restoration?

After water intrusion damage, restoration is returning a business to a preloss condition. For SERVPRO, commercial water cleanup in Lynn goes beyond the basics that many restoration companies offer. We are water damage experts and provide services such as repairing the sub-flooring, relaying the carpeting, and resetting the contents after cleaning. Our goal is to put your gift shop back the way it was so you can return to what you do best. 

What is the Process for Water Removal & Drying?

Before the restoration process can begin, any excess moisture needs to be removed. The building and the content need to be thoroughly dried as well. Our Institute of Inspection, Cleaning and Restoration Certification (IICRC) certified technicians use powerful equipment and advanced technology to make sure both of those things get done in a timely manner. Our techs use the following when mitigating the water damage:

  •   Moisture Measurements – moisture meters, detectors, and probes determine the moisture in the air and ensure everything is drying properly. They are also used to find hidden moisture.
  •   Powerful Pumps – these can be truck-mounted or portable. Submersible pumps can be used in water two or more inches deep.
  •   Water Extraction Tools – this includes wet vacs, wands, and rovers. Wet vacs pull up water. Rovers use the technician’s body weight to push water out of material, such as carpets.
  •   Drying Equipment – Air movers and industrial-strength dehumidifiers get used in the correct ratio for your situation. They dry out content and pull moisture from the air.

Will I Need to Replace Most of My Gift Shop?

What can be salvaged instead of replaced is going to depend on the extent of the water damage and the items involved. Many businesses are surprised at what SERVPRO can restore with commercial water cleanup. We can clean and restore items such as:

  • Carpet and padding
  • Walls, ceilings, drywall, and installation
  • Store fixtures 
  • Upholstered furniture
  • Wood items such as desks, shelves, and bookcases
  • Documents, photographs, and books
  • Glass items
  • Linens, drapes, and clothing

In most circumstances, it is more cost-effective to restore the item than to replace it. There are a few items where this is not the case, such as ceiling tiles, but overall that is the case. Our goal is always to restore instead of replacing whenever possible. We work with you and your insurance company to decide what gets saved and what is disposed of properly.

Can My Flooring Be Salvaged?

One of the things SERVPRO handles often is flooring restoration. Carpet and padding are salvageable if it has not been damaged so severely that it has come unglued. At that point, replacement is often the better option. Hardwood floors, resilient and non-resilient floors are restorable in many cases. Our crews can repair sub-flooring as well. When we repair the floor or install new flooring or carpet, our techs remove the content from your gift shop. Once everything is complete, the content gets returned to its original location.

What if There is Structural or HVAC Damage?

One of the first things the techs do is look for any structural damage. They deal with ceilings, walls, framing, and insulation every day. Water damage mitigation on structural elements may include repainting walls, refinishing woodwork, or controlled demolition. 

The techs assess your HVAC system to check for possible water damage. If required, we can clean and repair impacted ductwork. They also check electrical components such as light fixtures and outlets for moisture. With SERVPRO, you don’t need to hire several companies to get the job done. We are a comprehensive water damage restoration company.

Getting You Back to Business.

Once our professional technicians clean, repair, and restore your store SERVPRO does a final inspection of the work to make sure you are satisfied. Our equipment gets moved out, and everything of yours gets moved back into place. Your gift shop at this point should look, “Like it never even happened.” 

We understand the need for help the moment disaster strikes. That is why we are available 24/7 to assist you with any water or fire catastrophe. We’re Faster To Any Size Disaster.

Contact SERVPRO of Lynn / Lynnwood at (781) 593-6663 for expert flood damage service.

How Does Soot Get Removed from Lynn Homes?

8/28/2020 (Permalink)

tyvek suited worker blasting brick SERVPRO Provides Advanced Equipment Like this Soda Blaster to Clean Fire-Damaged Houses in Lynn

Soot residues can be threatening to structures and their contents without effective fire mitigation and cleaning.

Cleaning is a vital element of fire recovery for Lynn homes and businesses and can involve multiple actions. Smoke and soot residues can become a substantial obstacle for fire restoration companies like our SERVPRO team responding to the emergency. Our experienced professionals can work to provide efficient solutions that protect the material underneath coatings and soils. 

Soot is created from incomplete combustion and can become fire damage in Lynn homes that is widespread and hazardous to those exposed. Removing residues on structural elements and contents in the damaged areas of the house often requires similar approaches. However, content recovery can occur off-site at our nearby SERVPRO warehouse under the watchful eye of our cleaning experts. Soot removal and soil cleaning can often happen by one of these three main approaches:

  • Soda/Media Blasting – Media blasting utilizes a product like crushed walnuts or baking soda with pressurized water or air to eliminate heaped soils from surfaces. While this is abrasive cleaning, it often does not damage the material underneath. 
  • Dissolving – Specific cleaning detergents and solvents are ideal for dissolving soils and soot depending on their type and composition. Our principle to follow is like dissolves like meaning that an oily soil requires an oil-based detergent for dissolving. 
  • Emulsification – Cleaners and products can also be used to pull soils from the surface through a repelling property. Once separate from the material, coatings can get rinsed away. 

Is Controlled Demolition Necessary?

We have professional building trade experts who can respond with our fire restoration technicians to help with repairs and eventual build-back. Structure fires often require some degree of rebuilding.

Fire losses can be devastating when work does not begin in the house immediately. Our SERVPRO of Lynn / Lynnfield team is standing by 24/7 at (781) 593-6663.

Six Ways to Maintain Your Home

8/6/2020 (Permalink)

a gloved hand cleaining debris from a gutter Simple home maintainence now can save you big problems later!

Summer is the perfect time to freshen up your home. This not only means home spring cleaning, but also home maintenance. After a long winter, many household items may need upkeep or repair. So get your gloves ready and check out these home maintenance tasks for spring.

  • Change the air conditioner filter at least once a month. This puts less stress on the unit and allows it to work at maximum efficiency. Choose a high-efficiency particulate air (HEPA) filter which traps microscopic particles like mold, pollen, and dust. To replace the air filter, turn off the unit, remove the old filter, and then put the new filter in following the instructions written on its packaging. Don’t forget to also have your AC unit serviced before summer begins.
  • Keep gutters and downspouts clean and in good shape to prevent household water damage. First, remove debris from the gutters using your hands or a garden trowel. Then use a garden hose to wash any remaining gunk away. Other things you should fix are sagging gutters and gutter leaks. Next, focus on the downspouts – check for clogs by inserting a garden hose in each of them. In case of a clog, remove it using a plumber’s drain snake.
  • Check for animal damage as cold weather can drive animals such as squirrels, rats, raccoons, and opossums to find shelter in your home. They do all kinds of damage to get into your attic, basement or garden shed. Look for signs of chewing on exterior vents, wiring, and building materials. To prevent these critters from entering your home, make sure to seal any entry points and cover attic vents with solid materials. Also, trim the trees around your home.
  • Clean your garage. Sort out the stuff in your garage into things to keep, to give away or sell, and to throw away or recycle. Pressure wash the floor then seal or paint it, and paint the walls too. Save storage space by installing hanging racks, storage shelves, and ropes or pulleys.
  • Clean your fireplace. Give your wood-burning fireplace a makeover at the start of spring. Remove any ash and charred logs using fireplace tools, then clean the fireplace surround. Once the fireplace is clean, cover the area around it with a tarp. Don’t clean the chimney yourself – leave that to a professional chimney sweep.
  • Check window and door screens. As it gets warmer outside, it’s important to prevent insects from entering your home. This means you should check for holes in the window and door screens. Patch holes that are bigger than the size of a quarter. Also ensure screens are securely fastened, lubricate door hinges, and replace broken hardware.

During summer, stay vigilant of thunderstorms and flooding. Learn how to prevent flooding and how to prepare for summer storms. For flood water damage repair and mold remediation service, contact your friends at SERVPRO of Lynn/Lynnfield at 781.593.6663

HVAC Leaks and How to Prevent Them

8/6/2020 (Permalink)

a man testing an HVAC unit HVAC units need to be maintained to prevent cosstly water leaks

Change the HVAC filter regularly

  • Changing the filter helps prevent the unit from overworking, which can cause freezing and then defrosting on the evaporator coils, leading HVAC water damage.
  • Change the filter at least once a month with high-efficiency particulate air (HEPA) filters. Some air filters need to be changed twice a year, others once a month, depending on their type and how often you use the HVAC system.
  • Check the instructions manual first to know what type of filter you need.
  • If the filters are inside the furnace or air handler, hire a contractor to change the filters.

Clean the condenser

  • The condenser is the exterior portion of your air conditioner or heat pump. It requires proper airflow to work efficiently.
  • Any dirt or other debris that accumulate on the condenser should be removed once a year (preferably at the beginning of spring).
  • Also, make sure to keep plants away from the condenser and remove any cover from it to ensure proper airflow.
  • Leave at least two feet of space between the unit and the bushes or shrubs in your yard.

Maintain the condensation drain line

  • When your AC unit is running, check the condensation line opening to make sure you see water flowing to the drain. The amount of water that flows depends on the humidity level in the house.
  • Clean the AC drainage holes. Locate the drainage hole on the base of the cabinet (beneath the evaporator fins). Use a paper clip or wire to poke through the hole and clear it, thus ensuring the AC drainage is kept clear.
  • Once or twice a year, flush out your drain line with an algaecide to prevent mold or algae from forming. Use a commercial solution or regular bleach.
  • Make sure to properly connect and install the main drain line and emergency drain line.
  • Check that the pipe is oriented correctly, as it might be knocked out of alignment.

How to unclog the drain line

  • Sometimes, the drain line gets clogged with algae, dirt, mineral deposits, and even mold or mildew, causing water to overflow into your home.
  • Attach a wet/dry vacuum to the drain line (removing the paper filter first) and suck the clog out.
  • Consider installing an overflow shut off device on the drain line to automatically turn off the A/C unit if the drain line backs up.

Install a condensation pump

  • Another tip on how to avoid HVAC water damage is to install a condensation pump.
  • That helps excess water flow into the proper disposal drain.
  • Additionally, install a safety float switch to automatically shut down the power to the AC unit whenever condensation builds up, and there is a risk of water overflow.

Maintain the overflow drain pan

  • The drain pan collects any water that has overflowed due to a clogged drain line.
  • Over time, drain pans made of metal or plastic may get damaged, resulting in leaks and water damage.
  • If you notice leaks near the drain pan, carefully inspect it for damage using a flashlight.
  • Consider patching up small holes or cracks using epoxy glue or replacing the pan entirely.
  • Regularly clean the drain pan. Rinse the pan and clean it with a bleach-water mixture to clear out any dirt or mold growth.

Have your HVAC system inspected professionally

  • HVAC inspection and maintenance can be difficult for homeowners, so hiring a professional is a good idea.
  • Besides the tasks already mentioned, they can inspect and fix problems related to HVAC components.
  • Those include the ductwork, furnace flames, grills and registers, AC compressors, the thermostat, and more.

If leaks of any kind do happen be sure to call your friends at SERVPRO of Lynn/Lynnfield at 781.593.6663

How to Remove Persistent Odors

8/6/2020 (Permalink)

a small skunk outdoors Odors can present a persistent problem for property owners

Dealing with an odor problem can be one of the most annoying experiences for a property owner. Some odors can be neutralized using over-the-counter (OTC) products available at stores, but others are not that easy to eliminate. Skunk spray, serious pet urine odor, and decomposition smells are some of the most upsetting when they affect your hproperty. But although controlling those odors can be difficult, it can be achieved. Here are tips on how to deodorize a building properly.

Safety Comes First

Before you start getting rid of the odors, remember that safety is the most important thing. That’s because you might be dealing with some forms of biological contamination. You’ll need gloves, eye protection, and something that will cover your skin in case of a spill or splash. Also, wear an N-95 disposable respirator which you can purchase from any Home Depot or similar stores. The respirator will prevent anything from getting into the mucus membranes of your nose and mouth.

After you have ensured your safety, the first step in getting rid of an odor is removing the source.

How to Deodorize a Property Affected by Skunk Spray or Pet Urine

  • Nonporous surfaces — If pet urine or skunk spray is on a nonporous surface, such as metal or plastic, thorough cleaning is the first step and may be enough. Since the odorous substance contains natural oils, which is the cause of the smell, you will want a strong detergent. Using warm water and strong detergent should be effective and should not take long. After washing the surface, rinse it with warm water. If the smell is still there, repeat the process. Make sure to rinse with warm water to clean away any residue left behind.
  • Porous surfaces — If pet urine or skunk is on a porous surface, like carpet, particleboard, or upholstery, cleaning them is also the first step. Clean these as you would a non-porous surface. These surfaces are more difficult to clean, so if your efforts are not successful, or if the task is too overwhelming, call the restoration professionals at SERVPRO of Lynn/Lynnfield. Carpet and pad with excessive pet urine damage should usually be removed and discarded.
  • Semiporous surfaces — On semiporous materials, such as wood, also clean with a solution of water and detergent as explained above. To help neutralize the odor, the detergent should penetrate the material. However, if the wood is heavily damaged by urine or skunk spray, it will most likely need to be disposed of. Seek assistance from a restoration company to improve your chances of restoring damaged semiporous material.

How to Deodorize a Property Affected by Decomposition Odor

  • Dead body odors — If the issue involves a deceased person, professional assistance is strongly recommended. After the proper authorities have removed the body, cleaning and decontaminating the fluids come under Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), Blood and Other Potentially Infectious Material (BOPIM) regulations. These regulations specify the training, equipment, safety issues, and products that must be used to safely remove and decontaminate an area damaged by BOPIM. Professional restoration companies follow these regulations to safely decontaminate areas where decomposition took place.
  • Dead animal odors — In case the source of decomposition is a small animal, such as a rodent, the approach is similar to removing pet urine or skunk spray. Wear protective gear first, clean and sanitize non-porous and semi-porous material, and discard damaged absorbent material. Semi-porous and nonporous materials need to be thoroughly cleaned and then sanitized with a disinfectant. OTC disinfectants are very effective and will result in a clean and sanitary surface.

The odor should disappear after applying these tips on how to deodorize a property. If after your hard work the odor persists, call SERVPRO of Lynn/Lynnfield. We have specialized products and equipment, such as ozone or hydroxyl generators, that can be very effective in completing the deodorizing process.  781.593.6663

Choose a Professional!

8/3/2020 (Permalink)

two SERVPRO professional technicians Do not take chances with your property...call the professionals at SERVPRO of Lynn/Lynnfield

When a disaster, such as fire or flood, strikes your property, be sure to hire the right people to restore it. You have the option to hire a contractor that is not necessarily trained in professional disaster restoration. You think that they will do a good job while charging less than a specialized restoration company. Or, you can contact a reputable restoration company like SERVPRO of Lynn/Lynnfield.

In today’s business environment, many companies are looking to increase their revenues by adding new services for which they may have little or NO training. This holds true for companies that perform general cleaning, remodeling, or handyman services. These companies often appeal to homeowners or businesses to perform disaster restoration services.

However, disaster restoration is much more complex than just removing materials. The keyword to remember is restoration. The definition of restoration is to return a structure and its contents to a preloss condition for less than the replacement cost.

Non-restoration companies may proceed as normal and tear out a salvageable structure because that’s what they know. They may discard cleanable contents because they do not understand how to restore them. Of course, that’s not always the best solution. Restoration is often preferable to replacement.

These companies also lack the necessary certifications, experience, and equipment needed to restore a property. In conclusion, though their prices are often appealing, you may end up losing money if the restoration services you’ve received were poor.

The advantages of hiring a professional disaster restoration company

Restoration instead of replacement

True professionals perform a thorough inspection and identify those materials and items that can be salvaged and restored. This allows them to complete the job more cost-efficiently by avoiding replacement costs. So, instead of removal and replacement, restoration helps contain costs and may eliminate the need to file an insurance claim. However, when the only means of mitigation is replacement, they don’t waste time or effort trying to save unsavable items.

Distinguishing between multiple affected surfaces

With many different types of surfaces to clean, it takes a qualified restoration professional to know the cleaning process that each of these surfaces requires and to achieve appropriate restoration. Thus, they understand how to deal with all types of losses, regardless of how the damage occurred.

For example, saving a hardwood floor is greatly preferable to tearing it out and replacing it, and is substantially more cost-effective. They also have the experience to clean and restore a section of drywall, saving the mess, time and cost of replacing it.

Coordinating with insurance companies

The insurance industry seeks timely, quality work performed at a reasonable price by professionals. In our case, these professionals specialize in water, smoke, fire, mold, trauma, vandalism, and more.

Moreover, they can empathize with the insured and service the claim from the initial call through the completion of mitigation. This attitude demands non-stop commitment, a ready, trained and caring certified staff, and the proper equipment and modern methods to service any emergency loss.

Providing correct estimates

Professional restoration firms provide correct estimates using industry-standard software. This enables them to process claims quickly and efficiently. These firms are aware of the most current technologies and methods available to reduce property claims costs. All these factors help keep the claim fair.

State-of-the-art equipment

A professional restoration firm, such as SERVPRO of Lynn/Lynnfield, has the state-of-the-science meters and instruments to help determine the full extent of hidden damage. And they have the advanced equipment to perform the work most efficiently. They also monitor the restoration process and only keep equipment onsite if necessary.

Ongoing training and certifications

Professional restoration firms complete ongoing training and development offered through professional training organizations. In addition, they maintain current industry certifications and subscribe to educational restoration magazines and journals.

They are members of regional and national organizations and attend conventions, seminars, and tradeshows, which increase their knowledge and skill in the restoration process. These efforts illustrate their commitment to being prepared when a loss occurs. The knowledge that they possess and continue to acquire will keep them on the cutting edge of the disaster restoration business.

Additionally, they have the business licenses and insurance coverage required for such a business.

For professional disaster restoration services, contact SERVPRO of Lynn/Lynnfield!

Clearly, you are best served by calling a true professional to help you restore your property after a disaster. So, be sure that the restoration company you are calling is properly trained and certified.

For all property damaged by water, fire, smoke, mold and any other disaster, call your SERVPRO of Lynn/Lynnfield office at 781.593.6663. We are standing by to provide professional services, 24/7, with trained and certified staff, as well as the best tools and equipment for all emergencies.

Recovering from a Home Flood

8/3/2020 (Permalink)

lightning in a dark sky Water damage needs to be handled by professionals

Flooding affects millions of American homes each year. Whether it’s caused by natural disasters, unforeseen accidents or poor home maintenance, flooding is without a doubt a homeowner nightmare. To help you get your home and life back together after a flood, here are a few essential tips.

  • Immediately call your insurance agent. Don’t throw out any damaged property until your insurance agent has inspected it.
  • Create an inventory of the damaged or lost items and take photos. File the flood insurance claim that includes lists of damaged items, photos, your policy number, name of insurance company, and contact information.
  • Avoid direct contact with floodwater, which can most likely be contaminated. If sewage is backing up in the shower or under the toilet, your main sewer line could likely be clogged or broken. In that case, stop using sinks or toilets and call your utility company immediately.
  • Check for damage to your home, both outside and inside. Be aware of hazards, such as fallen power lines. Standing water may also be electrically charged from damaged power lines.
  • If you suspect damage to utilities, shut them off immediately if safe. Here’s how to shut off utilities safely:
    • Water – To shut off all water to your home, first locate the master valve. You can find it in the basement, garage, near the water heater (if you don’t have a basement) or even outside your home.
    • Electricity – Locate the main circuit box that’s mounted on a wall, typically in the basement. Ensure it’s safe to enter the basement first and bring a flashlight. Turn off the main switch in the panel to shut off all electricity in your home. If you see frayed electrical wiring or sparks, call the utility company immediately.
    • Gas – First, locate the shutoff valve on the riser pipe from the ground to your meter. If your meters are newer, the valve could be on the service line going from your meter into the house. Use your hands or, if needed, an adjustable pipe or crescent-type wrench to close the valve.
  • Once you’ve shut off utilities, call local authorities and wait for their approval to turn them back on.
  • To help save your flood-damaged home and contents, standing water needs to be removed and the area should be dried immediately.
  • Depending on the type of floodwater, the type of contents, and how long they have been soaked, flood-soaked, porous contents like walls, carpet or furniture can be either restored or discarded.
  • Salvageable contents must be immediately disinfected and dried to prevent mold growth. Remember, mold can grow within the first 24-48 hours after a flood.
  • Flood cleanup is a complicated process that requires specialized knowledge and equipment, such as low-grain refrigerant dehumidifiers and high-capacity air movers. It consists of moisture level reading and monitoring, water extraction, drying, disinfection, and deodorization.

For water damage restoration, your best plan is to hire a professional restoration company that can get your home restored quickly and correctly. The professionals at SERVPRO of Lynn/Lynnfield are highly trained in property damage restoration and respond immediately to minimize the impact of the loss. For emergency flood damage restoration, call SERVPRO of Lynn/Lynnfield at 781.593.6663.

Avoid Sump Pump Problems!

8/3/2020 (Permalink)

A sump pump installed in a basement A sump pump only protects your home if it is working!

A sump pump can be the difference between a costly flooding incident and a dry basement. However, it’s also important to keep your sump pump in good shape so it can keep your basement dry all year long. To learn more about sump pump maintenance, check out these common sump pump mistakes to avoid.

  • DIY Installation – If you’ve never installed a sump pump, don’t risk doing it yourself. You might end up paying a lot more for damages than for the cost of proper installation. Hire a plumbing professional to avoid the risks of faulty installation.
  • No Backup Power – During a powerful storm, your home can lose power, putting your basement at risk for flooding. To ensure your sump pump continues to work during a power outage, connect it to a backup power source, such as a generator or battery backup system.
  • Not Testing Your Sump Pump – Test your sump pump system twice a year – before spring and fall – to make sure that it’s in good working condition. To test the system, pour water in the sump pit until it activates the pump switch. If it empties slower than normal, check the discharge pipe or the pump itself for clogs and other issues.
  • Ignoring the Discharge Pipe – Check that the drainage pipes are tightly connected and are directed away from your home’s foundation. Also, inspect the pipe for damage and clogs. Seek help at once if you find clogs or damage. Anything that impedes the flow could result in basement flooding due to slow drainage or no drainage at all.
  • Letting Debris Get in the Pump – Ensure your sump pump doesn’t sit on debris such as silt or gravel, which could be sucked up into the pump, ruining the motor. Instead, place it on a steady flat brick. Also, ensure the sump basin has a filter fabric around it to stop debris from coming in.
  • Ignoring the Float Switch – This part tells the sump pump motor to stop once the water level goes below the float. Your sump pump needs ample space around the float to both float and sink freely.
  • If there isn’t enough room or if there is some type of obstruction in the way, the float may cause the pump to work improperly, which can burn up your motor.
  • Unplugging the Pump – This can happen if someone unplugs the sump pump and forgets to plug it back in. To prevent this, never unplug the pump or make sure you plug it back in if you do.
  • Covering the Sump Pump – Knowing where your sump pump is found is important but if you forget, you might end up piling stuff on top of it. That can result in damaging the sump pump and limiting accessibility. When storing items in your basement, always locate your sump pump first to avoid this problem.

Routine sump pump maintenance goes a long way in guarding against basement flooding. Schedule a thorough inspection with a septic tank maintenance professional or plumber twice a year. For professional water damage repair or mold removal, contact SERVPRO of Lynn/Lynnfield at 781.593.6663.

How to Handle a Basement Flood

7/10/2020 (Permalink)

 a basement stairwell and carpeted basement that has been flooded Basement flooding is common in Massachusetts, especially in the summer months

Things to do immediately after a basement flood

  • First, make sure that it’s safe to enter your home. Check for structural damage, such as cracks, holes or warping.
  • Immediately shut off the electrical supply to your home at the main circuit breaker. Be aware of electrical wires that are under the water level.
  • If the flooding is due to a burst water pipe in your home, shut off the main water supply.
  • Avoid direct contact with floodwater, which may contain dangerous contaminants. If you must walk through floodwater, wear protective clothing, such as disposable overalls, eyewear, gloves, and a face mask.
  • Call your insurance company, take photos, and document all damaged items. Make a list of the belongings to restore and to discard. This will help you with your insurance claim.
  • If you have a sump pump installed, wait for it to drain the floodwater. If the pump has a backup battery, it should drain the water even if the power is off.

Basement flood cleanup tips

  • Quickly remove affected items from floodwater to avoid mold growth, warping, and rot. Items that suck up a lot of water (like carpet and furniture) can usually be salvaged if they have been in floodwater for less than 24 hours. Otherwise, throw them away.
  • Completely dry the basement to avoid further damage and mold growth.
    • Suck up the water with a sump pump and a Wet-Dry vacuum.
    • Use dehumidifiers and ventilate the basement as much as possible. Use fans and open windows if the weather allows, but not when the outside humidity is high.
    • Remove the baseboards (if present) and drill 1-inch holes halfway between the wall studs at the base of the walls. This allows moist air from behind the walls to evaporate.
    • Properly drying a flooded basement may take up to two weeks.
  • After everything has been dried, clean and disinfect the basement contents and structure (walls, foundation floor, drywall, etc.). You may need to discard the drywall and wood if a lot of mold has developed.
  • Don’t use bleach to clean mold because bleach kills live mold but not mold spores. Household detergent is preferable.
  • Regardless of the size of the mold-affected area, strongly consider contacting a mold remediation company. They can identify the moisture source and restore the moldy surfaces efficiently and without risk of mold recurrence.
  • Make any necessary repairs, such as filling foundation cracks, replacing damaged drywall with a mold-resistant type, and sealing windows and vents.
  • If your basement has been flooded with sewage, check out our tips to handle sewage backup in a basement.

How to prevent basement flooding

  • Clean your gutters and downspouts and divert rainwater six feet away from the house. Also, make sure the ground is slightly sloping away from your home.
  • Install an emergency generator to provide your house with electricity during blackouts.
  • Install a sump pump that automatically drains water from your basement and prevents water from rising. Choose one with a backup battery.
  • Seal openings or cracks in the walls, floors, foundations, and windows of your house.
  • Install porous pavement around your home to help absorb rainwater and thawed snow.
  • Ensure that your drainage systems and plumbing are working properly. Have them checked periodically by a professional.

SERVPRO of Lynn/Lynnfield has been helping customers with water damage for more than 20 years.  Call us today ay 781.593.6663

Prevent Water In Your Attic This Summer

6/19/2020 (Permalink)

An image of an empty attic Warm summer weather can lead to unwanted moisture in your attic

Water and moisture in your attic can cause you headaches and costly repairs. Mold can grow and compromise your health, and water can weaken the structural integrity of your home. Most of the time, attic water damage is caused by a roof leakage. Other times, it may be improper attic ventilation and insulation or appliance failures. Here’s how to prevent roof leakage and water damage from ventilation, insulation, or appliances in your attic.

How to Prevent Roof Leakage 

The best tip on how to prevent roof leakage is to maintain it regularly:

  • Trim your trees to prevent dead limbs falling on your roof
  • Clear the roof of any twigs, leaves, and other debris
  • Check and clean the gutters and downspouts to ensure they are draining properly
  • Have a roofing contractor inspect your roof regularly

A professional roofing contractor can check the roof’s integrity and spot and fix missing shingles, warping, corrosion, or any other issue, in time to prevent roof leakage.

Tips to Find and Repair a Roof Leakage

First, check the insulation and wood for signs of water damage, such as discoloration and mold growth. The area where the two roofs join at an angle is prone to cracks and roof leaks, so make sure to inspect it as well.

Leaks are also common in the area around attic plumbing stacks. Another way to detect water leaks in the attic is to inspect the recessed lighting canisters. Rust, corrosion, and stains around them indicate moisture coming from the attic and possible electrical dangers.

If you see these signs, check and fix these issues: worn moisture barriers, deteriorated shingles or pipe flashing, missing flashing, caps or shingles, or clogged gutters and downspouts. Check out more tips to repair a roof leak.

Ventilate Your Attic

Besides learning how to prevent roof leakageensure your attic is properly ventilatedWithout correct ventilation, the moisture in your attic increases. Having good attic ventilation is especially important in winter. That’s because, in winter, warm air rises to the ceiling, enters the attic, and condenses on the cold surfaces of the attic. Condensation can’t escape unless your attic has adequate ventilation.

Additionally, make sure your attic vents — soffit, ridge, and gable-mounted vents — openings are not blocked by something like insulation. There are many ways to improve attic ventilation, so be sure to consult a specialist.

Insulate Your Attic

Insulation plays an important role in controlling the temperature levels in your attic. In winter, the attic temperature should be five to ten degrees warmer than the outside. Otherwise, ice dams may form on the edges of your roof, potentially causing water damage.

So, make sure your attic floor is properly insulated to help prevent warm air from entering the attic. In addition, ensure the insulation of heating ducts are also in good shape.

To check if your insulation is in good condition, ensure it’s thick, soft, and dry. If it feels moist and looks thin and flat, it will create high moisture conditions. Replace it immediately.

Vent Appliances to the Outside

A common mistake in homes is improper ventilation of appliances. The dryer, kitchen, and bathroom vents should always blow the air to the outside and not in the attic. Your attic ventilation may not otherwise be able to eliminate the accumulated moisture efficiently.

Maintain Attic Appliances

Note that appliances in your attic such as air conditioners, swamp coolers, and HVAC systems may fail and cause water damage. During your attic inspection, check these appliances for wear and tear and loose connections.

Now that you know how to prevent roof leakage and attic water damage, learn how to avoid other types of water damage in your home. As ventilation is important in the entire house, check out more home ventilation tips and how to control the humidity in your home.

For water removal services and mold cleaning services, contact SERVPRO of Lynn/Lynnfield at 781.593.6663.

Apartment Water Damage

1/25/2020 (Permalink)

An apartment kitchen with water on the floor It's important to know who is responsible for water damage in your apartment

Unfortunately, water damage is a common issue both homeowners and renters can face. The aftermath can be devastating making the property unlivable and permanent damage may occur to personal belongings. When water damage occurs in an Lynn, Lynnfield or Nahant Massachusetts apartment you need to know who is responsible for the damage cost. The property owner or renter? When water damage occurs in an apartment, who is responsible for the damage cost? The property owner or renter?

Renter rights

Water damage can be unpredictable and it is important to understand your renter rights and understand who is responsible for what in such an event. In general, a landlord is responsible for maintaining the property ensuring that the apartment is livable and functioning up to code. The landlord may refuse repairs, or fail to address them quick in enough – causing further damage such as mold. In the United States, basic principles in tenant rights are in place and outline the party liable for damages.  Depending on the state, rent details can vary so check with your local housing authority.

Review your lease

It’s important to know what your lease states regarding property damage. Most properties have property insurance and will list what type of damage that is covered and what is not. The lease may specify actions that may be in place depending on the severity of the water damage. If the damage is severe and the apartment is unlivable is the tenant still required to pay the rent? Can the landlord evict the tenant or can the tenant cancel their lease without penalty? In general, if the damage is minor, the tenant will not be able to cancel the lease agreement. If the terms regarding property damage are not listed in the lease, speak to your landlord about who is responsible in the event when water damage strikes.

Renters insurance

Accidents happen which is why it is essential to have renters insurance. Most places require you have it before allowing you to move in an apartment. Depending on the plan you select, coverage can vary from damages to the building, personal content and may even cover the cost of lodging while repairs are being completed.

Landlord Responsibilities

The landlord is responsible for maintaining a functional apartment ensure that it is livable. The upkeep of basic plumbing such as sinks, toilets and tubs fall on the shoulders of the landlord. Failure to maintain or repair these functions may lead to property damage and the landlord is liable due to negligence.

Damage to property and personal belongings

Water damages caused to the building itself such as flooring, walls and utilities should be covered under the landlord’s property insurance. Personal property damages fall to the responsibility of the party at fault for damages, which can be the tenant. For example, if the tenant leaves a faucet on and falls asleep causing water damages.

How we can help

Water damage requires a rapid response in order to minimize loss to both the property itself and belongings inside. The professionals at SERVPRO of Lynn/Lynnfield are experts at water damage cleanup in apartments and building of all sizes no matter severity of the damage. Our team of experts will assess the damage and develop an appropriate plan to restore and recover your property and contents. Contact us by calling 781.593.6663 to learn more about our water damage clean-up services.

Factors That Affect Cost of Commercial Water Loss

1/25/2020 (Permalink)

firefighters on the site of a commercial water-damaged building Commercial water damage should be handled quickly and properly to avoid further costs

Water is a force of nature to be reckoned with and has the amazing power to both create and destroy anything in it’s path. It created the Grand Canyon, it keeps us alive, and unfortunately, it can cause thousands of dollars in damage to your business.

If your Lynn, Lynnfield or Nahant Massachusetts business has water damage, repairing it immediately is vital. Finding the cause of water damage and addressing the issue is half the battle, the other half is mitigating the damages. The extent of water damage can be misleading when looking at the outside surface but often times water seeps into the deeper materials of your home. Due to the unique nature of water, the damage cost can range from high to low.  Here’s a look into factors that will affect the price of water damage mitigation. 

Factors That Affect Your Water Damage Repair Costs

No one wants to end up with a larger bill than they expected. That’s why it’s helpful to get a professional estimate on your repairs. Here are some of the factors that will impact the pricing.

1. The Size of the Area

As you might expect, the larger a damaged area is, the more expensive it will be to repair it. It will take more time, materials, and manpower to fix an entire room that was flooded compared to a few square feet of damage. This isn’t the only factor that determines your cost. Some of the other factors on this list can add up and make a smaller area with more extensive damage cost more than a larger area.

2. Your Location

You’d be hard pressed to find anything that costs the same in Los Angeles as it does in Des Moines. As the cost of living varies, so does the cost of services like water damage repair. It’s best practice to find a local reputable water damage company like SERVPRO of Lynn/Lynnfield with experienced professionals that can give you an accurate cost estimate. 

3. Whether Water is Still Present

If water is still present it needs to be removed immediately to stop further home deterioration. This can be done with the help of water pumps, dehumidification equipment, and moister absorbent materials. Removing excess moister adds more time to the mitigation process, leading to an added cost. As soon as the area has been dried and the excess water is removed the repair process can begin.

4. The Materials That Were Damaged

Depending on what materials were affected, the cost will vary. For example, hardwood floors are often times easier to repair than carpets, walls and trim. Hardwood floors require less time than the time consuming labor that is associated with replacing carpet.  Another factor to take into consideration that will affect the cost of mitigation is the cost of the materials that need to be replace or repaired.  

5. The Type of Water

The state of of the water during water damage can vary from clean to a bio hazard. The dirtier the water, the more precautions and treatments the repair will require resulting in a higher cost. The worst case scenario is black water: sewage water that has been in contact with human waste. Gray water, on the other hand, is water that has been used for showering or dishes but not for sewage. Backwater and gray water mitigation are usually more expensive because of the need to treat for contaminants.

6. Presence of Mold

One of the worst parts about water damage in a home is that it can lead to the development of mold and mildew. The way to prevent mold and mildew from developing is to ensure that excess moister has been removed from damaged areas.  If allowed to develop, they can cause further damage to your home and even turn it into a health hazard. If mold or mildew are present, it adds an extra step to your water damage repair. Not surprisingly, that extra step leads to a higher bill.

7. Your Timeline

A good of  rule of thumb to follow is to address water damage immediately, that is your first defense against further damage. The longer you wait, the larger the impact it has resulting in a need for more repairs and a high bill. In addition, mold and mildew will have a chance to develop and that requires another set of repairs themselves.  

Planning for Your Business's Repairs

We understand: it isn’t fun to pay for building repairs, and it certainly is not cheap. In comparison, the initial costs of water damage mitigation you pay now is minor to what you would have to pay down the line. Ignoring water damage can lead to further problems like mold, rot, and even structural damage that may be entirely irreparable.  

If we can help, please call SERVPRO of Lynn/Lynnfield at 781.593.6663

How to Storm-Proof Your Home

1/25/2020 (Permalink)

tree limbs on a road knocked down by a storm Better safe than sorry! Preparing your home for storms now can save a lot of damage later

Are you looking to prepare your Lynn, Lynnfield or Nahant Massachusetts home for a hurricane or storm? Nobody wants to end up with a torn-down home or a roof with holes. Do you want to know the best way to protect your property from storms? Keep reading for our guide on how to hurricane-proof your home.

1. Stock Up on Essentials

The 2019 Atlantic hurricane season that ravaged the US last year taught many Americans to prepare for natural disasters. The 2018 Atlantic hurricane season formed 8 hurricanes, 2 of which were considered major. A total of 15 named storms came from that season, comparable to an average season with 3 major hurricanes out of 6. Still, these hurricanes taught people the importance of preparedness. Take inventory on what you have at home. If you plan on staying in your house to endure the hurricane, stock up on a lot of non-perishable foods. It’s also good to have a battery-operated radio and flashlights in the house. Of course, make sure you have extra batteries for each device. Don’t forget about the essentials if you have a pet.

2. Clean Your Yard

If you want to know how to storm-proof your home best, don’t neglect your yard. You want to protect your home from anything that can take flight when the hurricane hits. Often, yards are where flying, destructive debris comes from. Before the storm hits, clear your yard. Secure your lawn furniture, trashcans and yard ornaments. If you have a grill, potted plants or other lawn accessories, bring them inside. It’s also important to remove all dead and dying limbs from your trees. Anything small that you can pick up or carry should get cleared out. A hurricane’s high-speed winds could make any of these items flying missiles. Tie-down larger items like sheds, doghouses and swing sets. 

3. Protect and Seal Your Roof

Many people believe the roof is the weakest part of the house, but garage doors and windows are even more vulnerable. No matter how good the condition of your roof, it would be wise to prepare it for the incoming storm. Seal down any chimneys or vent pipes that lead into your house. Clean out any clogged gutters and downspouts as well. Otherwise, the water may spill over the sides and soak through the home’s foundation. If you have roof tiles or shingles, secure them with roofing cement. Disconnect and bring any exterior TV antennas inside, then seal any wire openings. This will help you avoid damages from storms, especially structural and water damages. If you’re afraid that your roof will take wing from the top of your house, reinforce it with uplift protection. You can retrofit your roof with hurricane clips yourself or with professional help. First, don’t forget to talk to a contractor to check the structural integrity of your roof system. 

4. Seal Doors and Windows

Do you want to know how to protect windows during hurricane season? As we stated earlier, anything can start flying off during a storm. Your windows may break and let in wind and rain. When wind enters the home, it can increase the pressure under the roof. High-pressure from inside the house can lead to your roof popping off. It’s not too different from a can of soda that has been shaken. To protect your family from this scenario, use storm shutters. They provide great protection for your windows and doors. You can create DIY storm shutters by boarding up your windows. For your doors leading outside, install deadbolts if you don’t already have them. The deadbolts will help hold your doors closed. If possible, you can also install doors that are already made to survive hurricanes. Make sure to install these protective shutters and locks on all sides of the house. Hurricanes may come from a certain body of water in a specific direction from your house, however, they can swirl in any direction too.

5. Reinforce Your Garage Door 

Often, your garage door can be one of the weakest links in the home. After all, garage doors are not made to withstand the violent winds of a hurricane. If you have a garage, you should learn how to secure the garage door for a hurricane. Once your garage door goes down, the rest of your house may soon follow. The high-speed winds pressurize the house and then blows off the roof. Check your garage door for a wind or pressure rating. The ideal garage door is a single and windowless door. It should also have the rating to withstand 50 or more pounds of pressure per square foot. If possible, fortify your garage door. You can buy or DIY braces for the garage door which you can disassemble. Use your car as an extra brace for it as well.

6. Take Measures Against Flooding

If you live in flood-prone areas, this is one of those things you shouldn’t forget to do. Check your flood risk and start making a list of things you can do to prepare for flooding situations. Before the flood, you want to reduce the risk of damage from flooding as much as possible. Elevate any electrical appliances and systems. If your area is very prone to flooding, consider elevating the entire home. The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) has a more extensive guide on how you can protect your home before, during and after a flood.

7. Get Insurance Coverage

You already know how to prepare your home for a hurricane. Now, let’s talk about what you can do to prep it insurance-wise. Update your insurance and make sure you have the right amount to cover any damages. If you have a homeowner’s insurance, check if there is coverage for storms. If there isn’t, it’s time to start looking into extending the coverage to insurance for storm season. If the insurance company doesn’t have that kind of coverage, start shopping for one that does. When you go shopping for hurricane-related damage insurance, don’t do it right before the storm hits. Most insurance companies may stop selling coverage 48 hours before a hurricane watch. You should also find out if there is a waiting period before the coverage takes effect.

How to Hurricane-Proof Your Home and Stay Safe During Storm Season

That is our quick guide on how to storm-proof your Lynn, Lynnfield or Nahant home. Follow these steps and you’ll be better prepared during the storm season. 

If you'd like more information please call our SERVPRO of Lynn/Lynnfield office at 781.593.6663

Prepare Your Business For The Next Storm

1/21/2020 (Permalink)

2020 New years image Make a New Year's resolution to prepare your business for the next storm


As the calendar ticks over to a new year, we hope you’ve had a relaxing and happy holiday season. And whether or not you typically make New Year’s resolutions, SERVPRO of Lynn/Lynnfield wanted to challenge you to try something slightly different this year; make a resolution that will prepare your business for a storm or disaster should the worst happen in 2020.

Understand Your Biggest Risks, Start Planning Now
In Lynn, Lynnfield or Nahant Massachusetts preparation is always essential to a smooth recovery and keeping your business as strong as possible. Failing to prepare will slow you down as you compete with other companies to line up help and figure out what you need to do to keep your business alive. In other words, inadequate planning compounds headaches, costs, and stresses during an already incredibly stressful time—and it could cost you your business. The harsh reality is that many businesses fail within a year if they are not able to reopen doors quickly after a disaster.

Putting together a emergency response plan (ERP) may also sound stressful when you’re already busy with other important work. But if you spread the tasks out amongst a team over time, it’s relatively easy. And in addition to gaining the peace of mind that comes with knowing you’ll be ready for the worst, you may learn some new and important things about your business as you go through the process. To make the process manageable, start small. To begin, focus on four things:

  1. Form a response team, including a point person to lead the team and team members from each department.
  2. Research the biggest risks your business faces and evaluate how they could potentially affect your business, considering everything from potential impacts to day-to-day operations, to the impact on the community or your supply chain.
  3. Start a disaster recovery plan by compiling plans and documenting teams and emergency contacts in a centralized document (see below for some resources).
  4. Prepare an emergency kit that includes the key supplies you would need in the event of a disaster.

Once you have fundamentals in place and learn more about what’s critical for your business, you can keep building out your plan.

Resources for Developing or Updating Your ERP
Great ERPs are built one step at a time, and to make getting started easier you can use SERVPRO's ERP app. It provides prompts for the kinds of questions you need to be considering and information you need to be gathering as you build a plan.

It’s also important to remember that once you have an ERP in place, it should be updated on a regular basis since employees come and go and business circumstances evolve.

Have a Safe and Productive Year!
That’s it. If you can carve out some time to get your ERP rolling and establish a partnership with Salem of Lynn/Lynnfield in 2020, you will be able to rest much easier the next time the forecast calls for something scary. And that will make for a better 2020 and beyond.

For more information call SERVPRO of Lynn/Lynnfield at 781.593.6663

Hardwood Floor Drying

1/20/2020 (Permalink)

beautiful hard floors and fireplace Quick action and the proper equipment can salvage your hardwood floors after a water loss

SERVPRO of Lynn/Lynnfield knows how your Massachusetts hardwood flooring can be damaged in a flood.  Let us explain why your hardwood floor needs drying after a flood damage.

After flooding that leaves stormwater coming to rest on the floors of your Lynn, Lynnfield or Nahant home, you only have a finite amount of time before saturation and deterioration begin. Hardwood is particularly sensitive to moisture absorption, and it does not take long for surface moisture to get pulled into the planks. Effective extraction and drying of this material requires multiple specialty drying tools and techniques employed by our experienced water restoration technicians within this limited window.

There are multiple scenarios in which the bulk of water removal from flood damage can happen with towels and a mop. This direct absorption from these tools can reduce the surface moisture, but rarely removes it entirely. Apart from this traditional approach, our SERVPRO of Lynn/Lynnfield team can utilize specialty extraction attachments and wet-vacuums or only use the wet-vac directly on the damaged areas for immediate removal. These potential water removal solutions do not eliminate all of the surface moisture, however.

Not only does some lingering  surface moisture exist, but for exposure that has lasted longer than a day, free moisture absorbed into the wood planks is another factor to consider. Drying these areas can be a challenge with conventional air movers and dehumidification options we might use elsewhere in the house. Instead, our SERVPRO of Lynn/Lynnfield team can install drying mats connected to portable extractors. Depending on the severity of the situation, multiple mats can get used simultaneously.

Tenting with lay-flat poly sheeting can regulate the moisture removal process over these specific damaged areas. When it is probable that hardwood can get protected and stay installed, our professionals must regulate moisture removal to ensure that the planks do not become overly dried. Continual monitoring and documentation of the drying process can ensure that the mats get pulled up when the optimal moisture content levels have been reached.

Extraction and drying of hardwood flooring within the first 48 hours can often save these flooring options from demolition and reconstruction. Our SERVPRO of Lynn/Lynnfield team can utilize our state-of-the-art equipment to return your property to preloss condition quickly. Give us a call today at 781.593.6663

We Care!

1/20/2020 (Permalink)

SERVPRO technicians placing dring equipment At SERVPRO of Lynn/Lynnfield, out employees care about our customers

At SERVPRO of Lynn/Lynnfield, our number one priority is to make our customers happy. It may sound like an impossible task; after all, we are arriving on the scene when circumstances for our customers are devastating. A fire in their home, a busted pipe which has caused water damage in their kitchen, mold in their office building. These are difficult situations emotionally which is all the more reason for our employees to be sensitive to what our customers are dealing with.

Many times, depending upon the damage we are mitigating, we could spend days, weeks, or even months in customer’s home or office. We get to know our clients one on one. We get to meet their children. We get to hear about their families. We know their pets’ names. We know where they leave the key in case they are not there. We get to know them by carefully handling all of their cherished possessions, sometimes cleaning them and packing them away until their homes are restored.

At the end of the day, we are just people helping people.  That’s what it’s all about. Sometimes that means stopping what we are doing and having a cup of coffee or dinner with our customers if they ask. Sometimes it means taking out the family pet. 

What a beautiful thing to see! Why SERVPRO of Lynn/Lynnfield? Because we care about our customers...and they know it! Let us be the one you call when your life gets flipped upside down..781.593.6663

Sewage Backups

1/20/2020 (Permalink)

A bathroom toilets showing some leaking water Sewage backups are dangerous and should be handled by a professional

Sewage backup is no easy task to deal with, and it’s more common than you think. A backup occurs when sewer water overflows from the drains in your home, like the sink, toilet, shower, and tub.

When dealing with sewer backup, it’s important to take the necessary steps to handle the mess to ensure that your personal items and space are properly sanitized; failure to do so can lead to greater damage and health hazards in the future.

Below are some commonly asked questions about sewage backup, plus, solutions to ensure your family’s safety.

What Causes Sewer Backup?

Various factors can contribute to sewage backup, but the most common cause is a clog in your sewer line, which typically occurs when solid material builds up over time.

Some common causes of clogs or sewer failure:

  • Pouring things like excess fats and oils, coffee grounds, food solids, and large food waste down your kitchen sink
  • Flushing excess soap, hair, toilet paper, paper towels, and sanitary napkins down the drain or toilet
  • Broken or leaking pipes, poorly designed sewer systems (such as those invaded by tree roots nearby), snow and ice (Massachusetts can experience intense winter weather); or mainline backups caused by vandalism, natural disasters, or infrastructure breakdown

Can My Family Safely Inhabit the House After a Sewer Backup?

It’s definitely not safe for your family to stay inside your Lynn, Lynnfield or Nahant home after a sewer backup. The contaminated water is considered hazardous to your health, as it may contain pathogenic, toxigenic, or other harmful agents.

It’s important to ensure that your home is as sanitary as possible before re-inhabiting it. In many cases, property owners are not equipped to handle effective cleanup and professional mitigation and sanitation may be required.

What Hazards Are Commonly Caused by Sewer Backups?

Sewer backups can lead to hazards other than damage to your home, property, and possessions. If the area affected by the sewer backup goes untreated, it can lead to the spread of disease-causing organisms like bacteria, viruses, and parasites.

It’s important to avoid contact with the sewer water and anything it has been in contact with. The contaminants found in sewer water can cause painful irritations and rashes when they come in contact with the skin.

Ingesting contaminants can lead to nausea, abdominal pain, vomiting, diarrhea, and even hepatitis A. Inhaling airborne microorganisms can cause respiratory infections and allergic reactions as well.

Can I Clean Up The Mess Myself?

Although property owners are responsible for dealing with the aftermath of a sewer backup, you should only clean up the mess yourself if you’re knowledgeable of how to clean and sanitize effectively.

If your Lynn. Lynnfield or Nahant home has only experienced minor damage and you’re able to clean the area on your own, it’s recommended to take precautions by wearing rubber boots, protective gloves, goggles, and a facemask to minimize your contact with contaminants.

If your home has experienced major sewer backup (or if the water has been in contact with any electrical outlets), we recommend consulting an experienced professional before you begin cleaning up the mess—water is highly conductive of electricity.

Can I Use Bleach to Clean it Up?

It’s not a good idea to clean up the mess yourself if you’re not an experienced professional or without at least consulting with a professional first.

Bleach also isn’t a good solution for extensive cleanup because it does a poor job of eliminating the contamination left by standing sewer water. Although bleach is a common household disinfectant, sewer backup is much more harmful than common household messes and should be cleaned up with stronger disinfectants.

How Do I Know If Everything has been Appropriately Sanitized?

After the sewage backup has been cleaned up and you’re able to reenter the property, you can go through your space and assess what still needs to be cleaned (e.g., personal belongings, furniture, and surfaces). Some cleaning can be performed on your own; for everything else, SERVPRO of Lynn/Lynnfield can handle it.

If, for example, you want to appropriately sanitize the surfaces of your home affected by sewage backup, mix one quarter cup of bleach with one gallon of water and use this solution to clean all hard surfaces. Leave it on for at least one minute, and rinse the area with soapy water.

For carpets and fabrics that weren’t damaged or touched by the waste water, you can sanitize them with Lysol or another less abrasive ammonia product, rinse clean with soapy water, and repeat as needed.

Can I Keep Any Household Items After Sewage Backup?

With the exception of hard-surface items that can be properly cleaned and restore, you shouldn’t keep anything that came in contact with the sewer water. These items could have absorbed hazardous waste materials.

Sewer water is highly hazardous, so you wouldn’t want to risk you or your family’s health, no matter how badly you want to keep a personal item.

Is Sewer Backup Covered by Insurance?

In some cases, property owners are responsible for a sewage backup bill. That’s why it’s important to purchase homeowners insurance, and make sure sewer backups are covered in your policy, as it can provide thousands of dollars in coverage.

If you’re renting a home, be sure to discuss any issues with your landlord and/or property manager. Property owners are typically liable for this type of damage, but renter’s insurance may provide additional coverage as well.

Sewer backup can be stressful to deal with on your own, so it’s important to stay informed on all the necessary precautions needed to handle the situation. 

For more information please call SERVPRO of Lynn/Lynnfield at 781.593.6663

Drying Equipment

1/14/2020 (Permalink)

Image of SERVPRO drying equipment To properly recover from a water damage loss, professional equipment should be used

Water damage is one of those things that we might all experience, although none of us want to! Because water damage can come from so many different sources, like an overflowing bathtub or a burst pipe, it is a more common occurrence than many people realize. Most people think of fans and wet-vacs as the only tools necessary in many water damage restoration cases, but the reality is that you need professional equipment. Here at SERVPRO of Lynn/Lynnfield we have many tools that we use in a water damage restoration that are far more effective than your average water removal tools.

  • Drying fans– Unlike your standard box fan, our drying fans are large, commercial-grade drying fans that can quickly and effectively dry out things like carpet, padding, and other absorbent materials.
  • Dehumidifiers– Mold can grow even if there is a lot of moisture in the air and not necessarily on your belongings– that’s why we finish our water damage restoration water removal process not just with fans and water extraction methods, but with dehumidifiers as well to draw the moisture from the air.
  • Water extraction– When you need water removed from things like carpeting, you need the right water extraction tools. Our powerful water extractors can suck up far more water than a shop vac or even a wet-vac. The more water you get out with water extraction, the better the rest of the cleanup process can go.

If you suffer a water damage at your Lynn, Lynnfield or Nahant home please give SERVPRO of Lynn/Lynnfield a call at 781.593.6663!

Top Causes of Kitchen Fires

1/14/2020 (Permalink)

A pan fire on top of  a stove Kitchen fires are common and easily preventable

Every year there are thousands of home fires in America, some of them claim lives, and most of them cost thousands of dollars in damage and fire damage restoration bills. Fires can usually be prevented if the proper precautions are in place.

1. Unattended Cooking

Life has a way of keeping us busy, and as our lives progress, we get busier and busier. As such we are always finding ourselves being pulled in a million directions throughout our day no matter what we’re doing. Finding the time to cook a meal in the kitchen is not always so easy to come by, and while we’re doing so, it’s easy to become distracted. It may be tempting to leave your stove unattended for a few minutes while you fire back a bunch of angry tweets at some fool who disagrees with some dumb thing you believe but try to relax and stay focused on your food. The person you want to sling a bunch of angry pixels to on whatever social media platform you’re currently raging on isn’t real and can’t hurt you, the fire on your stove that you aren’t paying attention to can. It can burn your whole house down and snatch your life away if you aren’t careful.

2. Foods that Can Ignite

Certain foods are combustible when they get hot. Some examples of combustible foods are flour, oil, alcohol, sugar, garlic, and fatty meats. Since oil is so flammable, always clean leftover food and grease that is on stovetop, oven, toaster oven or counters that are near cooking surfaces. Make sure that when you are frying food, you do not put too much oil in your pots and pans. If oil does catch fire, do not under any circumstances try to put it out with water or any flour or powder based household item. Water will not help a grease fire, and flour or another powder will explode in a violent fireball. Instead, cover it with a pot lid or use flower or deploy your kitchens fire extinguisher, if you’re reading this and don’t have one stop right now and buy one, NOW! If you have got one check it and make sure it’s not expired and that it is rated safe for use in kitchen fires since not all of them are.

3. Unsafe Kitchen Attire

Avoid cooking in loose clothing like bathrobes and baggy pajamas. Clothing can catch fire if it comes too close to a fire. Tie back hair when you are working in the kitchen so that it does not catch on fire. You should be doing this anyway so you don’t find hair in your food since that is not very appealing.

4. Cluttered Counters

Keep combustible items away from cooking surfaces. Move all paper towels, dish towels, food packages, and pot holders away from cooking surfaces. If something can catch fire keep it away from open flames and heat sources.

If you have had a kitchen fire, you know you will need a fire damage restoration company to help restore your home. Fire is tremendously dangerous and must be recognized for the potentially life-threatening thing that it is. Be careful when cooking and always remember that carelessness kills thousands of people each year, if you’re not careful in the kitchen you’re asking for trouble.

If you sustain a fire damage please call SERVPRO of Lynn/Lynnfield at 781.593.6663 . We understand the intricacies of putting a home together after a damaging fire.


Fireplace Safety Tips

1/14/2020 (Permalink)

a beautiful fireplace with active fire Proper care can prevent a home fire started from a fireplace

If you enjoy the occasional fire in your wood-burning fireplace, keep in mind that heating equipment is one of the leading causes of home fires during the winter months. Moreover, according to the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA), more than a third of home heating fires in the U.S. involve fireplaces and chimneys.

Follow these critical fireplace safety tips to help prevent a fire accident in your home during the cold months.

Fireplace safety tips

  • Before the heating season, hire a professional chimney sweep to inspect and remove creosote or other obstructions, such as animal nests, from the chimney.
  • Allow only a qualified professional to install chimney connectors and chimneys in your house.
  • Inspect your chimney cap regularly. If it’s damaged, repair or replace it. If your chimney doesn’t have a cap at the top, have one installed fitted with wire-mesh sides to prevent debris or animals from entering the chimney.
  • Keep any flammable objects, such as newspapers, books, and furniture, at least two feet away from the fireplace.
  • Make sure there is a fire extinguisher in the room.
  • Use only dry, seasoned wood cut to the correct length.
  • Have a mesh metal screen or glass fireplace doors installed to prevent embers from shooting out of the fireplace.
  • Use fireplace tools to maintain the fire.
  • Supervise children whenever the fireplace is being used. Remind them to stay away from the fire.
  • Keep pets at a safe distance from the fire, as well.
  • Always supervise the fire and never leave it burning when going to sleep or leaving the home.
  • Close the damper only when the embers have cooled off.
  • Install and maintain smoke alarms and carbon monoxide alarms (CO) outside each sleeping area and on every level of the home. For the best protection, interconnect the CO alarms, so that when one sounds, they all do.

When starting a fire:

  • Remove the ashes from the previous fire but let them cool for several hours before disposing of them. Leaving the ashes will result in more smoke, as it reduces the air supply to wood.
  • Put the ashes in a metal container with a tight lid. Store it outside, at least 10 feet away from the home and other buildings.
  • Open the damper; you may have to look up into the chimney with a mirror or flashlight to check that it’s open.
  • Place crumpled paper on the grate and cover it with kindling or another firestarter (but do not use flammable liquids to start your fire!). Add the firewood once the kindling is burning brightly. Then, close the fire screen.
  • Don’t overload the fireplace; a large fire generates more smoke and can damage your chimney.
  • Never burn plastic, garbage or other toxic materials.

For professional fire damage cleaning services, contact the experts at SERVPRO of Lynn/Lynnfield!

Even with all the proper fireplace safety measures in place, accidents can still happen. As smoke can severely damage a home, it’s essential to get the house remediated as soon as possible. Our fire damage restoration technicians use the latest equipment and techniques to remove soot and deodorize your house after fire damage quickly and properly. For professional fire damage cleaning services in Lynn, Lynnfield or Nahant, contact the SERVPRO of Lynn/Lynnfield office at 781.593.6663.

Three Types of Smoke Damage

11/19/2019 (Permalink)

room with smoke damaged walls Properly identifying what kind of smoke damage you have sustained can help you avoid costly mistakes.

There are 3 main types of smoke and residues that can be left behind by fire damage in your home:

    1. Synthetic: These synthetic residues appear when oil based materials are burned such as plastics and fabrics. This could include everything from window coverings, furniture, carpets, and electronics. When synthetic materials burn they will produce a thick black smoke, leaving behind a smeary residue that can create quite the mess if not cleaned up properly. In these situations avoid touching any of the residue to prevent smearing as vacuuming is the best approach to cleaning the residues left behind, followed by dry sponge cleaning.
    2. Protein: Fires caused by the burning of proteins such as meats and beans for example will leave behind a yellowish brown residue. The texture of which is greasy feeling and can stick to any surface, making it a pain to clean up. Make sure you  head over to your local Home-Depot type shop and ask for the proper fire cleaning chemical that will work well on cleaning up after protein fires.
    3. Natural: These type of fires are caused by the burning of natural products such as wood and paper. They produce dry powdery residue that is greyish-black in colour. These residues are easier to clean up than the synthetic or protein residues. Removing the residues can be done by vacuuming with a bristled brush, followed by dry-chem sponge cleaning.

Now that you are able to identify the different sources of fire smoke and residues you can determine which type you are dealing with in your particular case and apply the appropriate cleaning methods as discussed.  Please remember though that improper cleaning of smoke damage can make matters much worse...and more expensive!

When in doubt give the professionals at SERVPRO of Lynn/Lynnfield a call at 781.593.6663

What To Do After Incurring Storm Damage

10/24/2019 (Permalink)

A downed tree caused by a microburst storm Be prepared for when storm damage hits.

Storm damage can occur at any time and can cause an immense amount of harm to your home. Heavy rains can cause flooding and powerful winds can cause roof damage and downed trees on your property. Some post-storm damage can create safety and health hazards as well, so having a strategy to deal with damage will help you to be ready to take steps immediately after the storm.

Take Safety Precautions

Heavy winds and rain can create physical hazards such as collapsed roofing materials, window damage, collapsed walls or standing water in the basement or home interior. In addition, moisture can soak into furniture, carpeting, and building materials making the perfect environment for mold growth that can cause health issues. Shut off the main gas line if you smell gas. Beware of broken glass, exposed nails, and other sharp objects on the property. Contact SERVPRO of Lynn/Lynnfield to help do basic tasks to secure your property and make it safe to use. If necessary, arrange for an alternative place for you and your family to live while your property is being restored to safe living condition.

Photograph the Damage

If it is safe to move around your property, use your cellphone or a camera to photograph the damage so that you will have a record for your insurance company. This action will ensure that you are fully compensated.

Contact Your Insurance Company

Contact your insurance agent to notify them about the damage to your home immediately. The company will send out an adjustor to determine the extent of the damage so that payment for repairs can be made.

Look Into Federal Disaster Assistance

The federal government may have declared the area affected by the storm as a disaster area that is eligible for low-cost loans to help restore your property to normal. You will be required to file documents to receive these loans.

When a storm-related disaster strikes, it may seem overwhelming, but these steps can help you to begin the process of restoring your home, and your life, to normal. At SERVPRO of Lynn/Lynnfield, we provide 24-hour emergency disaster service. We specialize in the stabilization and restoration of homes and businesses that have suffered small or large loss from water, flood, wind, storm, fire and smoke disaster.  Call us today at 781.593.6663

Is That Water Damage Old or New?

10/22/2019 (Permalink)

Water Stain Is that water damage old or new?

Has that water damage always been there? Or did it just happen? It’s wise to figure out if water damage is new or old, so that you know how extensive the damage may be, and what you need to do to stop the water intrusion.

Step One: Determine Materials

Water effects different materials in different ways. If tile, brick, or another tough material has been affected by water damage, chances are the damage is old. It takes time to wear on these materials and create leaks. On the other hand, if your damage is in drywall, hardwood flooring or carpet, it could be new or old water damage. Even a bit of water can affect these materials right away.

Step Two: Look for Rings

Drywall, wooden flooring, and other softer materials may develop “rings” if they have suffered water damage over a long period of time. The water soaks in and discolors the material. It dries out but leaves a stain behind. If this happens a few times, the effect is like several rings of water damage, some large and some small. This means the water damage is old.

Additionally, this pattern of water damage means that the water damage is intermittent. It happens frequently, but there are dry spells where the material can dry out. The source of water could be a pipe that only runs sometimes, like the supply pipe to the shower. Or, it could be the result of a roof leak, which only causes water damage when it rains.

Step Three: Touch the Spot

Areas that have new water damage are likely to be wet but not soft. If you touch the water damage and the drywall is soft, the water has had time to soak in and ruin the integrity of the material. This means the water damage is likely to be old. Although, it’s important to note that tough materials like tile may never soften at all.

Step Four: Assess Mold

Mold growth can begin within 24-48 hours of water damage. If you have visible mold on the water damaged area you know it has been soaked for at least 48 hours. More extensive mold growth may indicate the water damage is even over.

Although, the absence of mold doesn’t necessarily mean the damage is new. There could be other environmental factors that explain the lack of mold growth. Maybe it’s too hot or cold for mold to grow. Or, perhaps the excess moisture dries too quickly. If you have a HEPA filter running it my be removing mold spores, limiting their growth on the water damaged area.

Step Five: Ask the Professionals

If you’re wondering how to tell if water damage is new or old, it’s likely because you’re not sure of the cause, or if you can blame the last owner of your home for the trouble. Consulting with the pros at SERVPRO of Lynn/Lynnfield can help. We can assess the age and severity of the damage. We can also help you find the cause and restore the damage.  

Call SERVPRO of Lynn/Lynnfield today at 781.593.6663

7 Things NOT To Do After a Fire Loss

10/22/2019 (Permalink)

Fire Be careful not to create more damage after your fire loss

A fire and the damage it causes can be nightmarish. In just a few moments, an entire room can be destroyed, and a fire restoration services team will need to be called in. Hopefully you’ll never have to face such a scenario, but if you do, there are some things that you should never do following a fire.

Don’t Try To Clean Up Yourself

Vacuuming, wiping down the walls, touching the drapes, and any other attempt at cleaning the place up yourself can put you at risk of inhaling the extremely dangerous chemicals that are in soot and ash. Besides this, you could cause further damage to your property. Ash and soot require specialized, professional cleaning from a fire restoration services team.

Don’t Walk Around On Uncovered Carpets

Put clean sheets or towels over your carpet before you walk around on it. Otherwise you may get ash and soot setting into your shoes, and this is bad for your health.

Don’t Turn Appliances On

This goes especially for fires that took place in the kitchen. Don’t turn any electrical appliances on that were inside the room during the fire. They’ll need to be checked and cleaned professionally before being turned on again. If you turn them on when ash or other debris may be trapped inside of them, you could ruin them. Also, do not turn on ceiling appliances such as a light fixture or fan if the ceiling is wet. The wiring could be damp and could cause electric shock.

Don’t Deodorize

If you use the wrong type of deodorizer, such as a store-bought or a commercial deodorizer, you might offset the better formulas that the fire restoration services cleaning team will use that break up smoke molecules and improve odors.

Don’t Try To Clean Your Carpet

If you attempt to remove ash, soot, or water from your carpet or shampoo it, you’re again putting yourself at risk of inhaling very dangerous chemicals from that ash and soot. And in most cases, your carpet will need to be replaced anyway.

Don’t Turn On Your HVAC System

Keep your cooling or heating system turned off until your home is cleaned. By turning on the HVAC system, you’re inviting smoke to travel through your ductwork, which can cause secondary damage to your home.

Don’t Try To Keep Furniture

If there was heavy smoke during the fire, don’t try to continue using your upholstered furniture or carpet. If you keep using them, you’re putting yourself at risk of respiratory health problems. Your upholstered furniture and carpet will need to be replaced. In fact, you shouldn’t even sit or lie down on upholstered furniture that has been in a fire, even for a few minutes.

Knowing what not to do after a fire can make a bad situation a little easier, and can help prevent further damage.

At SERVPRO of Lynn/Lynnfield, we’ve seen our share of fire and smoke damage, and we’ve also seen it made worse when homeowners attempt to clean up themselves. Trust us—don’t try it! Just give SERVPRO of Lynn/Lynnfield a call at 781.593.6663 and we'll come take care of it!

Emergency Response from SERVPRO

8/6/2019 (Permalink)

SERVPRO is your best bet when trying to recover from a disaster

When damage occurs to your home or business, be it fire, water or storm induced, you hope to have repairs made quickly and efficiently so you and your family can return to life as usual. The way to go about having repairs made is to use a specialist contractor who understands your situation and has experience in these types of home repairs and restoration projects. Beyond the actual building repairs, there is the knowledge of specific issues with these types of damages while understanding what your family is going through beyond the actual building renovation.

Small Repairs        

Consider “small repairs” as a technical term, as a contractor views a single stage problem to be a “small repair” even though it certainly doesn’t seem small to the homeowner. When a tree limb damages your roof or a hail storm destroys a section of your siding it’s only considered a small job comparative to restoration from other disasters. A professional contractor understands the importance of repairing such damage quickly before further damage comes of it, and doing the job right the first time.

Fire Repairs

Fire damage is different from small repairs because it typically entails multiple layers of damage. The exterior of the home and the drywall need restoration, along with insulation, wiring, structure inside the walls, and further smoke damage throughout the house. The actual building restoration is the easy part. An experienced contractor can also provide the paperwork and documentation required by fire department, your lawyer, code inspectors, and most importantly your insurance company.

Storms and Flooding

Storm damage which involves flooding is similar to fire damage in that it involves multiple layers of restoration. Your contractor further shows their experience by understanding what is involved in the repairs before starting, and has sub-contractors lined up for each stage of the restoration process. The experienced professional knows how to schedule each aspect of restoration for maximum efficiency so your family can move back into the home as quickly as possible and resume your normal daily life.

There are plenty of great building contractors available who are capable of doing a restoration job after disaster damage. However, such situations present a specific set of challenges. A contractor like SERVPRO of Lynn/Lynnfield who specializes in the actual details pertaining to disaster restoration is going to better suit your needs than a general contractor who focuses on other types of building processes.

Should you need disaster restoration services in the Lynn, Lynnfield or Nahant areas please call SERVPRO of Lynn/Lynnfield at 781-593-6663.

The Dangers of a Poor Fire Restoration Job

8/6/2019 (Permalink)

Fire damage should be handled by the professionals

Between 2009 and 2013, fire departments across the United States responded to 357,000 house fires each year on average. If you experience a house fire, your next steps will impact the monetary costs of getting back on your feet and the emotional costs associated with a fire. At SERVPRO of Lynn/Lynnfield, we believe contacting a professional restoration company to restore your home immediately after a fire will help you jump start the process of getting back into your home. It’s not enough to simply hire a fire restoration company after a fire; the company you hire must be capable. Otherwise, you could face serious long-term problems.


As the adage goes, where there is smoke, there is fire. The damage a house fire causes can be horrendous. It destroys your personal belongings, forcing you to replace the items that can be replaced. However, the damage caused by smoke is as powerful as that of fire. The smell of smoke may not cause physical damage, but the stench of smoke can linger long after the flames have been put out.

Without professional help from a reputable fire restoration company, you and your family could inhale smoke for years, which is a threat to your lungs and your eyes. Individuals who already have problems with their lungs and eyes can experience greater problems if they inhale air stained with smoke for a prolonged time.


When the conditions are just right, mold can grow following a fire. In most cases, hidden water puddles behind walls or in closets are just enough to promote a colony of mold in your home. Unfortunately, the untrained eye may not know what to look out for when it comes to preventing mold. By hiring a professional fire restoration team, you reduce the chances that your home will be invaded with mold months or years after your fire.


Another byproduct of fire damage is soot. Soot is the result of combustion. It is the black film that remains on your belongings after the fire has been extinguished. If you don’t hire a professional to clean your home, an amateur fire restoration company could miss cleaning some areas that are coated with soot. If this happens, and you overlook it too, then the soot could permanently stain some of your belongings. However, if you employ a professional such as our team at SERVPRO of Lynn/Lynnfield, you won’t have to worry about soot following a fire. We make sure that every nook and cranny is cleaned.

When it comes to restoring your home following a fire, you don’t want to chance anything. You should contact the professionals at SERVPRO of Lynn/Lynnfield. Give us a call today...781-593-6663.

Water Damage and What to Expect

8/6/2019 (Permalink)

Let the professionals at SERVPRO of Lynn/Lynnfield solve your problem

While you might be aware that a deluge with possible flooding is likely to occur, you are probably like most people and you think that your home will get through it unscathed. Another common scenario is when your washing machine or dishwasher overflows unexpectedly. A third, common instance is when a slow water leak or drip that was not noticed until other signs appeared.

Water Damage Can Appear in Many Different Ways

All of these situations are ones that can damage a home so severely that most homeowners simply don't have the knowledge or the equipment to handle it properly and safely. This is the time to call in the experts. Here's what to expect when you do. 

1. Thorough assessment

When the SERVPRO of Lynn/Lynnfield professional arrives at your home, the first thing you can expect is a thorough assessment of the damage. Not only will this provide you with a comprehensive list of the damages, it often includes an outline of the steps that will be followed to extract the water from your home. 

2. Prepared for anything

SERVPRO of Lynn/Lynnfield will come prepared with the latest equipment designed to help with every phase of the cleanup and restoration process. Whether this is equipment is the type that is designed to remove water from your home like fans, dehumidifiers, extractors and other specialized drying equipment or it is state-of-the-art equipment for the detection of moisture in places that aren't visible to the naked eye, you can expect personnel that is well trained on its proper use. 

3. Experience and expertise

The Institute of Inspection Cleaning and Restoration Certification (IICRC) is the standard by which the industry is measured. A certification from this organization ensures that you are getting highly trained personnel. They are armed with the latest techniques that provide them with the expertise they need to tackle are of the scenarios noted above -- and numerous others. This knowledge is backed by years of experience in the methods that have been proven to be effective. 

SERVPRO of Lynn/Lynnfield provides residents of Lynn, Lynnfield, Nahant and the surrounding areas with water restoration services they can count on. With restoration experience reaching back to 1967, SERVPRO of Lynn/Lynnfield offers proven water restoration delivered by their personable and friendly staff.  Call us today at 781-593-6663.


Top Six Fire Damage Restoration Tips

8/5/2019 (Permalink)

Commercial fire damage most often requires professional clean-up

We’re not going to kid you. Fire damage restoration is tough work. People call SERVPRO of Lynn/Lynnfield frequently to ask for advice on how to clean up after a fire.  Here are seven of the best tips we give people who ask about fire damage restoration.

Most people can put these tips into practice. But remember that fire damage restoration takes time, work, and skill. Realistically consider whether you want to try these ideas on your own or whether you’d be better off hiring highly trained restoration specialists who will guarantee their work.

  1. Remove Smoke Damage

With any fire you’ll have a degree of smoke damage to your walls, wall paper, and paint. If the smoke damage is not too serious, you should be able to scrub it clean with detergents and bleach. Soot from smoke damage is greasy stuff, so always try to dust as much of it off from a surface before trying to scrub the surface clean. Often, you’ll want to repaint, but make sure all surfaces are clean and dry before you paint.

  1. Limit Activity & Other Simple Fire Damage Restoration Steps

Until your house is restored, limit your activity and movement in the house. This helps prevent soot particles from being embedded into upholstery and carpets. Keep people’s hands clean so you don’t further soil upholstery, walls, and woodwork. Protect your things by placing clean towels or old linens on rugs, upholstery, and carpet traffic areas. Before you clean know the best cleaning method for that particular cleaning job (one example: Clean and protect chrome with a light coating of petroleum jelly or oil.) Wash both sides of the leaves on your houseplants. Change your HVAC filter and tape double layers of cheesecloth over air registers.

Call SERVPRO of Lynn/Lynnfield for Cleanup and Restoration. Call (781) 593-6663.

  1. Get Rid of Mold & Mildew

Firefighters are great. They save lives and many a home. But they do introduce mold and mildew into houses when they must use water to extinguish the fire. SERVPRO of Lynn/Lynnfield highly recommends you hire fire damage restoration professionals to deal with mold and mildew. Mold and mildew can cause serious health problems. It’s difficult for a non-professional to know for certain if he’s clean up all the areas affected by the mold and mildew. And mold and mildew can contaminate your furniture, carpets, clothing, mattresses, walls, and vents. The best thing you can do immediately is to air out every room and clean out all vents and filters.

  1. Replace Carpets. Clean And Dry Your Floors

Your floors and carpets end up absorbing the worst of the damage from all the water used to put out a fire. In almost every case, SERVPRO of Lynn/Lynnfield recommends that you pull up any carpets that have water damage and replace them. Water can also seep underneath vinyl flooring and into the cracks in hardwood. You must address this. If you have experience with flooring, you can lift it up and clean under it. But you may want to call a professional fire damage restoration company to assist you.

  1. Avoid Smearing Soot Into Clothing

Cleaning smoke damage from clothing is one of the biggest jobs you’ll have after a fire. Make sure you don’t smear the greasy soot into the clothing or just throw the smoky clothes into the wash. Often times dry cleaning is the best bet, and you should ask around local dry cleaners to see if any have experience with post-fire laundry. Removing smoke odor is another issue and we’ve covered it in another blog post.

Call SERVPRO of Lynn/Lynnfield for Cleanup and Restoration. Call (781) 593-6663.

  1. Scrub, Soak, And Cleaning Dishes

Dishes are also important items to clean thoroughly after a fire because they will be in contact with your food. Scrub all dishes well, let them soak in a solution of bleach and water (2 tablespoons of bleach per gallon) for at least 20 minutes and scrub some more for safety. When in doubt, if a dish, pot, or pan won’t come clean, cut your losses and throw it out – especially rubber or wooden dishes that absorb smoke.

Help Is Here

The team at SERVPRO of Lynn/Lynnfield also has specialized training and experience in fire restoration services, natural disaster prevention, water damage, chemical cleanup, and natural disaster cleanup. Call SERVPRO of Lynn/Lynnfield (781-593-6663) anytime.

Using a Third-Party Mold Testing Company

8/5/2019 (Permalink)

Commercial mold damage

SERVPRO of Lynn/Lynnfield thinks that third-party mold testing is important for two main reasons.

The first is accountability. When you hire professional mold inspection that does testing, they will arrive with specialized equipment that can detect mold through walls, ceilings, and other obstructions. That means they can find mold that you might not have even known was there and take samples.  Depending on how accessible the mold is, they might take samples from mold in an HVAC system or under outdoor cladding and stucco. And that is the extent of the onsite testing. The real work happens when they take those samples to the lab.

In the laboratory, mold testing will be run on those samples to determine what kind of mold you’re dealing with (there are thousands of species of mold, and not all of them can be dealt with in the same way). Depending on the severity of the problem, your mold contractor will deal with the problem in different ways. This is why third-party mold testing is so important. If your mold contractor runs the tests themselves, that’s a conflict of interest. A contractor might want to perform the more difficult (and therefore expensive) treatment, and if they do the testing themselves, they might find results that make that necessary. Third-party testing ensures that a neutral party decides the extent of the mold problem.

This leads us to our second reason: empowerment. If your mold testing company uses third-party testing but you never see the results, that company is still controlling your mold remediation choices. That’s why Advanced Mold Diagnostics has our third-party tester send the results straight to you, the client. When you receive the results from the lab, you are able to see the type of mold you’re dealing with and the choice to move forward is yours.

SERVPRO of Lynn/Lynnfield takes its relationships with its clients very seriously, and third-party mold testing is a great example of our commitment to that principle. If you have any questions about the mold testing we offer call 781-593-6663. We look forward to hearing from you!

Protect Your Business from Water Damage

8/5/2019 (Permalink)

Commercial water damage

Your family depends on your business. So do your employees, as well as your customers and community. So the thought of commercial water damage caused by extreme weather or plumbing failure is scary. But you don’t have to be scared. A little planning and a few precautions will help you breathe a little easier, knowing you’re ready for any commercial water damage contingency,

Commercial Water Damage Tip: Think it Through

Start by asking yourself, “What if?”

That’s a powerful question when it comes to reducing commercial water damage risk. For instance, what if a water main bursts and floods your office? This always leads to more questions, such as how will you ensure the safety of your employees and customers? Or how will you prevent or eliminate business disruptions that might result in cash flow problems? How will you communicate with employees during emergencies or periods of disruption (say, when a pipe bursts and requires the main power to be shut off during repairs)? Make notes of your answers to all your questions, because organizing this information is the basis for the next key step in preventing and minimizing commercial water damage: making a plan.

Commercial Water Damage Tip: Make a Plan

While thinking through possible commercial water damage scenarios for your business, you made notes of the solutions you came up with for your “what if?” questions. Now put your thinking into action to craft an emergency plan for your business. A good emergency plan should provide for the safety of all people who could enter your business, as well as set forth processes and procedures for carrying on with business during a variety of challenges.

It should include, at the very least:

  • an emergency contact list (accessible from off-site)
  • emergency procedures
  • emergency staffing instructions
  • vendor lists and contact info
  • data backup plans and other resources to support business operations in case you have to temporarily or permanently relocate your business operations.

You should note that this plan is never finished. You should always be updating and improving it with lessons you learn during any business disruption.

Commercial Water Damage Tip: Inspect, Repair, Repeat

Stuff gets old. It breaks. It fails. When plumbing or water-management equipment in your commercial facility fails, the resulting water damage restoration costs can stack up fast. So the operative word for commercial water damage prevention is maintenance.

Routinely inspect all visible plumbing, test basement sump pumps, check exterior gutters and downspouts, muck out drainage ditches and storm drains and ensure roof structures are in good repair. Commercial property managers generally agree that a water leak on a commercial property is the most costly problem you can have, often costing thousands of dollars to mitigate, once the problem develops. Good property maintenance can lop off a big chunk of commercial water damage risk, so don’t cut corners on repairs.

Commercial Water Damage Tip: Call SERVPRO of Lynn/Lynnfield

A key part of any emergency plan is knowing how to get the help you need when you need it. Lynn, Lynnfield and Nahant business owners trust SERVPRO of Lynn/Lynnfield when faced with scary, costly commercial water damage. If your business is disrupted by water damage, call SERVPRO of Lynn/Lynnfield at 781-593-6663 and get peace of mind during uncertain times.

How to Spot Water Damage

8/4/2019 (Permalink)

In general, a house is one of the biggest investments you will make in your lifetime. In order to protect that investment, you should vigilantly look out for household problems and address them before they worsen.

One such dreaded homeowner issue is water damage. If left unattended, residential water damage can detrimentally impact the structure or spawn other complications, including mold that poses a health risk to inhabitants. Here are several methods for detecting water damage within your house.

1. Check the Floors
No matter what kind of flooring you have, it will manifest signs of water damage. For tile and wood, look for cracked, buckling or warped flooring. When it comes to carpet, be wary of damp spots, gradual rises, soft spots or the smell of mold and dampness.

2. Look for Stains
Water stains on the floor around the bathtub, toilet or sink, as well as stains on ceilings and walls, are some of the most obvious signs of water damage. Unusual stains could indicate there is a leaky pipe or drain inside the wall. Cracks in the drywall or areas that appear swollen and are soft to touch also may signify trouble. Peeling paint is another sign of loose water within wall spaces. As the drywall gets saturated, paint can lose adhesion.

3. Inspect Outside
Observe the exterior of your house. What you want to look for are pools of standing water that can indicate poor drainage in the yard, gutter spouts that aren’t transporting water far enough from the house or leaky rain gutters. Any of those issues could threaten the foundation of your house. Additionally, common signs of water damage on the roof may include pools of water; cracked, curled or missing shingles; or broken flashing.

4. Watch for Rust and Mold
Inspect your water heater and check for rust on the tank or damp spots on the floor. A rusted tank could indicate a slow leak. Additionally, corrosion around pipe connections could be caused by water seepage. Visual signs of active mold growth mean moisture is contacting microscopic mold spores, often in the nooks and crannies of your home. Finally, don’t rely solely on sight. When water stagnates, mold and bacteria can grow, producing a musty, unpleasant smell.

If you're looking for water damage inspection or repair contact the experts at SERVPRO of Lynn/Lynnfield today for all you property restoration needs.  781-593-6663

Summer Storm Emergencies

8/1/2019 (Permalink)

Summer storms can cause unseen damage

Summer storms may be great for your lawn and garden or can be a perfect excuse to stay inside in pajamas while reading and napping the day away, but sometimes they can also cause damage to your house. Of course, your home is designed to withstand the ordinary storms expected in your area, but sometimes an extraordinarily heavy storm with extreme wind and hail can take a toll on your house's exterior. When such an event happens, it's important to have repairs conducted quickly and efficiently, so your house will be back in tiptop shape and ready for the next storm.

Exterior Home Damage

Hail can be a concern during a thunderstorm as it causes cosmetic damage to a roof and siding. More importantly is how it can damage the seals around exhaust vents, windows, or chimneys and allow water to enter. Worse yet are the winds associated with a heavy hail or thunderstorms which can remove a shingle or piece of siding, your home's first layer of defense against the weather. The problem with this type of damage is that once it occurs it compromises the linking systems of the shingles or siding, which means that not only can water penetrate to the interior of the house, even a minor storm is likely to exacerbate the problem by causing more damage.

Interior Repairs

Once the exterior of the home is damaged, water can and will enter the house and cause a different problem. Water damage is not a simple repair, as it penetrates through walls, floors, and all the hidden crevices inside the home. Without a professional who understands what to look for and how to efficiently conduct repairs, water will leak into places with no airflow and take forever to evaporate. Another problem caused by moisture is mold, which once formed will only get worse and never go away until properly cleaned out, which often means the expensive proposition of full replacement of drywall, framing, and insulation.

Enjoy the summer storms as they occur, but be sure to have your home inspected regularly to check for damage. When you do have damage, have it repaired immediately. In the unfortunate event that you receive minor or major home damage after a heavy storm, contact SERVPRO of Lynn/Lynnfield at 781-593-6663.

Unexpected Disasters!

8/1/2019 (Permalink)

Storm flooding in Marblehead, MA

Disasters can take many forms, but always have one commonality. You weren’t expecting it. You may have some warning of storms and flooding according to a weather report, but you expect your home or business building to be designed and built to manage such conditions. Fires are never expected otherwise you would avoid the situation which caused it. The first step to handle such a situation is to have a preparedness plan in place in case of emergency.  Part of the preparedness plan should be to know the name of a local contractor who specializes in such repairs so you can begin the process of returning to normal as quickly as possible.


Fire is arguably the most terrifying of disasters because of the immediate risk to your family’s safety. Afterwards, the loss of precious heirlooms and irreplaceable personal memories can also be devastating. Your home will have obvious fire and smoke damage, but you should also be aware there is likely soot in your ventilation system, carcinogens deposited in the attic and crawl space, and unseen structural damage. A great contractor knows what to look for and how to return the home to normal while understanding the trauma you’ve experienced in order to make the rebuilding process as easy as possible.

Water Damage and Flooding

Flooding can also be a devastating event, both for the emotional stress of the event and the physical damage it causes to your home. Again, a specialist who deals in disaster restoration will know how to empathize with you during your time of sorrow while making the repairs quickly so you can return to a normal life.


Storm damage can be as minor as hail breaking a window or as disastrous as a tree falling on your home. In either case, there is likely going to be hidden damage only a disaster contractor would be aware of. As important as it is to immediately repair the obvious damage, the same storm put water inside the structure of your home, causing a potential for mold or rot which needs to be addressed.

After a disaster, you have plenty of issues to deal with. There is no need for the repair of your home or business to be an additional problem to face. Call the experts at SERVPRO of Lynn/Lynnfield at 781-593-6663.  We are available 24-hours a day to help.

Why You Should Hire a Professional

8/1/2019 (Permalink)

Disaster restoration is best left to the professionals

When a catastrophe -- a water leak or damage by mold, fire or storms -- breaks out out at your home, you might wonder what kind of options you have to repair the event's impact and get life back to normal as soon as possible. One of the first things that people often think is that they can simply take care of the damage themselves and avoid having to call the professionals in to do the job. This is often not as wise of an idea as it might seem to be at first. Here's why:

1. Experience

A property restoration company, such as SERVPRO of Lynn/Lynnfield, brings the Lynn, Lynnfield and Nahant area years of experiences -- in the case of SERVPRO of Lynn/Lynnfield, more than 30 years of professional experience -- in services like mold remediation, water damage, fire restoration and other emergency services. They have established procedures that have been honed over the years to deliver the best results within the optimal time frame.

2. Equipment

Tackling things like storm damage, fire restoration, mold remediation and other types of emergency services takes specialized equipment. While some of these pieces of equipment could be available for rent, others might be difficult to find. There is also the matter of being able to use them efficiently. Hiring SERVPRO of Lynn/Lynnfield ensures that all the necessary equipment and expertise is included in one price. 

3. Peace of Mind 

When you hire a company, like SERVPRO of Lynn/Lynnfield, that specializes in addressing these emergency issues, you can rest assured that your home is getting the professional treatment it needs to get back into the shape it was prior to disaster striking. Simply give SERVPRO of Lynn/Lynnfield a call at 781-593-6663 and step back to let us handle everything else. You'll be glad you did!

Tips for Dealing With Fire or Smoke Damage

7/31/2019 (Permalink)

Dealing with fire damage can be frustrating experience

When disaster strikes, severe fire damage can be the most devastating thing to happen to any property. As fire becomes an increasingly prevalent threat, insurance companies are constantly trying to cut corners on fire insurance claims in an attempt to save money. After a fire, you've most likely lost some personal belongings and areas of your home are completely destroyed. The last thing you need is a homeowners' insurance company giving you a hard time regarding your claim. 

First Things First, Check Your Policy

Even if you have replacement coverage for your home you actually may only have "actual cash value" for the personal items that were lost. When you call your insurance company, your agent should notify you about this and suggest buying an endorsement so that your belongings will be covered under a replacement policy. 

Secure Your Property 

The majority of homeowners coverage policy requires you to take reasonable steps to minimize more harm on your property. In short terms, this is known as your duty to mitigate damages. These steps are fairly small and easy to do, such as covering leaking areas with plastic wrap or turning off the water if you discover a huge pipe burst. Your insurance company will most likely pay these costs when you make your claim.

File Your Claim Immediately 

Every homeowner policy will require you to report your loss as soon as possible. You will need to make a call to your agent and submit a "proof of loss claim" in which you will itemize your losses in detail and list the value of each. The longer you wait, the further you fall down the list when it comes time for the company to send an adjuster to deal with your claim. 

Always Keep Track Of Your Living Expenses

Every homeowners policy will include a loss of use clause, which entitles you to adequate reimbursement for living expenses while you're out of your home. Keep in mind, these expenses only include additional living expenses, meaning the difference between what it costs you to live on a daily basis and what it is costing you now. For example, if you ate the majority of your meals at home and your groceries cost you $400 a week and now, after a fire, you're eating out and spending $500 a week, you can claim only that additional $100. 

Repairing fire damage is a lengthy process, and dealing with your insurance could be a difficult process if you are not knowledgeable about the subject. If you've experienced a small isolated fire or a complete burn down, you need a property restoration company to properly assess the damage. At SERVPRO of Lynn/Lynnfield, our 24-hour operators are ready to take your call and dispatch a team of highly experienced fire and smoke restoration professionals to your property. Call us today at 781-593-6663! 

Three Types of Fire Residue

7/31/2019 (Permalink)

Fire can leave different residues that should be professionally cleaned

Looking for some more information on the smoke and residue damage that has occurred in your home?

Well there are 3 main types of smoke and residues that can be left behind by fire damage in your home:

 Synthetic: These synthetic residues appear when oil based materials are burned such as plastics and fabrics. This could include everything from window coverings, furniture, carpets, and electronics. When synthetic materials burn they will produce a thick black smoke, leaving behind a smeary residue that can create quite the mess if not cleaned up properly. In these situations avoid touching any of the residue to prevent smearing as vacuuming is the best approach to cleaning the residues left behind, followed by dry-chem sponge cleaning.

Protein: Fires caused by the burning of proteins such as meats and beans for example will leave behind a yellowish brown residue. The texture of which is greasy feeling and can stick to any surface, making it a pain to clean up. Make sure you  head over to your local Home-Depot type shop and ask for the proper fire cleaning chemical that will work well on cleaning up after protein fires.

Natural: These type of fires are caused by the burning of natural products such as wood and paper. They produce dry powdery residue that is greyish-black in colour. These residues are easier to clean up than the synthetic or protein residues. Removing the residues can be done by vacuuming with a bristled brush, followed by dry-chem sponge cleaning.

Now that you are able to identify the different sources of fire smoke and residues you can determine which type you are dealing with in your particular case. 

Call the fire damage experts at SERVPRO of Lynn/Lynnfield at 781-593-6663.

Water Damage at Your Business or Home

7/30/2019 (Permalink)

Water leaks can cost your business thousands of dollars.

Water damage is a problem that most property owners dread. When it rains heavily or snow melts quickly, the risk of this type of damage increases. Water can cause thousands of dollars’ worth of damage by damaging wood furniture, upholstery, electronics, household appliances, and plumbing equipment. Water damage also increases the risk of mold growth, which is a very expensive problem to remediate. Hiring a water damage restoration company like SERVPRO of Lynn/Lynnfield can make the cleanup process easier to handle, as we employ only experienced workers who know the best ways to repair or replace damaged items and help with water damage cleanup.

Causes of Water Damage

There are several possible causes of water damage. Leaky dishwashers, clogged toilets, broken pipes, broken dishwasher hoses, overflowing washing machines, leaky roofs, plumbing leaks, and foundation cracks are just some of the possible causes of water damage in homes and businesses. Floods, heavy snow, and heavy rain are other possible causes of this type of damage and can lead to having water in basements. Too much water can lead to minor problems such as water in basement areas, or it can lead to the destruction of homes and businesses. Once a home or business sustains water damage, it is important to start the water damage cleanup immediately. Starting water damage cleanup as soon as possible increases the likelihood of saving water-soaked furniture, carpets, rugs, clothing, and other items.

Should your home or business suffer a water loss call the experts at SERVPRO of Lynn/Lynnfield at 781.593.6663.

Why 2019 Could Be a Record Breaking Year for Floods

7/29/2019 (Permalink)

66% of the United States is prone to flooding

When it comes to flooding, there’s no off-season. Floods can strike at any time, almost anywhere, and only increase in threat with the onset of hurricane season. This may explain why every state in the continental U.S. has experienced some form of flooding over the past 10 years, according to the Federal Emergency Management Agency.

Spring is traditionally the period when flooding is particularly common, and it appears as though that may be especially true this year, and perhaps even into the better part of summer, based on analysis from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Association (NOAA).

In its spring outlook report, the NOAA stated at least 66% of the contiguous U.S. is prone to experience overland flood risk for the entirety of May. Already, several parts of the country are in states of emergency, particularly the Midwest.

Exceptionally rainy this spring

The rationale for the NOAA’s assessment is a combination of factors. Most notably, the U.S. has received copious rainfall. The Boston area serves as a classic example. Of the 30 days in the month of April, Massachusetts’ capital city experienced rain for 22 of them.

That’s been the story for most of the nation, only conditions have been far worse in low-lying and flat portions of the country. Melting snow and spring thaw created a perfect storm of moisture-rich conditions.

Neil Jacobs, acting administrator at NOAA, said preparation is paramount for homeowners and business owners, as well as city and town planners.

“In addition to the safety aspects, our rivers are critical to the economic vitality of the nation, supporting commerce, recreation and transportation,” Jacobs advised. “NOAA forecasts and outlooks help people navigate extreme seasonal weather and water events to keep the country safe and moving forward.”

Evacuations ongoing in parts of Gulf Coast

Swollen rivers are proving problematic in the nation’s midsection. Evacuations were recently ordered for those living in proximity to the Mississippi River due to levee breaches, according to multiple sources. The Mississippi and Red River received record amounts of wet conditions, causing them to rise 200% higher than what is typical for this time of year, NOAA reported.

It very well may be a record-setting year for flood frequency, warned Ed Clark, director of the National Water Center at NOAA.

Flooding is the No. 1 natural disaster in America and it’s important that you treat it as such. It’s also highly correlated with hurricane development, a season that is just around the corner and warrants strategic preparation. Here at SERVPRO of Lynn/Lynnfield, we specialize in water damage restoration and flood recovery, by offering 24-hour emergency response services. Over the years, we have helped thousands of clients recover from disasters – both big and small. By providing services to mitigate fire, water and storm damage, we help reestablish businesses and restore communities. Contact us today to learn more about our services at 781.593.6663.

What Do I Do After My House Floods?

7/9/2019 (Permalink)

What should you do in the even of a flood at your home?

If you or someone you know has recently become the victim of a major flood, you know exactly how traumatic it can be. While enduring a flood is traumatic, dealing with the aftermath is just as harrowing. Even minor flooding can inflict severe damage in its wake. It’s important to know what to do after a flood to minimize the damage it can cause.

Safety first

Keep a check on the latest flood updates and don’t return to your house until local officials have declared the region out of danger.

Document the damage

Your immediate concern may be to begin the clean-up work straight away. But before the clean-up effort starts, it’s crucial that you take pictures and note details of the damage to your property – this will help when you’re making claims to your insurance.

Make an insurance claim

Next, report the flood damages to your home insurance company. Based on the evidence, you may be able to get your damaged items replaced or have professional help to clean up.

Clean up


Water that seeps into carpeting can quickly form mold and mildew, both of which can be harmful to you and your family and are expensive to remove. Carpets and rugs should be dried as quickly as possible after excess flood water has been removed. Open all windows in the house in order to allow faster drying and to further prevent mold formation.


If left untreated, flood damage to floors can eventually cause major structural issues within the foundation of your home. Make sure you remove as much water as possible quickly after flooding has stopped. A sump pump is the best choice to take care of that.


Though the majority of flood-damaged furniture is relatively difficult to salvage, certain pieces can be saved with thorough cleaning and care. Leather furniture is most frequently counted as a total loss, but if the damage is minimal, it may be possible to replace certain parts and save the entire piece.

When treating upholstered furniture that has been submerged in flood water for an extended period, consider the fact that cushions and other fillings will most likely need to be replaced. Even if dried completely, this type of stuffing can harbor millions of microscopic mold spores.

Safety with electrical appliances

Electrical appliances that have been submerged, even for a short period, should not be used until they are serviced by a certified electrical repair professional. Make sure they’re unplugged, but do not attempt to dry them yourself.

Safety with gas appliances

Gas appliances that have been damaged by flood water should also be inspected and repaired by a certified professional before they are used. Even if a gas appliance appears to be functioning properly, it is possible that its safety features have been disabled by the presence of standing water, making them extremely dangerous to operate. Gas leaks, also often caused by flood water damage, can cause fires and explosions if exposed to flame.

Future Prevention

If your house has flooded once, it can flood again, so take measures to prevent or mitigate flood damage in the future. Be prepared for the next time by reconstructing your home with flood-proof materials and using techniques that will minimize damage. Have an evacuation plan and look into purchasing flood insurance (if you haven’t already!)

When a flood strikes, the best thing that you can do is to act quickly. The damage caused by a flood can grow exponentially worse if left untreated. Fortunately, following to the above mentioned tips can help you salvage a large portion of your possessions and help to expedite the process of reclaiming your home.

SERVPRO of Lynn/Lynnfield is always ready to help with any water damage to your home or business.  Call us at 781.593.6663

How Mold Can Impact Your Health

6/18/2019 (Permalink)

Hidden mold can have a negative impact on your health

Chronic inflammatory response syndrome (CIRS) is a serious, multi-symptom illness that negatively impacts more than one system in the body. Most often is it caused by exposure to harmful biotoxins or neurotoxins in our environment. These toxins may be caused by:

  • Mold in the home.
  • Pfiesteria – Microscopic organism that produces toxins known to cause large fish kills.
  • Cyanobacteria – Commonly found in lakes and rivers.
  • Lyme disease – Transmitted by tick bites.
  • Poisonous spider bites.
  • Ciguatera – A toxin affecting reef fish that are often consumed by humans.

The effects of this inflammatory syndrome vary depending on the person and their experience. However, the respiratory, neurological, psychological, and gastrointestinal symptoms can be life-changing, no matter the source, which is why it is essential to know the signs and see your doctor if you think you have it. Remember, mold allergies are not the same as mold illness, so it is critical to determine the reason for your symptoms. If you recently had flooding in your home or the interior of your household has been humid, you will also want to determine if your symptoms of CIRS are being caused by exposure to mold in your home.

Characteristics of CIRS From Mold Exposure

It is important to know that the effects of chronic inflammatory response syndrome from mold exposure will present itself differently than if it was caused by something else, such as a spider bite, a burn or lyme disease. In fact, when a person develops this syndrome due to mold exposure specifically, they will usually experience some of these symptoms, in addition to those mentioned above: 

  • Headache
  • Sinus congestion
  • Sore throat
  • Nosebleeds 
  • Itchy eyes 
  • Cough 
  • Flu symptoms 
  • Wheezing
  • Stomach ache 

These symptoms are also typical signs of illnesses like influenza, indoor and outdoor allergies, and the common cold, so it is important to see your physician if you have them. 

Checking Your Home for Signs of Mold

No matter the cause, chronic inflammatory response syndrome is a severe illness with lasting consequences. In many cases, it does develop as a result of toxic mold exposure, which is why it is important to have your Lynn, Lynnfield or Nahant home checked if you or your doctor think mold may be causing your symptoms. A professional mold inspection completed by an experienced technician will determine if mold is present, and they will let you know what needs to be done to safely remove it. 

SERVPRO of Lynn/Lynnfield is staffed with experienced experts that come to your home for a mold consultation.   Call us today at 781.593.6663

The 5 Most Common Sources of Water Damage in your Home

6/18/2019 (Permalink)

Check these 5 sources to prevent water damage in your home

As a homeowner, you need to be aware of all the possible things to protect your home against. Storm damage, earthquake damage, wind damage – and, most frequent of all, water damage. We don’t like to think of our homes being ravaged by the elements, but it happens, and when it does, we need to be prepared. Instead of being reactive, we can try taking proactive steps to safeguard our homes and protect our belongings (plus save a bunch on costs). Below, we outline the five most common causes of water damage in your home in the hopes that this information will help you avoid damage to your home.

1. Air Conditioner

Your air conditioner might seem to be working just fine, but it’s important to adhere to regular service dates (at least once each year) to ensure nothing is malfunctioning behind the scenes. Your A/C removes moisture from the air, and sometimes that moisture builds up within the A/C itself. If not properly drained, that water could be slowly leaking into your home – potentially ruining the flooring and drywall and, in many cases, introducing mold.

2. Dishwasher

Dishwashers are another possible culprit of water damage in your home. Your dishwasher can cause water damage if not properly sealed, meaning that the latch is broken, or if it was loaded with the wrong soap. Make sure that any leaks are immediately addressed and that your dishwasher is repaired or replaced ASAP, so you can avoid costly water damage repairs to your kitchen.

3. Washing Machine

Perform regular checks on your washing machine, inspecting beneath the unit as well as behind it. Make sure all fittings are securely connected, and that the underbelly of the washing machine isn’t leaking any water beneath the unit. If you have an older washing machine that gives you frequent issues, consider replacing it altogether.

4. Leaking Pipes

It might seem obvious, but water damage in the home is often caused by leaky pipes. Let’s pretend that you have a loose-fitting pipe under the kitchen sink or in the bathroom, and you’ve just recently noticed water pooling in that area. Don’t wait to call a plumber – a leak in one place in your home could signify leaks in other areas, too. If you notice spikes in your water bill, a leak is likely present and needs to be addressed before additional damage is caused to your landscaping, foundation, flooring, or other areas of the home.

5. Clogged Drains

Clogged drains aren’t just annoying, they also cause water damage (and mold growth) if left unchecked. If your toilet is clogged, it means that not only can you not use the toilet, but you will likely also experience water backing up into the shower, sinks, or bathroom floor. Sewer water is extremely dangerous because it contains raw sewage and bacteria, and must be cleaned up by a professional. If your kitchen sink drain is backing up, you can experience sink overflow and subsequent damages to your kitchen flooring and cabinetry. Make sure to seek professional help when experiencing frequent drain clogs so you don’t have to deal with water damage to your home on top of the clog itself.

So there you have it: the top five causes of interior water damage. By knowing the most common causes of home water damage, you’ll be able to take preventative steps to avoid them. 

But what if it’s too late for prevention? The team at SERVPRO of Lynn/Lynnfield offers service throughout the North Shore area, so you’ll always be in good hands.   Call us today at 781.593.6663

Turn Down the Temp, But Don't Let Your Pipes Freeze!

1/18/2019 (Permalink)

You often hear about how you should turn down the thermostat to save energy, and there are a slew of helpful ideas on the subject.  You can turn the thermostat down when you're out, when you're sleeping, and you can save about 1% on your energy bill per degree you turn your thermostat down! This is all very exciting.

But before you go crazy with turning down the thermostat really low, I'd like to point out some things you might want to keep in mind.

Frozen pipes are a big deal. If the water in your pipes starts freezing, you run the risk of that pipe exploding—and goodness knows that's not what most people are hoping to do when they're trying to save energy in the dead of winter. Unfortunately, I can't just say "keep your thermostat over X degrees to avoid pipe freezing." It depends on where you live, where your pipes are, and how well insulated those pipes are.

There are relatively few places in the United States where you'd never have to worry about frozen pipes. According to Weather.com, southern states generally start having issues with frozen pipes when the temperature reaches about 20 degrees Fahrenheit (the distinction is made because houses in the south are less likely to build pipes inside or in the "warm" parts of your home.)

So, unless you live in a place where it never gets below freezing (you lucky souls, you), you'll need to know some things about your house or apartment: Some water pipes will be in the "warm" parts of your house.

This is why you don't want the temperature inside your house to drop too low, because bathroom and kitchen pipes are generally not insulated, and they rely on whatever system you're using to heat the rest of your house to keep warm.

And if you rent, you might want to see if the owners require their tenants to keep their thermostat above a certain level—my apartment requires all tenants to keep their thermostats above 65, for example, and asks us to consider leaving the taps dripping.

But while these are all good reasons to be careful with the temperature you keep your thermostat at, don't forget the rest of your pipes—some of your water pipes may be in "cold" parts of your house, like crawl spaces or attics, where they don't get any of your home's ambient heat and may, in fact, be subjected to air directly from the outside.

What you'll need to do is based on the region you live in, so you may want to look up your state or city's Web site and see if they have recommendations on how to prepare your house for the winter, because you may want to insulate those pipes.

In the end, I suppose it's still a judgment call, but just remember: Your pipes are vulnerable, frozen pipes are a pain, and you should always consider how your house is built before you make any drastic decisions on how to heat your home in the winter.


Thanksgiving Fire Safety- Everything You Need to Know

11/12/2018 (Permalink)

For most, the kitchen is the heart of the home, especially during the holidays. From testing family recipes to decorating cakes and cookies, everyone enjoys being part of the preparations.

So keeping fire safety top of mind in the kitchen during this joyous but hectic time is important, especially when there’s a lot of activity and people at home. As you start preparing your holiday schedule and organizing that large family feast, remember, by following a few simple safety tips you can enjoy time with your loved ones and keep yourself and your family safer from fire.

Thanksgiving by the numbers

  • Thanksgiving is the peak day for home cooking fires, followed by the day before Thanksgiving and Christmas Day. and Christmas Eve.
  • In 2015, U.S. fire departments responded to an estimated 1,760 home cooking fires on Thanksgiving, the peak day for such fires.
  • Unattended cooking was by far the leading contributing factor in cooking fires and fire deaths.
  • Cooking equipment was involved in almost half of all reported home fires and home fire injuries, and it is the second leading cause of home fire deaths.  

Safety tips

  • Stay in the kitchen when you are cooking on the stovetop so you can keep an eye on the food.
  • Stay in the home when cooking your turkey and check on it frequently.
  • Keep children away from the stove. The stove will be hot and kids should stay 3 feet away.
  • Make sure kids stay away from hot food and liquids. The steam or splash from vegetables, gravy or coffee could cause serious burns.
  • Keep the floor clear so you don’t trip over kids, toys, pocketbooks or bags.
  • Keep knives out of the reach of children.
  • Be sure electric cords from an electric knife, coffee maker, plate warmer or mixer are not dangling off the counter within easy reach of a child.
  • Keep matches and utility lighters out of the reach of children — up high in a locked cabinet.
  • Never leave children alone in room with a lit candle.
  • Make sure your smoke alarms are working. Test them by pushing the test button.


October Is National Fire Prevention Month

10/12/2018 (Permalink)

Home Safety Checklist

Smoke Alarms

There is one smoke alarm on every level of the home and inside and outside each sleeping area.

Smoke alarms are tested and cleaned monthly.

Smoke alarm batteries are changed as needed. 

Smoke alarms are less than 10 years old.

Cooking Safety

Cooking area is free from items that can catch fire.

Kitchen stove hood is clean and vented to the outside.

Pots are not left unattended on the stove.

Electrical & Appliance Safety

Electrical cords do not run under rugs.

Electrical cords are not frayed or cracked.

Circuit-protected, multi-prong adapters are used for additional outlets.

Large and small appliances are plugged directly into wall outlets.

Clothes dryer lint filter and venting system are clean.

Candle Safety

Candles are in sturdy fire-proof containers that won’t be tipped over.

All candles are extinguished before going to bed or leaving the room.

Children and pets are never left unattended with candles.

Carbon Monoxide Alarms

Carbon monoxide alarms are located on each level of the home.

Carbon monoxide alarms are less than 7 years old.

Smoking Safety

Family members who smoke only buy fire-safe cigarettes and smoke outside.

Matches and lighters are secured out of children’s sight.

Ashtrays are large, deep and kept away from items that can catch fire.

Ashtrays are emptied into a container that will not burn.

Heating Safety

Chimney and furnace are cleaned and inspected yearly.

Furniture and other items that can catch fire are at least 3 feet from fireplaces, wall heaters,   baseboards, and space heaters.

Fireplace and barbecue ashes are placed outdoors in a covered metal container at least 3 feet from   anything that can catch fire.

Extension cords are never used with space heaters.

Heaters are approved by a national testing laboratory and have tip-over shut-off function.

Home Escape Plan

Have two ways out of each room.

Know to crawl low to the floor when escaping to avoid toxic smoke.

Know that once you’re out, stay out. 

Know where to meet after the escape.

Meeting place should be near the front of your home, so firefighters know you are out.

Practice your fire escape plan.

16 Pumpkin Facts That'll Make You Say "Oh My Gourd"

10/12/2018 (Permalink)

  1. The word "pumpkin" showed up for the first time in the fairy tale Cinderella.

A French explorer in 1584 first called them "gros melons," which was translated into English as "pompions," according to history. It wasn't until the 17th century that they were first referred to as pumpkins.

  1. The original jack-o'-lanterns were made withturnips and potatoes by the Irish.

In England, they used large beets and lit them with embers to ward off evil spirits. Irish immigrants brought their customs to America, but found that pumpkins were much easier to carve.

  1. Pumpkins are grown on every continent except Antarctica.

Which makes quite a bit of sense considering, oh you know, Antarctica is a 24/7 icy tundra.

  1. Over 1.5 billion pounds of pumpkin are produced each year in the United States.

The top pumpkin producing states are Illinois, Indiana, Ohio, Pennsylvania, and California.

  1. Morton, Illinois, calls itself the "Pumpkin Capital of the World"

According to the University of Illinois, 95% of the pumpkins grown in the U.S. are harvested in Illinois soil. Morton is allegedly responsible for 80% of the world's canned pumpkin production.

  1. 80% of the U.S.'s pumpkin crop is available during October.

Out of the total 1.5 billion pounds, over 800 million pumpkins are ripe for the picking in a single month of the year.

  1. The world's heaviest pumpkin weighed over 2,600 pounds.

It was grown in Germany and presented in October 2016.

  1. The largest pumpkin pie ever baked weighed 3,699 pounds.

Pumpkin pie originated in the colonies, just not as we know it today. Colonists would cut the tops of pumpkins off, remove the seeds, fill the pumpkins with milk, spices, and honey, then bake them in hot ashes.

  1. Pumpkin-flavored sales totaled over $414 million in 2017.

But people are starting to opt for fresh pumpkin instead, according to Nielsen Retail Measurement Services.  Some pumpkin-flavored products have seen consistent growth over recent years, including cereal, coffee, and even dog food.

  1. Each pumpkin has about 500 seeds.

They take between 90 and 120 days to grow, which is why it's recommended to plant them between May and July.  High in iron, they can be roasted to eat. The flowers that grow on pumpkin vines are also edible.

  1. Delaware used to host an annual "Punkin Chunkin"   championship.

Teams competed in a pumpkin launching competition, where pumpkins were shot almost 5,000 feet from an air cannon. The event was canceled in 2017 after there was a tragic accident the year before.

  1. There are more than 45 different varieties of pumpkin.

They range in color like red, yellow, and green, and have names like Hooligan, Cotton Candy, and Orange Smoothie.

  1. Pumpkins are technically
    1. fruit.

    More specifically, they are a winter squash in the family Cucurbitacae, which includes cucumbers and melons. But because they're savory, many people just call them vegetables anyway.

  1. Every single part of a pumpkin is edible.

Yep, you can eat the skin, leaves, flowers, pulp, seeds, and even the stem!

  1. Pumpkins are 90% water, which makes them a low-calorie food.

One cup of canned pumpkin has less than 100 calories and only half a gram of fat. In comparison, the same serving size of sweet potato has triple the calories. They also have more fiber than kale, more potassium than bananas, and are full of heart-healthy magnesium and iron.

  1. Surprisingly, pumpkin pie isn't America's favorite.

According to a survey by the American Pie Council, it's apple that takes the cake (um, pie?) — 19% of Americans say it's their pie of choice. Pumpkin is in second place with a respectable 13%.



9/18/2018 (Permalink)

Emergencies come in many forms, and they may require anything from a brief absence from your home to permanent evacuation. Each type of disaster requires different measures to keep your pets safe, so the best thing you can do for yourself and your pets is to be prepared. Here are simple steps you can follow now to make sure you’re ready before the next disaster strikes:

Step 1: Get a Rescue Alert Sticker

This easy-to-use sticker will let people know that pets are inside your home. Make sure it is visible to rescue workers (we recommend placing it on or near your front door), and that it includes the types and number of pets in your home as well as the name and number of your veterinarian. If you must evacuate with your pets, and if time allows, write “EVACUATED” across the stickers. To get a free emergency pet alert sticker for your home, please fill out our online order form and allow 6-8 weeks for delivery. 

Step 2: Arrange a Safe Haven

Arrange a safe haven for your pets in the event of evacuation. DO NOT LEAVE YOUR PETS BEHIND. Remember, if it isn’t safe for you, it isn’t safe for your pets. They may become trapped or escape and be exposed to numerous life-threatening hazards. Note that not all shelters accept pets, so it is imperative that you have determined where you will bring your pets ahead of time:

  • Contact your veterinarian for a list of preferred boarding kennels and facilities.
  • Ask your local animal shelter if they provide emergency shelter or foster care for pets.
  • Identify hotels or motels outside of your immediate area that accept pets.
  • Ask friends and relatives outside your immediate area if they would be willing to take in your pet.

Step 3: Choose "Designated Caregivers”

This step will take considerable time and thought. When choosing a temporary caregiver, consider someone who lives close to your residence. He or she should be someone who is generally home during the day while you are at work or has easy access to your home. A set of keys should be given to this trusted individual. This may work well with neighbors who have pets of their own—you may even swap responsibilities, depending upon who has accessibility.

When selecting a permanent caregiver, you’ll need to consider other criteria. This is a person to whom you are entrusting the care of your pet in the event that something should happen to you. When selecting this “foster parent,” consider people who have met your pet and have successful cared for animals in the past. Be sure to discuss your expectations at length with a permanent caregiver, so he or she understands the responsibility of caring for your pet.

Step 4: Prepare Emergency Supplies and Traveling Kits

If you must evacuate your home in a crisis, plan for the worst-case scenario. Even if you think you may be gone for only a day, assume that you may not be allowed to return for several weeks. When recommendations for evacuation have been announced, follow the instructions of local and state officials. To minimize evacuation time, take these simple steps:

  • Make sure all pets wear collars and tags with up-to-date identification information. Your pet’s ID tag should contain his name, telephone number and any urgent medical needs. Be sure to also write your pet’s name, your name and contact information on your pet’s carrier.
  • The ASPCA recommends microchipping your pet as a more permanent form of identification. A microchip is implanted under the skin in the animal’s shoulder area, and can be read by a scanner at most animal shelters.
  • Always bring pets indoors at the first sign or warning of a storm or disaster. Pets can become disoriented and wander away from home in a crisis.
  • Store an emergency kit and leashes as close to an exit as possible. Make sure that everyone in the family knows where it is, and that it clearly labeled and easy to carry. Items to consider keeping in or near your “Evac-Pack” include:
    • Pet first-aid kit and guide book (ask your vet what to include)
    • 3-7 days’ worth of canned (pop-top) or dry food (be sure to rotate every two months)
    • Disposable litter trays (aluminum roasting pans are perfect)
    • Litter or paper toweling
    • Liquid dish soap and disinfectant
    • Disposable garbage bags for clean-up
    • Pet feeding dishes and water bowls
    • Extra collar or harness as well as an extra leash
    • Photocopies and/or USB of medical records and a waterproof container with a two-week supply of any medicine your pet requires (Remember, food and medications need to be rotated out of your emergency kit—otherwise they may go bad or become useless)
    • At least seven days’ worth of bottled water for each person and pet (store in a cool, dry place and replace every two months)
    • A traveling bag, crate or sturdy carrier, ideally one for each pet
    • Flashlight
    • Blanket
    • Recent photos of your pets (in case you are separated and need to make “Lost” posters)
    • Especially for cats: Pillowcase, toys, scoop-able litter
    • Especially for dogs: Extra leash, toys and chew toys, a week’s worth of cage liner

You should also have an emergency kit for the human members of the family. Items to include: Batteries, duct tape, flashlight, radio, multi-tool, tarp, rope, permanent marker, spray paint, baby wipes, protective clothing and footwear, extra cash, rescue whistle, important phone numbers, extra medication and copies of medical and insurance information.

Step 5: Keep the ASPCA On-Hand at All Times

Help protect pets by spreading the word about disaster preparedness. Download, print and share FEMA’s brochure today. 

The free ASPCA mobile app shows pet parents exactly what to do in case of a natural disaster. It also allows pet owners to store vital medical records and provides information on making life-saving decisions during natural disasters.

How A/C Can Prevent Mold Growth in Humid Climates

8/7/2018 (Permalink)


The temperature in your home can affect you and your family’s comfort level tremendously, especially if you live in states with hot, humid summers like Massachusetts where we’ve been experiencing heat and humidity for most of July and August.  However, living in such climates could have other consequences for your home and family, as humidity can contribute to mold growth. Fortunately, your air conditioner can prevent the growth of this fungus, while also keeping you cool.


Mold needs certain conditions to grow, and unfortunately for those who live in hot and humid places like Massachusetts in the summer, the heat plus the humidity create a moist environment where mold and dust mites thrive. While the various types of mold have different optimum conditions for growth many kinds of mold will grow well when conditions are between 60F and 80F - the same temperature range we’re often comfortable in. Combine these temperatures with excessive moisture and you could have a mold problem in your home.


Your air conditioner can control the temperature and humidity in your home, which can prevent mold growth. During the hot, humid summer months, set your air conditioner to between 68 and 72 degrees Fahrenheit. The relative humidity in your house should not exceed 50 percent. While most modern air conditioners dehumidify as they cool, they do not independently control both temperature and humidity, so you may want to purchase a stand-alone dehumidifier for when conditions are especially humid.

Other tips for using your air conditioner to prevent mold include setting your air conditioners fan mode to auto because setting it to “on” can cause moisture produced during the air conditioning process to be blown back into your home.

Air Conditioner Maintenance

7/27/2018 (Permalink)

With the past two weeks of high heat and high humidity in the Northeast, air conditioners have been working overtime.  Let’s take a look at keeping them in tip top condition!

An air conditioner's filters, coils, and fins require regular maintenance for the unit to function effectively and efficiently throughout its years of service. Neglecting necessary maintenance ensures a steady decline in air conditioning performance while energy use steadily increases.

Air Conditioner Filters

The most important maintenance task that will ensure the efficiency of your air conditioner is to routinely replace or clean its filters. Clogged, dirty filters block normal airflow and reduce a system's efficiency significantly. With normal airflow obstructed, air that bypasses the filter may carry dirt directly into the evaporator coil and impair the coil's heat-absorbing capacity. Replacing a dirty, clogged filter with a clean one can lower your air conditioner's energy consumption by 5% to 15%.

For central air conditioners, filters are generally located somewhere along the return duct's length. Common filter locations are in walls, ceilings, furnaces, or in the air conditioner itself. Room air conditioners have a filter mounted in the grill that faces into the room.

Some types of filters are reusable; others must be replaced. They are available in a variety of types and efficiencies. Clean or replace your air conditioning system's filter or filters every month or two during the cooling season. Filters may need more frequent attention if the air conditioner is in constant use, is subjected to dusty conditions, or you have fur-bearing pets in the house.

Air Conditioner Coils

The air conditioner's evaporator coil and condenser coil collect dirt over their months and years of service. A clean filter prevents the evaporator coil from soiling quickly. In time, however, the evaporator coil will still collect dirt. This dirt reduces airflow and insulates the coil, reducing its ability to absorb heat. To avoid this problem, check your evaporator coil every year and clean it as necessary.

Outdoor condenser coils can also become very dirty if the outdoor environment is dusty or if there is foliage nearby. You can easily see the condenser coil and notice if dirt is collecting on its fins.

You should minimize dirt and debris near the condenser unit. Your dryer vents, falling leaves, and lawn mower are all potential sources of dirt and debris. Cleaning the area around the coil, removing any debris, and trimming foliage back at least 2 feet (0.6 meters) allow for adequate airflow around the condenser.

Coil Fins

The aluminum fins on evaporator and condenser coils are easily bent and can block airflow through the coil. Air conditioning wholesalers sell a tool called a "fin comb" that will comb these fins back into nearly original condition.

Condensate Drains

Occasionally pass a stiff wire through the unit's drain channels. Clogged drain channels prevent a unit from reducing humidity, and the resulting excess moisture may discolor walls or carpet.

Window Seals for Room Air Conditioners

At the start of each cooling season, inspect the seal between the air conditioner and the window frame to ensure it makes contact with the unit's metal case. Moisture can damage this seal, allowing cool air to escape from your house.

Preparing for Winter

In the winter, either cover your room air conditioner or remove and store it. Covering the outdoor unit of a central air conditioner will protect the unit from winter weather and debris.


Commercial Mold Remediation

6/29/2018 (Permalink)

Mold in Basement of Commercial Building

Besides causing a major business interruption, a mold problem can present a serious health risk for people exposed at your commercial property. Mold infestations can be caused by minor water intrusions, like a slow roof leak or loose plumbing fitting. Every hour spent cleaning up is an hour of lost revenue and productivity. If you suspect your property has a mold problem, call SERVPRO of Lynn/Lynnfield, who will respond quickly and work fast to manage the situation.

  • 24 Hour Emergency Service
  • Faster to Any Size Disaster
  • A Trusted Leader in the Mold and Water Restoration Industry with over 1,700 Franchises
  • Highly Trained Mold and Water Damage Restoration Specialists

Have a Mold Problem?

Call Us Today – 781-593-6663

Commercial Mold Remediation Presents Unique Challenges

Mold can spread quickly through a property if left untreated. SERVPRO of Lynn/Lynnfield can respond quickly, working to first contain the infestation to help prevent its spread to other parts of the building. Next, we will begin the remediation process, working safely and effectively to manage the situation. We have the training, experience, and equipment to contain the mold infestation and remediate it to preloss condition.

Learn more about SERVPRO of Lynn/Lynnfield’s training and certifications.

  • Applied Microbial Remediation Specialist
  • Water Damage Restoration Technician
  • Applied Structural Drying Technician
  • Odor Control Technician
  • Upholstery and Fabric Cleaning Technician

If You See Signs of Mold, Call Us Today – 781-593-6663

Grease Fire Safety Tips

6/15/2018 (Permalink)

Do NOT pour water on the fire!!!

The best way to avoid a grease fire is to not have one. While you are cooking, keep an eye on the oil as it’s heating. The oil won’t immediately catch fire once it starts smoking, but smoke is a danger sign that it’s well on its way to getting there.

If the worst happens and your oil does catch on fire, use the following tips:

  1. If the fire is still small enough and contained in one pot, it is safe to put it out yourself. If it is already spreading to other parts of the kitchen, evacuate.
  2. Turn off the source of the heat on the stove. Do not try to move the pot because you don’t want to accidentally spill or splash the burning oil.
  3. Do NOT pour water on the fire!  Since oil and water do not mix, pouring water can cause the oil to splash and spread the fire even worse. In fact, the vaporizing water can also carry grease particles in it, which can also spread the fire.
  4. Remove all oxygen from the flame. You can cover with another pot or pan. Do not cover it with a glass lid because the glass lid may shatter.
  5. If you can’t cover it, dump lots of baking soda on it.
  6. Use a chemical fire extinguisher on the grease fire. There are different kinds of extinguishers. Not all can be used on a grease fire, but the ABC dry chemical extinguisher is best.

Hopefully you’ll never be in a situation where you have to actually use this advice, but if you are remember to smother the fire with a pot or baking soda and never use water!

Call us at SERVPRO of Lynn/Lynnfield for fire, smoke or soot damage. 



10 Tips for Safe Summer Barbecues!

6/15/2018 (Permalink)

Every year, 7,000 Americans are injured while using backyard barbecue grills. It's usually a case of good products used incorrectly.

Here are the top 10 most common mistakes and key safety tips.


  1. Keep your grill at least 10 feet away from your house.Farther is even better. This includes portions attached to your house like carports, garages and porches. Grills should not be used underneath wooden overhangs either, as the fire could flare up into the structure above. This applies to both charcoal and gas grills.
  2. Clean your grill regularly.If you allow grease and fat to build up on your grill, they provide more fuel for a fire. Grease is a major source of flare ups.
  3. Check for gas leaks.You can make sure no gas is leaking from your gas grill by making a solution of half liquid dish soap and half water and rubbing it on the hoses and connections. Then, turn the gas on (with the grill lid open.) If the soap forms large bubbles, that's a sign that the hoses have tiny holes or that the connections are not tight enough.
  4. Keep decorations away from your grill. Decorations like hanging baskets, pillows and umbrellas look pretty AND provide fuel for a fire. To make matters worse, today's decor is mostly made of artificial fibers that burn fast and hot, making this tip even more important.
  5. Keep a spray bottle of water handy.That way, if you have a minor flare-up you can spray it with the water to instantly calm it. The bonus of this tip is that water won't harm your food, so dinner won't be ruined!
  6. Keep a fire extinguisher within a couple steps of your grill.And KNOW HOW TO USE IT. If you are unsure how to use the extinguisher, don't waste time fiddling with it before calling 911. Firefighters say many fire deaths occur when people try to fight a fire themselves instead of calling for expert help and letting the fire department do its job.


  1. Turn on the gas while your grill lid is closed. NEVER do this. It causes gas to build up inside your grill, and when you do light it and open it, a fireball can explode in your face.
  1. Leave a grill unattended.Fires double in size every minute. Plan ahead so that all of your other food prep chores are done and you can focus on grilling.
  2. Overload your grill with food.This applies especially fatty meats. The basic reason for this tip is that if too much fat drips on the flames at once, it can cause a large flare-up that could light nearby things on fire.
  3. Use a grill indoors. People often think it will be safe to use a grill, especially a small one, indoors. NOT TRUE. In addition to the fire hazard, grills release carbon monoxide,the deadly colorless, odorless gas. That gas needs to vent in fresh air or it can kill you, your family and pets.


Can Mold be Completely Removed?

6/15/2018 (Permalink)

Mold Found in Basement

Some restoration businesses advertise “mold removal” and even guarantee to remove all mold, which is a fallacy. Microscopic mold spores naturally occur almost everywhere, both outdoors and indoors. This makes it impossible to remove all mold from a home or business. Therefore, mold remediation reduces the mold spore count back to its natural or baseline level.

Consider the following mold facts:

  • Mold is present almost everywhere, indoors and outdoors.
  • Mold spores are microscopic and float along in the air and may enter your home through windows, doors, or AC/heating systems or even hitch a ride indoors on your clothing or a pet.
  • Mold spores thrive on moisture. Mold spores can quickly grow into colonies when exposed to water. These colonies may produce allergens and irritants.
  • Before mold remediation can begin, any sources of water or moisture must be addressed. Otherwise, the mold may return.
  • Mold often produces a strong, musty odor and can lead you to possible mold problem areas.
  • Even higher-than-normal indoor humidity can support mold growth. Keep indoor humidity below 45 percent.

If your home or business has a mold problem, we can inspect and assess your property and use our specialized training, equipment, and expertise to remediate your mold infestation.

If You See Signs of Mold, Call Us Today

SERVPRO of Lynn/Lynnfield 781-593-6663

Be Prepared: Know These Storm Warning Definitions

6/15/2018 (Permalink)

Storm Warnings can pop up anywhere: TV, cell phone warnings, radio, etc., but do we really understand what these warnings mean? Know these definitions so you are prepared for any storm:

  • Tornado Watch Conditions are ripe for tornadoes within the watch area. Tornadoes associated with hurricanes and tropical storms are typically a very significant cause of death and damage.
  • Tornado Warning A tornado has been spotted visually or on radar. Usually issued for a county. If a tornado WARNING is issued where you live, GET TO THE MIDDLE OF THE LOWEST FLOOR OF A STRONG BUILDING IMMEDIATELY!!! 
  • Severe Thunderstorm Watch Conditions are ripe for severe thunderstorms within the watch area.
  • Severe Thunderstorm Warning There is a severe thunderstorm in or heading for the warned area. Treat this like a tornado warning!!
  • Flash Flood Watch Flash floods are likely to occur in the near future. Be alert for rising water and be prepared to have to move to high ground.
  • Flash Flood Warning Flash floods are occurring or expected to occur in the near future. If this happens, get to high ground immediately, and GET AWAY FROM VEHICLES... it only takes 18 inches of water to sweep a car or truck away!
  • High Wind Advisory Windy conditions may occur in the advisory area. This usually makes for unsafe conditions while driving, especially in (but not limited to) large vehicles. Also, avoid boating anywhere in the advisory area.
  • High Wind Warning Very strong winds are expected or already are occurring that present a significant danger while driving, boating and other outdoor activities. Often issued near tropical storms and hurricanes.

Pay close attention to Storm Warnings and take them seriously and be safe.  If disaster does strike your home or business, call SERVPRO of Lynn/Lynnfield at 781-593-6663

Hardwood Floor Cupping vs. Crowning

6/14/2018 (Permalink)

Floor Crowning

When moisture hit hardwood flooring wood expands and becomes susceptible to cupping and crowning – two common wood floor problems that, if not addressed properly and at the right time, can require costly sanding and refinishing to fix.

Cupping is a condition where wood board becomes concave – edges high with a center that dips low. As wet hardwood flooring expands, cupping can occur.  It is brought on when the bottom of the wood flooring remains wetter than the top surface. When cupping occurs, it’s important not to rush quickly into sanding.

Crowning –the opposite of cupping – occurs when the top edges of the board are sanded off too early and become lower than the rest of the board as it returns to normal moisture levels. Sanding the floor to remove crowning should only begin once drying measures are complete and normal moisture levels have been achieved. 

If you have either cupping or crowing floors please give us a call at SERVPRO of Lynn/Lynnfield.

The water damage restoration process begins with a detailed inspection of your property, including a damage assessment. The SERVPRO Franchise Professional is determining the scope of the damage so he or she can develop an appropriate plan of action.

What are those Brown Stains on my Ceiling?

6/14/2018 (Permalink)

Brown Stains on Ceiling

Sometimes you'll glance up and notice a truly hideous brownish stain on your ceiling that has appeared seemingly out of nowhere. 

A word of caution: If you cover up a water stain without addressing the leak that caused it, you run the risk of additional staining on the ceiling, not to mention more serious structural or electrical damage. That’s why it is so important to find and repair the cause of the water stain as soon as possible, even if it is no longer wet.

Your first priority when dealing with a water stain should be to find the source of the leak that caused it— the roof, the upstairs radiator, and the upstairs bathroom are good places to check.

If you have ceiling staining such at this, please give us a call at SERVPRO of Lynn/Lynnfield for a free inspection at 781-593-6663.

The water damage restoration process begins with a detailed inspection of your property.  A SERVPRO Professional will check for the source of water in your home or business and stop it. The water source must be stopped before the drying process can begin. We will determine the scope of the damage and develop an appropriate plan of action. 

Commercial Fire Restoration

6/13/2018 (Permalink)

Lynnfield DPW Garage Fire

Fire damage is especially devastating for a business or commercial property. In addition to the fire and smoke damage, significant water damage from firefighting efforts and fire suppression systems may occur. Every hour spent restoring your business back to pre-fire condition is an hour of lost revenue and productivity. If your business experiences a fire loss, call the fire and water damage restoration experts and we’ll respond immediately to get you back to business.

  • 24 Hour Emergency Service
  • Faster to Any Size Disaster
  • A Trusted Leader in the Fire and Water Restoration Industry with over 1,700 Franchises
  • Highly Trained Fire and Water Damage Restoration Specialists

Commercial Fire Damage?

Call Us Today 781-593-6663

Commercial Restoration Presents Unique Challenges

SERVPRO of Lynn/Lynnfield has the training, experience, and equipment to handle large commercial fire damage emergencies. Whether your fire emergency occurs in a restaurant, motel, or office building, we will respond quickly to mitigate the damage and manage the restoration project through to its completion.

SERVPRO of Lynn/Lynnfield can respond immediately to your commercial fire damage emergency regardless of the size or scope of the damage. We are part of a national network of over 1,700 Franchises with special Disaster Recovery Teams placed strategically throughout the country to respond to large scale events and disasters.

Call Us Today 781-593-6663

What Percentage of Businesses May Never Reopen After a Loss?

6/13/2018 (Permalink)

Did you know that nearly 50% of businesses never reopen after a business interruption?  

When it comes to your commercial property, we mean business. You need a company that can minimize the disruption to your clients while delivering superior results. Whether you need professional cleaning to make your business shine, or emergency water restoration services, SERVPRO of Lynn/Lynnfield has the training and expertise to help make it “Like it never even happened.”

We understand how critical it is to be prepared and we developed our Emergency Ready Plan (ERP) to help make sure you are “Ready for whatever happens”.  Our ERP is designed to help you quickly and easily access crucial information in the event of an emergency.  From everyday disasters to catastrophic events, the SERVPRO Ready Plan app puts everything you need at your fingertips.  You can easily manage the situation and, with the help of our SERVPRO team, get back on track faster.  Together we can reduce downtime and make it “Like it never even happened.” 

Be Ready!  Our app is a no-cost readiness plan that places your ready plan data on your mobile device for quick access during an emergency.


Call SERVPRO of Lynn/Lynnfield today to schedule your FREE Emergency Ready Plan consultation.  781-665-6396

What Happens to My Belongings in a Fire?

6/6/2018 (Permalink)

Fire damage, including smoke and soot, affects not only the structure of your house but also your belongings. SERVPRO of Lynn/Lynnfield understands your family’s furniture, clothing, keepsakes, and other belongings make your house more than a structure; they make it home.

If You Have Questions or Need Help, Call Us Today 791-593-6333

Contents Restoration

SERVPRO of Lynn/Lynnfield specializes in restoring contents damaged by water, fire, or mold. Our expertise and “restore” versus “replace” mentality can help you save money while preserving precious keepsakes that can’t be replaced. We pretest your belongings to determine what items we can restore to pre-fire condition. We use several methods of cleaning your contents, including:

  • Dry Cleaning - Used for cleaning light residues or to pre-clean prior to wet cleaning.
  • Wet Cleaning - An effective cleaning method for removing moderate to heavy residues.
  • Spray and Wipe -Effective for items that can’t withstand wet cleaning.
  • Foam Cleaning - Used for upholstery fabrics that might shrink or bleed if wet cleaned.
  • Abrasive Cleaning - Involves agitation of the surface being cleaned.
  • Immersion Cleaning - Contents are dipped into a bath of the cleaning product.


If your home requires extensive restoration or cleaning due to fire damage, SERVPRO of Lynn/Lynnfield can conduct an organized, efficient move-out of the affected area. Move-out will provide several benefits, including:

  • A quicker remodeling process
  • Protecting items from potential damage
  • Protecting contents from further on-site damage

When restoration is completed, we will work with you to coordinate the move-in according to your needs. The services offered upon move-in may depend on your insurance coverage.

Electronic Cleanup

Fire-damaged electronics can present a serious hazard. Do not attempt to turn on or operate any electrical device that you suspect has been damaged by fire. Smoke residues can contain acids that corrode metal surfaces. If the residues are not removed, corrosion causes electronic failure in the device. We will coordinate the restoration of your electronics, including:

  • Television sets
  • DVD players
  • Computers
  • And more

The key to restoring electronics is taking prompt action to prevent further damage. Electronics will be cleaned and inspected by a qualified electronics technician.

Document / Photograph Drying

When your valuable documents, including photographs, are damaged by water or fire, extreme caution should be taken to help ensure the fire damage does not destroy the document. Although some documents may not be restored to pre-fire damage condition, SERVPRO of Malden / Melrose can save a great deal and help minimize additional damage. 

Depending on the type of documents and the level of fire, smoke, or soot damage, they have five options for the restoration of documents:

  • Air Drying
  • Dehumidification
  • Freezer Drying
  • Vacuum Freeze Drying
  • Vacuum Thermal Drying

Contents Claim Inventory Service

When a fire emergency strikes, the damage can often feel overwhelming. We can help ease the worry and confusion during the recovery process by offering our Contents Claim Inventory Service (CCIS), which provides a detailed and accurate list of your belongings. We take a room-by-room inventory of your contents, including digital photos, and in some instances, bar coding.

Our Contents Claim Inventory Service:

  • Preloss list and value of contents
  • Detailed and accurate report
  • Better information to settle claims quicker
  • Assistance with burden of proof for claims

Peace of mind when you need it most!

What You Can Do Until SERVPRO Arrives

6/6/2018 (Permalink)

Water Damage Emergency Tips

 After any water damage situation, your primary focus should be safety first:

  • Is it safe to stay in the house?
  • Electrical and "slip and fall" hazards are some of the most prevalent concerns.
  • Only do activities that are safe for you to perform.
  • Wet materials can be VERY heavy. Be careful!

Have A Water Damage Emergency?

Call 781-593-6663

What To Do After Flooding

  • Remove excess water by mopping and blotting.
  • Wipe excess water from wood furniture after removal of lamps and tabletop items.
  • Remove and prop wet upholstery and cushions.
  • Place aluminum foil or wood blocks between furniture legs and wet carpeting.
  • Turn air conditioning on for maximum drying in summer.
  • Remove colored rugs from wet carpeting.
  • Remove art objects to a safe, dry place.
  • Gather loose items from floors.

What NOT To Do After Flooding

  • Don't leave wet fabrics in place. Hang furs and leather goods.
  • Don't leave books, magazines or other colored items on wet carpet or floors.
  • Don't use your household vacuum to remove water.
  • Don't use television or other household appliances.
  • Don't turn on ceiling fixtures if ceiling is wet, and keep out of rooms where ceilings are sagging.

Have A Water Damage Emergency?

Call 781-593-6663

Mold Removal vs. Mold Remediation

6/6/2018 (Permalink)

What’s the Difference?

Since microscopic mold spores exist naturally almost everywhere, indoors and outdoors, removing all mold from a home or business is impossible. Many restoration businesses advertise “mold removal” and even guarantee to remove all mold. This is a fallacy. We understand mold and mold growth. SERVPRO of Lynn / Lynnfield has the training and expertise to remediate the mold in your home or business.

Signs of Mold? Call Today – 

(781) 593-6663

Understanding Mold

When water intrudes into your property, mold growth can start in as little as 48 hours. Consider the following mold facts:

  • Mold is present almost everywhere, indoors and outdoors.
  • Mold spores are microscopic, float along in the air, and may enter your home through windows, doors, or AC/heating systems or even hitch a ride indoors on your clothing or a pet.
  • Mold spores thrive on moisture. Mold spores can quickly grow into colonies when exposed to water. These colonies may produce allergens and irritants.
  • Before mold remediation can begin, any sources of water or moisture must be addressed. Otherwise, the mold may return.
  • Mold often produces a strong, musty odor, and that odor can lead you to possible mold problem areas.
  • Even higher-than-normal indoor humidity can support mold growth. Keep indoor humidity below 45 percent.

The Mold Remediation Process

Every mold damage scenario is different and requires a unique solution, but the general mold remediation process stays the same. Learn more about our mold remediation process.

  1. Emergency Contact - (781) 593-6663
  2. Inspection and Mold Damage Assessment
  3. Mold Containment
  4. Air Filtration
  5. Removing Mold and Mold-Infested Materials
  6. Cleaning Contents and Belongings

Water Damage: Why Choose SERVPRO of Lynn/Lynnfield?

6/6/2018 (Permalink)

Water Damage Repair and Restoration

When your Lynnfield home has water damage from flooding or leaks, we have the expertise and equipment to properly restore your property. The water removal and water cleanup process is completed by our highly-trained technicians who will document the drying process. This validates that your property has been dried properly and thoroughly.

Please follow the tips outlined in our Water Damage Tips—Until Help Arrives Guide to protect yourself and your property.

Have Water or Flood Damage?
Call Us Today – (781) 593-6663

Locally Owned Company with National Resources

We live and work in this community too; we might even be neighbors. As a locally owned and operated business, SERVPRO of Lynn / Lynnfield is close by and ready to respond to your flood or water damage emergency. We are proud to be an active member of the Lynnfield community and want to do our part to make our community the best it can be.

Why Choose SERVPRO of Lynn / Lynnfield?

We’re Faster to Any Size Disaster

SERVPRO has over 1,700 U.S. and Canadian Franchise locations, strategically positioned to be faster to any size disaster. If your Lynnfield home or business is affected by water damage, we can provide an immediate emergency response that helps to prevent secondary damage and mold.

Learn More

We’re Highly Trained Water Damage Specialists

As water damage specialists, we have the experience, expertise, and advanced training that enables us to get your property dried quickly and thoroughly. We use scientific drying principles and provide validation and documentation that your property is dry and the job is complete. Learn about our water damage training and certificates.

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We Use Advanced Drying Equipment and Techniques

Properly restoring your home after a water damage event requires specialized equipment and products. This advanced equipment help us to remove the water, even hidden moisture, quickly and efficiently. We then dry the structure with powerful dehumidifiers. Finally, our technicians will clean the affected area with professional grade cleaning and sanitizing agents for your comfort and safety.

Learn More

Our Water Damage Restoration Process

Every water damage situation is a little different, and requires a unique solution, but the general process stays the same. The steps listed below illustrate our process for the “typical” water damage emergency.

Step 1: Emergency Contact

Step 2: Inspection and Damage Assessment

Step 3: Water Removal/Water Extraction

Step 4: Drying and Dehumidification

Step 5: Cleaning and Repair

Step 6: Restoration

The Water Damage Restoration Process

6/6/2018 (Permalink)

When your home or commercial property has water damage from flooding or leaks, we have the expertise and equipment to properly restore your property. Our experience and scientific approach to water removal and water cleanup enable us to properly dry and restore your property.

Water or Flood Damage?
Call Today – (781) 593-6663

Every water damage event is a little different and requires a unique solution, but the general process stays the same. You can click on any of the steps below to learn more about that process.

Step 1 - Emergency Contact

The restoration process begins when you call us. Our representative will guide you through the crisis and may ask several questions to help us better understand the equipment and resources.

Step 2 - Inspection and Water Damage Assessment

We determine the scope of your water damage at this stage. We inspect and test to determine the extent of damage and how far the moisture has traveled to ensure proper and complete restoration.

Step 3 - Water Removal / Water Extraction

The water removal process begins almost immediately and removes the majority of the water. We use powerful pumps and vacuum units to quickly remove hundreds or thousands of gallons from your property, which helps prevent secondary water damage and mold growth.

Step 4 - Drying and Dehumidification

We use specialized equipment to remove the remaining water that is harder to access. Our Professionals will use room measurements, temperature, and relative humidity to determine the optimal number of air movers and dehumidifiers needed to dry your home or business.

Step 5 - Cleaning and Sanitizing

We clean all of the restorable items and structures damaged by the water. We are adept at cleaning contents using a number of techniques. Our professionals are trained to provide sanitizing treatments and to remove odors and deodorize your property.

Step 6 - Restoration

Restoration is the process of restoring your home or business to its pre-water damage condition. Restoration may involve minor repairs, such as replacing drywall and installing new carpet, or may entail major repairs, such as the reconstruction of various areas or rooms in a home or business.

Sewage Cleanup and Restoration

6/6/2018 (Permalink)

Water from sewer system backups should be considered very dangerous. The water is grossly unsanitary and may contain bacteria and viruses that could cause serious illness. Special training and equipment is necessary to safely clean this type of contamination.

Sewage Backup or Toilet Overflow? Call Us Today – (781) 593-6663

There are three major types of contaminated water. SERVPRO of Lynn / Lynnfield will inspect that contaminated water to determine the type of water and then plan the appropriate response to safely restore your home or business.

The three types of contaminated water:

Category 1: "Clean Water"

This is water from a clean source, such as a broken clean water supply line or faucet. If left untreated, category 1 water can quickly degrade into category 2 or 3 water depending upon such factors as time, temperature, and contact with contaminants.

  • Water from a clean source like a broken water line
  • If left untreated, can degrade into category 2 or 3

Category 2: "Gray Water"

This water has a significant level of contamination that could cause discomfort or illness if ingested. Sources for category 2 water may include washing machine overflow; toilet overflow with some urine, but no feces; or dishwasher overflow.

  • May contain bacteria and viruses
  • Can quickly degrade into category 3 if left untreated

Category 3: "Black Water"

This water is grossly unsanitary and could cause severe illness or death if ingested, and any contact should be avoided. Sources for category 3 water could include flooding from rivers or streams, water from beyond the toilet trap, water from the toilet bowl with feces, or standing water that has begun to support microbial growth.

  • May contain untreated sewage, harsh chemicals, and microbes
  • Water from flooding rivers or sewer backup

24 Emergency Service

Sewage backup should be considered an emergency and dealt with as quickly as possible. We are the water damage restoration specialists with specific training and expertise to safely restore your home or business.

Commercial Mold Remediation

6/5/2018 (Permalink)

Mold in Basement of Commercial Building

Besides causing a major business interruption, a mold problem can present a serious health risk for people exposed at your commercial property. Mold infestations can be caused by minor water intrusions, like a slow roof leak or loose plumbing fitting. Every hour spent cleaning up is an hour of lost revenue and productivity. If you suspect your property has a mold problem, call SERVPRO of Lynn/Lynnfield, who will respond quickly and work fast to manage the situation.

  • 24 Hour Emergency Service
  • Faster to Any Size Disaster
  • A Trusted Leader in the Mold and Water Restoration Industry with over 1,700 Franchises
  • Highly Trained Mold and Water Damage Restoration Specialists

Have a Mold Problem?

Call Us Today – 781-593-6663

Commercial Mold Remediation Presents Unique Challenges

Mold can spread quickly through a property if left untreated. SERVPRO of Lynn/Lynnfield can respond quickly, working to first contain the infestation to help prevent its spread to other parts of the building. Next, we will begin the remediation process, working safely and effectively to manage the situation. We have the training, experience, and equipment to contain the mold infestation and remediate it to preloss condition. Learn more about SERVPRO of Lynn/Lynnfield training and certifications.

  • Applied Microbial Remediation Specialist
  • Water Damage Restoration Technician
  • Applied Structural Drying Technician
  • Odor Control Technician
  • Upholstery and Fabric Cleaning Technician

If You See Signs of Mold, Call Us Today – 781-593-6663

Emergency READY Profile - Are Your Ready?

6/4/2018 (Permalink)

The Best Way to Reduce Business Interruption Following a Disaster is to Plan For it NOW. As many as 50% of businesses may never recover following a disaster, according to the latest industry research. Of the businesses that survive, the overwhelming majority of them had a preparedness plan in place. Pre-planning can serve as an insurance policy aimed at peace of mind. By developing a SERVPRO® Emergency READY Profile for your business, you minimize business interruption by having an immediate plan of action. Knowing what to do and what to expect in advance is the key to timely mitigation and can help minimize how water and fire damage can affect your business. Are You Ready?

Preparation is a key component for making it through any size disaster, whether it’s a small water leak, a large fire or an area flood. The best time for planning for such events is not when the event happens, but well before it happens. No one ever plans on a disaster, but you can plan for it. Now is the time to ask yourself, “Are you ready for whatever could happen?” The SERVPRO® Emergency READY Profile is a start up approach that provides the critical information needed to begin mitigation and recovery services. It is designed to serve as a quick reference of important building and contact information. By working with SERVPRO’s Emergency READY Profile, your business will receive the benefit of over 40 years of experience in reducing the impact of any natural or man-made disaster. SERVPRO® is a leader in water and fire damage response and can help you quickly get your property back in working order. The SERVPRO® Emergency READY Profile Advantage A no cost assessment of your facility. – This means there is no need to allocate funds, giving you a great value at no cost. A concise Profile Document that contains only the critical information needed in the event of an emergency. – It will only take a little time to complete and will not take you away from current projects. But it will save a lot of time if ever needed. A guide to help you get back into your building following a disaster. – This can help minimize the amount of time your business is inactive by having an immediate plan of action. Establishes your local SERVPRO® Franchise Professional as your disaster mitigation and restoration provider. – You have a provider that is recognized as an industry leader and close by. Identification of the line of command for authorizing work to begin. – This saves time so we can begin the work of mitigating the damage which can save you time and money. Provides facility details such as shut-off valve locations, priority areas and priority contact information. – Having a quick reference of what to do, how to do it and who to call provides solutions in advance of an emergency so that during the emergency you are “Ready for whatever happens.” 

Call SERVPRO Lynn/Lynnfield 24 hours a day, 7 days a week  


Restoring Your Commercial Property After A Water Damage Event

6/4/2018 (Permalink)

Flooding and water damage events in commercial properties on the North Shore and surrounding areas are often complex with numerous issues that require a knowledgeable and flexible response. Whether we’re dealing with a relatively small water cleanup scenario or a large scale event, we work quickly to assess each unique situation and isolate the damaged area. In many instances, normal operations can continue in a temporary space while we restore your facility.

Restoring Commercial Properties Presents Unique Challenges

Our professionals are trained to be mindful of legal and environmental concerns and strive to fully restore the damaged area while working within your budgetary constraints. We understand that every hour spent cleaning up is an hour of lost revenue and productivity.  So when an emergency situation arises in your business, give us a call and we’ll be there fast with the help you need.

About SERVPRO of Lynn/Lynnfield

SERVPRO of Lynn/Lynnfield specializes in the cleanup and restoration of commercial and residential property after a water damage event. Our staff is highly trained in property damage restoration. From initial and ongoing training at SERVPRO’s corporate training facility to regular IICRC-industry certification, rest assured our staff is equipped with the knowledge to restore your property.

SERVPRO of Lynn/Lynnfield 781-593-6663 has  the training and equipment to help make it    "Like it never even happened."

Some Basic Mold Information

6/4/2018 (Permalink)

Microscopic mold spores naturally occur almost everywhere, both outdoors and indoors. This makes it impossible to remove all mold from a home or business. Therefore, mold remediation reduces the mold spore count back to its natural or baseline level. Some restoration businesses advertise “mold removal” and even guarantee to remove all mold, which is a fallacy. Consider the following mold facts:

  • Mold is present almost everywhere, indoors and outdoors.
  • Mold spores are microscopic and float along in the air and may enter your home through windows, doors, or AC/heating systems or even hitch a ride indoors on your clothing or a pet.
  • Mold spores thrive on moisture. Mold spores can quickly grow into colonies when exposed to water. These colonies may produce allergens and irritants.
  • Before mold remediation can begin, any sources of water or moisture must be addressed. Otherwise, the mold may return.
  • Mold often produces a strong, musty odor and can lead you to possible mold problem areas.
  • Even higher-than-normal indoor humidity can support mold growth. Keep indoor humidity below 45 percent.

If your home or business has a mold problem, we can inspect and assess your property and use our specialized training, equipment, and expertise to remediate your mold infestation.

If You See Signs of Mold or Have Questions Regrading Mold, Please Give Us a Call @ SERVPRO of Lynn/Lynnfield


If You Suspect Mold in Your Home

6/4/2018 (Permalink)

If Your Suspect Mold in Your Home

In as little as 48 hours, mold can quickly become a problem in your home or business when there’s a water intrusion, like a roof leak or leaking water line. Mold can cause health effects and can also cause significant damage to your property. SERVPRO of Medford/Everett has the training, protective gear, and specialized equipment necessary to handle your mold problem.

Have a Mold Problem?
Call Us Today 781-596-6663

If you have a mold problem in your home or business, consider the following facts:

  • Significant mold growth can occur in 48-72 hours.
  • Mold may present a greater risk to children, the elderly, and anyone with respiratory problems.
  • A strong, musty odor may indicate hidden mold behind drywall or under carpeting.

What to Do:

  • Stay out of affected areas.
  • Turn off the HVAC system and fans.
  • Contact SERVPRO of West Atlanta / Downtown for mold remediation services.

What Not to Do:

  • Don’t touch or disturb the mold.
  • Don’t blow air across any surfaces with visible or suspected mold growth.
  • Don’t attempt to dry the area yourself.
  • Don’t spray bleach or other disinfectants on the mold.

Mold Remediation Services

If you suspect that your home or business has a mold problem call, SERVPRO of Lynn/Lynnfield  We have the training, equipment, and expertise to handle the situation.


Let Us Help With Your Commercial Cleaning Services

6/4/2018 (Permalink)

Your commercial property’s appearance speaks volumes to your clients.  So when the need arises for professional cleaning or emergency restoration services, SERVPRO professionals have the training and expertise to help make it “Like it never even happened.”

You don’t have time to worry about the common wear and tear that gradually soils your office. When grime, odor, and moisture challenges go beyond the scope of your regular janitorial staff, call in SERVPRO of  Lynn/Lynnfield.  Whether it’s removing an odor problem or deep cleaning flooring or carpets, you can rely on SERVPRO to make your workspace look its very best.  They’ll respond promptly and make your workspace look its very best.

To learn more about our Commercial Cleaning Service call the professionals at SERVPRO of Lynn/Lynnfield 781-593-6663.   We’ll make it “Like it never even happened.”


6/4/2018 (Permalink)

No Job Is Too Large

Storms occur with little warning and can be especially devastating, so you’ll need the company that you can trust to rise to the occasion. Regardless of the type of storm, SERVPRO of Lynn/Lynnfield can handle any size disaster. During catastrophic storms and major events, we call upon our Disaster Recovery Team for immediate assistance.

Catastrophic Storm and Major Event Response

The SERVPRO Disaster Recovery Team can provide help whether you're dealing with a tornado, hurricane, blizzard or flood. The SERVPRO System has a network of strategically positioned storm teams on standby should a disaster strike near you.

With the ability to mobilize local command centers, along with the resources of more than 1,700 Franchises nationwide, no disaster is too big. Recent mobilizations of the Catastrophic Storm Response Teams include:

  • 2017 California wildfires
  • 2017 Hurricane Irma
  • 2017 Hurricane Harvey
  • 2016 Hurricane Matthew
  • 2015 Carolina floods
  • 2014 Polar Vortex
  • 2012 Sandy
  • 2010 Nashville floods
  • 2008 Ike
  • 2007 Chicago floods
  • 2007 Ohio floods
  • 2007 California wildfires
  • 2005 Katrina/Wilma/Rita

Available 24 hours a day and 365 days a year, SERVPRO of Lynn/Lynnfield is prepared for the unpredictable. 781-593-6663

Reply on the Expertise of SERVPRO to Help After Flooding

6/4/2018 (Permalink)

Flooding is a part of the history in Boston and the North Shore areas and you should consider it as a part of your duties as a property owner to plan for these types of situations. Obtaining the proper insurance and budgeting for some of the preventive measures that exist to assist you with preparation for a flood is only the beginning. However, it is far better than merely reacting to a crisis. It is our goal to inform you more about what to do when a water damage emergency hits and help you with getting back to normal, with the least amount of disturbance to your everyday lives. 
We have expertly trained technicians who have experience in dealing with flood damage restoration near your home. It is possible that the person who arrives to help you with your situation is someone that you already know within the community that you live, a neighbor, a friend or even a family member. 
SERVPRO Franchises are locally owned and operated by people just like you. Our technicians go through rigorous training to learn the proper steps to assist with your recovery as promptly and professionally as possible. However, we can also help you prepare to combat the possibility before it ever occurs, limit the damage caused by flooding and even save more of your belongings in the process. 
Our expertly trained technicians at SERVPRO offer you services that are unique to your situation and help you understand what you can expect; even during the worst possible conditions. We will be there to assist you through the entire process, from beginning to end and even provide you with any assistance you need filling out the proper paperwork to deal with your insurance company. 
The restoration process at SERVPRO starts with your initial phone call. We will perform an inspection on your property and thoroughly explain what is needed to get you back on your feet. Then we will quickly and efficiently cover the steps of the action plan that we have described to remove any excess water and completely dry everything within the affected area. We can uncover those hard to locate moisture pockets that require specialized equipment to find. All of your household items get handled as if they were our own, and each restorable item is taken care of and returned to a quality pre-damage condition "Like it never even happened."
Our SERVPRO of Lynn/Lynnfield staff is waiting to assist you.  781-593-6663

Hurricane Season is Here - Are You Prepared?

6/4/2018 (Permalink)

Last year’s hurricane season was the most disastrous the United States has ever experienced. Hurricanes in 2017 affected more than 25 million people—close to 8 percent of the U.S. population—and resulted in widespread displacement of survivors. Hurricanes Harvey, Irma, and Maria caused $265 billion in damage, more than the 2005 hurricanes Katrina, Rita, and Wilma combined.


With the Atlantic hurricane season beginning in June, individuals and businesses can take proactive steps to better prepare for hurricanes that may threaten our homes, workplaces, and communities. Here are five actions that FEMA recommends everyone take in advance of hurricane season:

  1. Get alerts and warnings to receive timely information about weather conditions or other emergencies. Download the FEMA App to learn what to do before, during, and after emergencies, and receive weather alerts from the National Weather Service.
  2. Create and practice a family communication plan. Your family may not be together when a disaster strikes. Know how you’ll contact one another and reconnect if separated, and ensure everyone understands their role.
  3. Document and insure property before a disaster strikes to ensure you will have the necessary financial resources to help you repair, rebuild, or replace whatever is damaged. Visit gov to learn about purchasing flood insurance.
  4. Strengthen your financial preparedness. Collect and secure personal financial, insurance, medical, and other records to give yourself the peace of mind and ensure that you have the documentation needed to start the recovery process without delay.
  5. Get trained. Every minute is important in a disaster, and if emergency responders are not nearby, you could be the one to help others until help arrives. Consider participating in a local or regional exercise—or even develop an exercise or simulation for your organization or community to help identify challenges and correct issues before they happen. Visit gov/until-help-arrives for online training and to find out what role you can take during disasters.

If you Had a Burst Pipe Would you Know What to do?

1/25/2018 (Permalink)

Well it’s that time of year in New England when temperatures drop into the teens, and as we’ve experienced this past month, into the single digits with the wind chill below zero.  Water pipes and cold temperatures are not friends!!  A burst pipe can create serious water damage to your home and belongings.

If you had a burst pipe in your home would you know what to do?

Stop the Water Flow

Shut off the main water supply by turning off the main water turnoff.   It is best to ensure that everyone in your family knows where the main water turnoff is located and how to turn it off in case of a burst pipe emergency.  (Consider a “Water Turn Off” tag like the one pictured above)

Let the pipe drain out the water by turning on all cold faucets. Switch off the water heating system and then turn on all hot faucets to help in draining the water supply system. Also, flush all toilets. All leaks should stop once there is no more water running from the taps.

Find the Break

Locating exactly where the pipe burst is should be done immediately to prevent further damage. Once you've found the burst, you'll know what you have to do next. For instance, if it’s a tiny crack, patching it up may fix the problem for a while. Also, consider which pipe has burst. If the damage is in a main water pipe, it needs to be repaired and dealt with carefully regardless of the cause or size of the break.

If there has been leakage in the house for some time, be careful when entering rooms. Pay attention to the ceilings because if they appear to bulge, it means it is holding loads of water and could cave in any moment. If you've noticed the leak right away, place a bucket underneath to catch the drip.


If there is flooding or water damage in the home call SERPVRO of Lynn/Lynnfield at 781-593-6663.

My Smoke Alarm Works - Why Would I Change It?

1/25/2018 (Permalink)

We all know to change the batteries in our smoke alarms twice yearly but did you know the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) recommends that you replace all smoke alarms when they are 10 years old?

I know what you’re thinking, “how I am supposed to remember how old they are?”  Check the back of the smoke alarm and you will find the manufacturer date.  

Even if your smoke alarms aren’t ten years old you may also consider replacing them early to keep up with the latest technology.

There are two kinds of smoke alarms:

Ionization smoke alarms are generally more responsive to flaming fires.
How they work: Ionization-type smoke alarms have a small amount of radioactive material between two electrically charged plates, which ionizes the air and causes current to flow between the plates. When smoke enters the chamber, it disrupts the flow of ions, thus reducing the flow of current and activating the alarm

Photoelectric smoke alarms are generally more responsive to fires that begin with a long period of smoldering (called “smoldering fires”).
How they work: Photoelectric-type alarms aim a light source into a sensing chamber at an angle away from the sensor. Smoke enters the chamber, reflecting light onto the light sensor; triggering the alarm.

 The NFPA recommends smoke alarms that use both of these technologies. 

 Check out the NFPA website for lots of great information on smoke alarms.


Fire-Safety Tips to Keep in Mind This Thanksgiving

11/2/2017 (Permalink)

The kitchen is where the holiday meal magic happens, but it can also be a danger zone, especially on Thanksgiving.

Thanksgiving is typically the most dangerous day of the year.  Everybody's cooking in the kitchen and it's one of the few days where almost everyone is preparing a meal.  "The house is more congested than normal so you have to control the flow in your kitchen to make sure there's no accidents.

More fires start in the kitchen than anywhere else in the home.  On Thanksgiving, in particular, there are three times as many house fires than any other day of the year, according to the US Consumer Product Safety Commission

Below are some safety tips for the holiday:

  1. Don't wear loose-fitting clothing around open flames.
  2. Don't leave your food unattended on the stove or in the oven.

Make sure a person is always in the kitchen watching the food that's cooking.

You should have a zone, around anything around the stove, within like a 3-feet range for children.

  1. If deep-frying turkey, do it outside.
  1. Never put water on a grease fire.
  1. Store fire extinguishers in plain sight and near an exit - not under the sink. According to the National Fire Protection Association. Because fires can double every five to 10 seconds - and can consume a room in just one minute - call 911 first.

Halloween Safety Tips

10/25/2017 (Permalink)


  • Be bright at night – wear retro-reflective tape on costumes and treat buckets to improve visibility to motorists and others.
  • Wear disguises that don’t obstruct vision, and avoid facemasks. Instead, use nontoxic face paint. Also, watch the length of billowy costumes to help avoid tripping.
  • Ensure any props are flexible and blunt-tipped to avoid injury from tripping or horseplay.
  • Carry a flashlight containing fresh batteries, and place it facedown in the treat bucket to free up one hand. Never shine it into the eyes of oncoming drivers.
  • Stay on sidewalks and avoid walking in streets if possible.
  • If there are no sidewalks, walk on the left side of the road, facing traffic.
  • Look both ways and listen for traffic before crossing the street.
  • Cross streets only at the corner, and never cross between parked vehicles or mid-block.
  • Trick-or-treat in a group if someone older cannot go with you.
  • Tell your parents where you are going.


  • Ensure an adult or older, responsible youth is available to supervise children under age 12.
  • Plan and discuss the route your trick-or-treaters will follow.
  • Instruct children to travel only in familiar areas and along established routes.
  • Teach children to stop only at well-lit houses and to never to enter a stranger’s home or garage.
  • Establish a time for children to return home.
  • Tell children not to eat any treats until they get home.
  • Review trick-or-treating safety precautions, including pedestrian and traffic safety rules.
  • Make sure Halloween costumes are flame-retardant and visible with retro-reflective material.


  • Slow down in residential neighborhoods and obey all traffic signs and signals. Drive at least 5 mph below the posted speed limit to give yourself extra time to react to children who may dart into the street.
  • Watch for children walking on roadways, medians and curbs. In dark costumes, they’ll be harder to see at night.
  • Look for children crossing the street. They may not be paying attention to traffic and cross the street mid-block or between parked cars.
  • Carefully enter and exit driveways and alleys.
  • Turn on your headlights to make yourself more visible – even in the daylight.
  • Broaden your scanning by looking for children left and right into yards and front porches.

Smoke Detector - Ionization vs Photoelectric

10/25/2017 (Permalink)

The two most commonly recognized smoke detection technologies are ionization smoke detection and photoelectric smoke detection.

Ionization smoke alarms are generally more responsive to flaming fires.
How they work: Ionization-type smoke alarms have a small amount of radioactive material between two electrically charged plates, which ionizes the air and causes current to flow between the plates. When smoke enters the chamber, it disrupts the flow of ions, thus reducing the flow of current and activating the alarm. 

Photoelectric smoke alarms are generally more responsive to fires that begin with a long period of smoldering (called “smoldering fires”).
How they work: Photoelectric-type alarms aim a light source into a sensing chamber at an angle away from the sensor. Smoke enters the chamber, reflecting light onto the light sensor; triggering the alarm. 

For each type of smoke alarm, the advantage it provides may be critical to life safety in some fire situations. Home fatal fires, day or night, include a large number of smoldering fires and a large number of flaming fires. You can not predict the type of fire you may have in your home or when it will occur. Any smoke alarm technology, to be acceptable, must perform acceptably for both types of fires in order to provide early warning of fire at all times of the day or night and whether you are asleep or awake.

For best protection, use both types of smoke alarm technologies

For best protection, it is recommended both (ionization and photoelectric) technologies be used in homes. In addition to individual ionization and photoelectric alarms, combination alarms that include both technologies in a single device are available.

October is Fire Prevention Month

9/26/2017 (Permalink)

Home Safety Checklist

Smoke Alarms

? There is one smoke alarm on every level of the home and inside and outside each sleeping area.

? Smoke alarms are tested and cleaned monthly.

? Smoke alarm batteries are changed as needed. 

? Smoke alarms are less than 10 years old.

Cooking Safety

? Cooking area is free from items that can catch fire.

? Kitchen stove hood is clean and vented to the outside.

? Pots are not left unattended on the stove.

Electrical & Appliance Safety

? Electrical cords do not run under rugs.

? Electrical cords are not frayed or cracked.

? Circuit-protected, multi-prong adapters are used for additional outlets.

? Large and small appliances are plugged directly into wall outlets.

? Clothes dryer lint filter and venting system are clean.

Candle Safety

? Candles are in sturdy fire-proof containers that won’t be tipped over.

? All candles are extinguished before going to bed or leaving the room.

? Children and pets are never left unattended with candles.

Carbon Monoxide Alarms

Carbon monoxide alarms are located on each level of the home.

? Carbon monoxide alarms are less than 7 years old.

Smoking Safety

Family members who smoke only buy fire-safe cigarettes and smoke outside.

? Matches and lighters are secured out of children’s sight.

? Ashtrays are large, deep and kept away from items that can catch fire.

? Ashtrays are emptied into a container that will not burn.

Heating Safety

? Chimney and furnace are cleaned and inspected yearly.

? Furniture and other items that can catch fire are at least 3 feet from fireplaces, wall heaters,   baseboards, and space heaters.

? Fireplace and barbecue ashes are placed outdoors in a covered metal container at least 3 feet from   anything that can catch fire.

? Extension cords are never used with space heaters.

? Heaters are approved by a national testing laboratory and have tip-over shut-off function.

Home Escape Plan

? Have two ways out of each room.

? Know to crawl low to the floor when escaping to avoid toxic smoke.

? Know that once you’re out, stay out. 

? Know where to meet after the escape.

? Meeting place should be near the front of your home, so firefighters know you are out.

? Practice your fire escape plan.

What is Black Mold?

9/26/2017 (Permalink)

What Is Black Mold?

Stachybotrys chartarum is the type of mold often called “black mold” or “toxic mold”. Sensational news reports warn about the dangers of black mold and these stories can be alarming and confusing. Any mold in your home should be treated with caution – stay out of affected areas and don’t touch or disturb the mold.

Please refer to our Mold Damage Tips to learn more about mold and what to do until help arrives. 

How Do I Tell If It’s Black Mold?

Since many types of mold can produce allergens and irritants, you should contact a qualified mold remediation company regardless of the color or type of mold. In many instances, multiple types of mold can exist in the same house or structure. If you suspect that you have a mold problem, contact a SERVPRO Franchise Professional immediately.

If You See Signs of Mold, Call Us Today

SERVPRO of Lynn/Lynnfield 781-593-6663

Understanding Mold

When water intrudes into your property, mold growth can start in as little as 48 hours. Consider the following mold facts:

  • Mold is present almost everywhere, indoors and outdoors.
  • Mold spores are microscopic, float along in the air, and may enter your home through windows, doors, or AC/heating systems or even hitch a ride indoors on your clothing or a pet.
  • Mold spores thrive on moisture. Mold spores can quickly grow into colonies when exposed to water. These colonies may produce toxins harmful to humans and pets.
  • Before mold remediation can begin, any sources of water or moisture must be addressed. Otherwise the mold may return.
  • Mold often produces a strong, musty odor, and that odor can lead you to possible mold problem areas.
  • Even higher-than-normal indoor humidity can support mold growth. Keep indoor humidity below 45 percent.

If You See Signs of Mold, Call Us Today

SERVPRO of Lynn/Lynnfield 781-593-6663

Oh My Gourd ~ World's Best Pumpkin Bread!!

9/26/2017 (Permalink)

It's that time of year when the weather starts to cool down, the leaves start changing and you can find everything pumpkin that we've missed since last fall.  What better way than to start off with a nice pumpkin bread.

World's Best Pumpkin Bread

Prep time:  5 mins

Cook time:  45 mins

Total time:  50 mins

Serves: 2 loaves


  • 2 Cups Libby’s Pure Pumpkin
  • 3 Cups Sugar
  • 1 Cup Canola or Vegetable Oil
  • 2/3 Cup Water
  • 4 eggs
  • 3 1/3 Cups Flour
  • 2 tsp. Baking Soda
  • 5 tsp. Salt
  • 1 tsp. Ground Cinnamon
  • 1 tsp. Ground Nutmeg


  1. Mix Pumpkin, Sugar, Oil, Water, and Eggs in large mixing bowl until well combined.
  1. In medium mixing bowl, combine Flour, Baking Soda, Salt, Cinnamon, and Nutmeg. Stir well, then gradually pour into large bowl of pumpkin mixture. Stir well to combine completely.
  1. Spray TWO 9×5 Non-stick Loaf Pans with Pam Cooking Spray.
  1. Pour mixture evenly into loaf pans.
  1. Bake at 350 degrees for 45 – 55 minutes, or until done and a toothpick inserted in center comes out clean.



9/15/2017 (Permalink)

Emergencies come in many forms, and they may require anything from a brief absence from your home to permanent evacuation. Each type of disaster requires different measures to keep your pets safe, so the best thing you can do for yourself and your pets is to be prepared. Here are simple steps you can follow now to make sure you’re ready before the next disaster strikes:

Step 1: Get a Rescue Alert Sticker

This easy-to-use sticker will let people know that pets are inside your home. Make sure it is visible to rescue workers (we recommend placing it on or near your front door), and that it includes the types and number of pets in your home as well as the name and number of your veterinarian. If you must evacuate with your pets, and if time allows, write “EVACUATED” across the stickers. To get a free emergency pet alert sticker for your home, please fill out our online order form and allow 6-8 weeks for delivery. 

Step 2: Arrange a Safe Haven

Arrange a safe haven for your pets in the event of evacuation. DO NOT LEAVE YOUR PETS BEHIND. Remember, if it isn’t safe for you, it isn’t safe for your pets. They may become trapped or escape and be exposed to numerous life-threatening hazards. Note that not all shelters accept pets, so it is imperative that you have determined where you will bring your pets ahead of time:

  • Contact your veterinarian for a list of preferred boarding kennels and facilities.
  • Ask your local animal shelter if they provide emergency shelter or foster care for pets.
  • Identify hotels or motels outside of your immediate area that accept pets.
  • Ask friends and relatives outside your immediate area if they would be willing to take in your pet.

Step 3: Choose "Designated Caregivers”

This step will take considerable time and thought. When choosing a temporary caregiver, consider someone who lives close to your residence. He or she should be someone who is generally home during the day while you are at work or has easy access to your home. A set of keys should be given to this trusted individual. This may work well with neighbors who have pets of their own—you may even swap responsibilities, depending upon who has accessibility.

When selecting a permanent caregiver, you’ll need to consider other criteria. This is a person to whom you are entrusting the care of your pet in the event that something should happen to you. When selecting this “foster parent,” consider people who have met your pet and have successful cared for animals in the past. Be sure to discuss your expectations at length with a permanent caregiver, so he or she understands the responsibility of caring for your pet.

Step 4: Prepare Emergency Supplies and Traveling Kits

If you must evacuate your home in a crisis, plan for the worst-case scenario. Even if you think you may be gone for only a day, assume that you may not be allowed to return for several weeks. When recommendations for evacuation have been announced, follow the instructions of local and state officials. To minimize evacuation time, take these simple steps:

  • Make sure all pets wear collars and tags with up-to-date identification information. Your pet’s ID tag should contain his name, telephone number and any urgent medical needs. Be sure to also write your pet’s name, your name and contact information on your pet’s carrier.
  • The ASPCA recommends microchipping your pet as a more permanent form of identification. A microchip is implanted under the skin in the animal’s shoulder area, and can be read by a scanner at most animal shelters.
  • Always bring pets indoors at the first sign or warning of a storm or disaster. Pets can become disoriented and wander away from home in a crisis.
  • Store an emergency kit and leashes as close to an exit as possible. Make sure that everyone in the family knows where it is, and that it clearly labeled and easy to carry. Items to consider keeping in or near your “Evac-Pack” include:
    • Pet first-aid kit and guide book (ask your vet what to include)
    • 3-7 days’ worth of canned (pop-top) or dry food (be sure to rotate every two months)
    • Disposable litter trays (aluminum roasting pans are perfect)
    • Litter or paper toweling
    • Liquid dish soap and disinfectant
    • Disposable garbage bags for clean-up
    • Pet feeding dishes and water bowls
    • Extra collar or harness as well as an extra leash
    • Photocopies and/or USB of medical records and a waterproof container with a two-week supply of any medicine your pet requires (Remember, food and medications need to be rotated out of your emergency kit—otherwise they may go bad or become useless)
    • At least seven days’ worth of bottled water for each person and pet (store in a cool, dry place and replace every two months)
    • A traveling bag, crate or sturdy carrier, ideally one for each pet
    • Flashlight
    • Blanket
    • Recent photos of your pets (in case you are separated and need to make “Lost” posters)
    • Especially for cats: Pillowcase, toys, scoop-able litter
    • Especially for dogs: Extra leash, toys and chew toys, a week’s worth of cage liner

You should also have an emergency kit for the human members of the family. Items to include: Batteries, duct tape, flashlight, radio, multi-tool, tarp, rope, permanent marker, spray paint, baby wipes, protective clothing and footwear, extra cash, rescue whistle, important phone numbers, extra medication and copies of medical and insurance information.

Step 5: Keep the ASPCA On-Hand at All Times

Help protect pets by spreading the word about disaster preparedness. Download, print and share FEMA’s brochure today. 

The free ASPCA mobile app shows pet parents exactly what to do in case of a natural disaster. It also allows pet owners to store vital medical records and provides information on making life-saving decisions during natural disasters.


8/25/2017 (Permalink)

Aaaah, autumn. The kids are headed back to school, the leaves are turning, and a chill is in the air. If you're like most homeowners, fall also means an opportunity to spruce up your yard and cut down on the work you'll need to do when the weather turns warm again.

It doesn't matter if you're a seasoned landscape professional or somebody who just wants their yard to look as good as it can with as little work as possible, everyone can benefit from backyard fall cleanup.  A little bit of work in the fall will really pay off when spring rolls around.

  • Rake those leaves. Once the snow flies, an unraked layer of leaves can get matted down over the turf and smother it all winter long. Raking or using a mulching mower in the fall helps avoid dead patches in the spring. But don't worry about getting every last leaf, especially in the garden. They help insulate plants, and as they decompose, they provide valuable nutrients.
  • Feed the grass. Fertilizing in the fall is like a day at the spa for your lawn. Using a slow-release fertilizer allows the grass to soak up nutrients and - just as important - spend the cool days and nights of autumn recovering from summer heat and stress. And building a healthy, rejuvenated lawn is one of the best ways to protect against heat, cold, drought, insects and other stresses.
  • Weed all about it. Weeding in the fall is probably the most valuable thing you can do to prepare for spring, and it's one that many people overlook. The good news: Pulling weeds used to be a backbreaking chore, but tools like the Weed Hound have come a long way from the tiny weeding forks of "the good old days." There's no reason to get down on your hands and knees and gouge at the turf. All you do is place the tool over the weed, step lightly on the footrest, and pull.
  • Remove thatch build-up. A build-up of aboveground roots called thatch prevents sunlight, oxygen and moisture from getting to the nutrient-hungry soil below. But it's easy to remove, especially if you don't wait until it overwhelms the yard. Just go at the yard with a dethatching rake in early fall, or for an easier - but more expensive - option, rent a power dethatcher.
  • Aerate. Heavy use throughout the summer can cause soil to become compacted. Perforating your lawn with small holes helps reduce compaction and lets water, air and fertilizer get down to the soil, which strengthens the grass plant's root structure. For smaller yards, a manual aerating tool that removes plugs from the turf while you step should be just fine. If you've got a larger yard, consider renting a power aerator.
  • Water trees and shrubs. Dehydration during the colder months is an all-too-common cause of tree damage, but it's easily preventable. To sustain them over the long winter, it's important to give trees a drink before putting them to bed. After they go fully dormant - but before the ground freezes - use a soaker hose or root irrigator to water them thoroughly.
  • Clean out your garden. Fruits and vegetables left in the garden can rot all winter long, and provide a comfy home for insect eggs. Gross? Not as gross as they'll be in the spring. Now's the time to get rid of diseased plants, too, but keep them out of the compost pile so the problem doesn't spread to the rest of your garden next year.
  • Plant spring bulbs. Fall is not all about closing up shop. It's also the perfect time to plant spring flowering bulbs like daffodils and tulips. But pay attention to the weather in your area; planting too early can cause bulbs to sprout before winter, and planting them too late can mean their roots don't have enough time to develop before the ground freezes.
  • Give your tools a tune-up. When it comes time to put away the backyard tools for the season, don't just shove them into the garage or shed. Spend a few minutes wiping them down and removing debris and dirt, then apply a light layer of oil to keep them from rusting over the winter. That way they'll be all set to go again come spring.

Old Man Winter may be on his way, but with a little work now, you can lay the groundwork for a happy, healthy backyard that's ready to thrive next season.

Spring Home Maintenance Checklist

5/9/2017 (Permalink)

Give your home a complete physical—inside and out—to ready it for those warm-weather months ahead.


Roof. You don’t need to climb up there yourself; with binoculars and a keen eye, you can probably spot trouble. Do you see any shingle-shift, suggesting that some fasteners may have failed and need replacing? Any cracked or missing shingles? What about nail-pops? “We call them eyebrows,” Niles explains. “It’s when nails push the tabs of the shingles up, allowing water to get in where those nails are coming through.” All will need to be addressed to keep your roof at peak performance.

Chimneys. If you have a masonry chimney, check the joints between bricks or stones. Have any fallen out? Is there vegetation growing out of them? Each signals water infiltration. Also, look for efflorescence—”a white calcium-like deposit that indicates your masonry joints are no longer repelling water but absorbing it,” says Niles. Consider re-sealing masonry with a clear, impermeable or water-resistant barrier material (like Thoroseal products). Brush it on, small areas at a time; let it absorb for 15 minutes, then reapply—it may need a couple of applications.

Exterior Walls. Whether you have wood siding, stucco or brick, look for trouble spots, especially under eaves and near gutter downspouts. Water stains normally indicate that your gutters are not adequately containing roof runoff. If you have wood siding, check for openings, damaged areas or knots that have popped out, making way for carpenter ants, woodpeckers and other critters that may nest in or burrow through.

Foundations. When inspecting the exterior of your home, be sure to examine the foundation from top to bottom for masonry cracks. “Routine caulking by homeowners won’t do the job,” says Niles. “Hire a foundation specialist who can employ a two-part epoxy injection system that will bond cracks chemically,” he adds.

Windows. Leakage around windows will admit warm summer air and let cooled indoor air escape, so be sure to check that any caulking and weather stripping you have in place has remained intact. “A tight seal is the first line of defense against air and water,” says Marty Davis, marketing manager, Simonton Windows, Columbus, OH. If you experienced condensation inside the glass on double- or triple-glazed windows during the winter months, the weather seal has been compromised, and either the glass or the window will need to be replaced.

Spring-clean your windows—inside and out—with a store-bought or homemade window cleaner (one cup rubbing alcohol, one cup water and a tablespoon of white wine vinegar will work just fine) and either a squeegee or a soft cloth. Never use abrasive cleaners or a high-pressure spray washer. You don’t want to scratch the glass or crack the caulking around each unit. If screens were on all winter, remove and clean them with mild detergent. Lay them on a dry surface, like a driveway to air-dry before putting them back on. “Never power-wash screens,” urges Davis, “it could damage the mesh.”


General Cleaning. Spring is a good time to clean areas of the house that often go neglected. Dust or vacuum chair rails, window casings, tops of wall-mounted cabinets and ceiling fans. Launder or dry-clean fabric draperies and use a damp cloth to clean wood and vinyl blinds. Vacuum upholstered furniture and mattresses and consider renting a carpet cleaner—anything you can do to remove settled dust, mites, and allergens will make for a cleaner, and healthier, home.

If you detect grease residue in the kitchen, consider washing cabinets, backsplashes and walls with warm water and mild detergent. The same is true in the bathroom, where soap residue and fluctuations in heat and humidity combine to create the perfect breeding ground for mold and mildew. While you’re cleaning tile, look for areas of worn or missing grout, as these may lead to more serious water damage if not repaired.

Air Conditioning. Just as you readied your furnace for fall, now is the time to make sure that air conditioning units are in good working order for the warmer months ahead. Change the filter, check hose connections for leaks, and make sure the drain pans are draining freely. In addition, vacuum any dust that has settled on the unit and connections; over time it can impact the air conditioner’s effectiveness. If you suspected problems with the efficiency or performance of the unit last summer, now is the time to call in a professional to check it out.

Attics. Search for signs that indicate insects and critters have colonized. Also, search aggressively for mold, which often takes the form of “gray or black blotches that look like staining,” according to Tim Gentry, vice president of technical services, DaVinci Roofscapes, Kansas City, KS. Proper insulation and good ventilation will deter mold growth in the attic, so take action now to prevent the problem from developing in the warmer months ahead.

Basements. The basement—prone to dampness and insects—must be part of any thorough seasonal maintenance effort. Dampness suggests higher than normal relative humidity, inadequate ventilation and the need for a dehumidifier. Check the base of poured-concrete walls. “Cracks start from the bottom up, not the top down,” Niles points out. “If there’s water penetration, it’ll show at the bottom of those cracks.” And be sure to use a flashlight to examine exposed framing. “If you see even a quarter-inch or so of tunneling on the wood,” says Niles, “call a pest control company immediately.”

Leaks. Spring is a good time to check for leaky faucets, clogged drains and sweaty pipes. Check under the kitchen and bathroom sink to make sure connections on pipes and hoses are properly sealed, and look for any wetness around the dishwasher that could signal an existing or potential problem. The same is true of your laundry room; check washer machine hoses for cracks, bulges or dampness. The same is true for hot water heaters, which may show sign of corrosion and leaks.


Lawns. Rake the lawn to remove any branches, debris and leaves that you might have missed in the fall; if left, they can suffocate the grass beneath. During the winter, soil compaction, along with chemical changes altering your soil’s PH, may have left your lawn vulnerable to weed growth and other issues. Even if you can’t see weeds, they are more than likely waiting for optimum conditions to propagate. If you want to prevent them from germinating, consider an organic herbicide; fertilizers are better suited to the fall.

Make sure outdoor water systems—pipes, faucets, and in-ground sprinkler systems—are in working order. Once the ground thaws completely, start preparing new garden beds for summer plants. And take stock of your garden tools and lawn-maintenance equipment, including lawn mowers, trimmers and hoses.

Decks and Patios. Look for warped, loose or splintered boards, and do a good sweep to remove any leaves and debris accumulated in the space between boards. “Whether it’s wood, plastic or composite, a deck should be cleaned every year to extend its life,” says Chuck Harris, owner, Custom Lumber Manufacturing Co., Dothan, AL. If the finish on your wood deck is faded or worn, now is the time to clean, stain, and reseal it. If you have composite decking, follow manufacturers’ recommendations on seasonal care. The same is true for wood and composite fences, pergolas, trellises and other structures. If you have a stone patio, a simple hose down provide be all the maintenance required (unless you detect moss or staining, in which case a more serious cleaning may be necessary).

Outdoor Furniture. If you stored your lawn furniture for the winter, bring it outdoors and give it a hose rinse, or wash it with a mild detergent. For metal furniture, check for signs of rust or paint erosion; a simple remedy of spray enamel will prevent further damage from sun, rain and humidity in the months ahead.

Grills. If your gas grill has remained idle over the winter months, check burner jets for clogs and obstructions, and be sure that gas hoses and connections are sound and secure. You’ll also want to check for propane. For charcoal grill owners, make certain your grill is clean of ash and free of grease residue. It’s a good habit to adopt throughout the grilling season, not just in the spring.

Hurricane Preparedness Week – May 7-13, 2017

5/9/2017 (Permalink)

Sunday, May 7th

Determine Your Risk

Find out today what types of wind and water hazards could happen where you live, and then start preparing now for how to handle them. Hurricanes are not just a coastal problem. Their impacts can be felt hundreds of miles inland. It’s easy to forget what a hurricane is capable of doing. The U.S. has not been directly impacted by a major hurricane (Category 3 or higher) in more than a decade. However, hurricanes such as Ike, Sandy and Isaac reminded us that significant impacts can occur without it being a major hurricane. Many people are suffering from hurricane amnesia in the forms of complacency, denial and inexperience. This remarkable hurricane streak is going to end, and we have to be ready for it to happen this season.

Monday, May 8th

Develop an Evacuation Plan

The first thing you need to do is find out if you live in a storm surge hurricane evacuation zone or if you’re in a home that would be unsafe during a hurricane. If you are, figure out where you’d go and how you’d get there if told to evacuate. You do not need to travel hundreds of miles. Identify someone, perhaps a friend or relative who doesn’t live in a zone or unsafe home, and work it out with them to use their home as your evacuation destination. Be sure to account for your pets, as most local shelters do not permit them. Put the plan in writing for you and those you care about.

Tuesday, May 9th

Assemble Disaster Supplies

You’re going to need supplies not just to get through the storm but for the potentially lengthy and unpleasant aftermath. Have enough non-perishable food, water and medicine to last each person in your family a minimum of one week. Electricity and water could be out for at least that long. You’ll need extra cash, a battery-powered radio and flashlights. Many of us have cell phones, and they all run on batteries. You’re going to need a portable, crank or solar powered USB charger.

Wednesday, May 10th

Secure an Insurance Check-up

Call your insurance company or agent and ask for an insurance check-up to make sure you have enough homeowners insurance to repair or even replace your home. Don’t forget coverage for your car or boat. Remember, standard homeowners insurance doesn’t cover flooding. Whether you’re a homeowner or renter, you’ll need a separate policy for it, and it’s available through your company, agent or the National Flood Insurance Program at www.floodsmart.gov. Act now as flood insurance requires a 30-day waiting period.

Thursday, May 11th

Strengthen Your Home

If you plan to ride out the storm in your home, make sure it is in good repair and up to local hurricane building code specifications. Many of these retrofits do not cost much or take as long to do as you may think. Have the proper plywood, steel or aluminum panels to board up the windows and doors. Remember, the garage door is the most vulnerable part of the home, so it must be able to withstand the winds.

Friday, May 12th

Check on Your Neighbor

Many Americans rely on their neighbors after a disaster, but there are also many ways you can help your neighbors before a hurricane approaches. Learn about all the different actions you and your neighbors can take to prepare and recover from the hazards associated with hurricanes. Start the conversation now with these Neighbor Helping Neighbor strategies

Saturday, May 13th

Complete Your Written Hurricane Plan

The time to prepare for a hurricane is before the season begins, when you have the time and are not under pressure. If you wait until a hurricane is on your doorstep, the odds are that you will be under duress and will make the wrong decisions. Take the time now to write down your hurricane plan. Know where you will ride out the storm and get your supplies now. You don’t want to be standing in long lines when a hurricane warning is issued. Those supplies that you need will probably be sold out by the time you reach the front of the line. Being prepared, before a hurricane threatens, makes you resilient to the hurricane impacts of wind and water. It will mean the difference between your being a hurricane victim and a hurricane survivor.

What Causes Frozen Pipes?

1/16/2017 (Permalink)

What Causes Frozen Pipes?

The water inside pipes can freeze when outdoor temperatures drop below freezing. As freezing water expands, it causes the pressure inside the pipes to increase, possibly leading to bursting pipes.

Preventing Frozen Pipes

  • Insulate pipes, especially those close to outside walls, attics or crawl spaces where the chance of freezing is greatest
  • Seal air leaks surrounding or near pipes
  • Keep garage doors closed if there are water supply lines in the garage
  • Disconnect all outdoor hoses and turn off water to exterior faucets and sprinkler systems
  • Open kitchen and bathroom cabinet doors to allow warmer air to circulate around the plumbing
  • Keep heat at 55 degrees F. or higher even when you are out of town
  • During a cold spell turn on both hot and cold faucets near outside walls to allow a small trickle of water to run during the night
  • If you need to be away from home, leave the heat on and drain your water system before you go
  • Identify the locations of shutoff valves so that you are prepared to stop the flow of water as soon as possible when a pipe bursts

 What to Do When Pipes Freeze or Burst

 If pipes freeze:

  • Open all faucets
  • Remove insulation and wrap pipes in rags
  • If all else fails, call your plumber

If pipes burst:

  • Shut off the water immediately to prevent additional damage
  • Take proper precautions to avoid an electrical shock from being in or near standing water
  • Take an inventory of any damaged property or possessions
  • Contact the professionals at SERVPRO of Lynn/Lynnfield for help at 781-593-6663.      
  • We’ll make it “Like it never even happened

Thanksgiving Safety Tips

11/17/2016 (Permalink)

Thanksgiving is almost here and across the country, Americans are gearing up for one of the most spectacular feasts of the year.  Thanksgiving is a holiday that brings family and friends together to share good food, conversation, and laughter. In the midst of all this festive activity, it’s important to remember that there are health hazards associated with the holiday, including an increased chance of food poisoning, kitchen fires, and travel incidents.

Taking just a few minutes to read these Thanksgiving safety tips could mean the difference between enjoying the holiday and having a turkey dinner end in disaster.

Fire Safety

The average number of cooking fires on Thanksgiving is TRIPLE that of a normal day. Here a few simple ways to avoid fires:

  • Stand by your pan” when cooking. Never leave food, grease, or oils cooking on the stovetop unattended.
  • Pot holders, oven mitts, food wrappers, and other things that can catch fire should be kept away from the stove.
  • Children should also be kept away from hot stoves and paid particular attention to when they are in the kitchen.
  • Facing pot handles towards the rear of the stove can save them from being knocked over and scalding people nearby.
  • Long sleeves and loose clothing should be avoided while cooking as it can easily catch fire. Following these food safety tips can keep any Thanksgiving meal safe from bacteria and keep your family and friends from getting sick:

Food Poisoning

  • Safely cooking a turkey starts with correctly defrosting it; place your bird on a tray or pan to catch any juices and keep it refrigerated until it’s ready to cook.
  • A 20-pound frozen turkey can take up to five days to thaw out so plan ahead.
  • Turkeys need to be cooked to an internal temperate of 165 °F.
  • Leftovers need to be refrigerated within two hours after serving. The Thanksgiving holiday is one of the busiest travel times of the year, and with all the excitement travelers can become more focused on celebrations than getting to their destination as safely as possible. Following these travel tips will keep everyone safe on the road and in the air:

Thanksgiving Travel Safety

Halloween Safety Tips

10/18/2016 (Permalink)


  • Be bright at night – wear retro-reflective tape on costumes and treat buckets to improve visibility to motorists and others.
  • Wear disguises that don’t obstruct vision, and avoid facemasks. Instead, use nontoxic face paint. Also, watch the length of billowy costumes to help avoid tripping.
  • Ensure any props are flexible and blunt-tipped to avoid injury from tripping or horseplay.
  • Carry a flashlight containing fresh batteries, and place it facedown in the treat bucket to free up one hand. Never shine it into the eyes of oncoming drivers.
  • Stay on sidewalks and avoid walking in streets if possible.
  • If there are no sidewalks, walk on the left side of the road, facing traffic.
  • Look both ways and listen for traffic before crossing the street.
  • Cross streets only at the corner, and never cross between parked vehicles or mid-block.
  • Trick-or-treat in a group if someone older cannot go with you.
  • Tell your parents where you are going.


  • Ensure an adult or older, responsible youth is available to supervise children under age 12.
  • Plan and discuss the route your trick-or-treaters will follow.
  • Instruct children to travel only in familiar areas and along established routes.
  • Teach children to stop only at well-lit houses and to never to enter a stranger’s home or garage.
  • Establish a time for children to return home.
  • Tell children not to eat any treats until they get home.
  • Review trick-or-treating safety precautions, including pedestrian and traffic safety rules.
  • Make sure Halloween costumes are flame-retardant and visible with retro-reflective material.


  • Slow down in residential neighborhoods and obey all traffic signs and signals. Drive at least 5 mph below the posted speed limit to give yourself extra time to react to children who may dart into the street.
  • Watch for children walking on roadways, medians and curbs. In dark costumes, they’ll be harder to see at night.
  • Look for children crossing the street. They may not be paying attention to traffic and cross the street mid-block or between parked cars.
  • Carefully enter and exit driveways and alleys.
  • Turn on your headlights to make yourself more visible – even in the daylight.
  • Broaden your scanning by looking for children left and right into yards and front porches.

Don’t Wait: Check the Date! Replace Smoke Alarms Every 10 Years!

9/27/2016 (Permalink)

You replace your cell phone, your lightbulbs – even your toothbrush. But when was the last time you replaced – or thought about replacing – your home's smoke alarms?

While smoke alarm lifespan and sensing technology has vastly improved in recent years, the fact remains that all smoke alarms expire after 10 years. However, nearly a quarter of Americans (23 percent) have either never replaced their smoke alarms – or have not done so in more than six years. This, coupled with the fact that three out of five home fire deaths occur in properties without working smoke alarms – often due to missing alarm batteries or expired alarms – is cause for concern for local fire and safety officials.

"Many people assume that because they have smoke alarms in their homes, they're automatically protected in the event of a fire," said Lorraine Carli, vice president of Outreach and Advocacy at NFPA. "In reality, smoke alarms need to be installed, maintained and tested regularly to ensure that they're working properly. Part of that effort includes knowing how old your smoke alarms are, because smoke alarms don't last forever."

NFPA 72, National Signaling and Fire Alarm Code®, requires that residential smoke alarms be replaced at least every 10 years, but because the public is generally unaware of this requirement, many homes may have smoke alarms well past their expiration dates. To find out whether it's time to replace the smoke alarms in your home, simply look on the back of the alarms where the date of manufacture is marked. The smoke alarm should be replaced 10 years from that date (not the date of purchase or installation).

If alarms are due for replacement, consider upgrading your level of protection with devices containing 10-year sealed batteries, which offer tamper-proof, hassle-free protection while eliminating the need to replace batteries for the life of the alarms. For ultimate home safety, select combination smoke/carbon monoxide (CO) alarm models for complete protection from the threats of smoke and CO. A variety of smoke alarms, including hardwired, combination and 10-year battery-powered models, are available to meet specific needs and local requirements.

National Preparedness Month: Week Four – Get Involved

9/23/2016 (Permalink)

September is National Preparedness Month

Week Four – Get Involved

Build a more resilient community by getting involved and helping your community prepare for, respond to, and recover from the next disaster. There are many great opportunities to make important contributions including volunteering, donating or helping our neighbors and community.



  • Donate cash to a recognized disaster relief organization.
  • Donate goods that are specifically requested or needed by recognized organizations.
  • Learn more about how to donate responsibly: Donations and Volunteers

Help your Neighbors

  • Be a good neighbor. Check on family, friends, and neighbors, especially the elderly, those who live alone, those with medical conditions and those who may need additional assistance.
  • Start a community preparedness project with the Corporation for National & Community Service toolkit.

National Preparedness Month: Week Three – Build an Emergency Kit

9/22/2016 (Permalink)

September is National Preparedness Month

Week Three – Build an Emergency Kit

Build an Emergency Kit:

Having an emergency supply kit is an essential component of personal and family preparedness Emergency kits should include essentials items that will help sustain you and your family for up to three days in the event you are isolated in your home without power during disaster.

First, think about essential items you will need for basic survival: water, food, warmth, clean air, and necessary medications, or medical equipment. Additionally, utilities and basic services such as electricity, gas, water, sewage treatment, and telephones may be cut off for days or weeks. Your supply kit should contain items to help you manage during these outages. Make sure your emergency kit is customized to meet the unique needs of your family.

At a minimum your kit should include:

  • Water: Bottled water (one gallon per person/per day for at least three days), water purification tablets
  • Food: At least a three-day supply of non-perishable foods that do not need cooking (ready-to-eat canned meats, fruits, vegetables, or juices, protein or granola bars, cereal, peanut butter, dried fruit, nuts, crackers, baby food, comfort foods)
  • Tools and Supplies: Manual can opener, Radio (battery-powered or hand crank), flashlight or lantern, extra batteries, cell phone with charger, wrench, pliers, and other basic tools
  • Personal Items: Prescription medications (two-week supply), personal hygiene items, eyeglasses, contact lenses, dentures, extra batteries or supplies for medical equipment, change of clothes, sturdy shoes
  • Pets: Collar, leash, harness, crate, food, bowls, current photo, license and medical information
  • Documents: Insurance policies, bank account records, identification cards (IDs), medical information, and other copies of important documents
  • Money: Extra cash and traveler’s checks (ATMs may not work during a power outage)
  • Other Items:  First-aid kit, emergency whistle, waterproof matches/lighter, local area maps, diapers, wipes, formula, and baby food and supplies (if needed)

Also consider adding:

  • A watch or clock
  • Household chlorine bleach, which can serve as an emergency disinfectant of drinking water
  • Camp stove or grill with fuel or canned heat, neither of which should be used indoors
  • Disposable plates, cups, and utensils
  • Duct tape, plastic sheeting or tarp
  • Seasonal items to protect against the elements
  • Books, games, puzzles, and other comfort items
  • Sleeping bags or blankets. 

National Preparedness Month: Week Two - Make A Plan

9/19/2016 (Permalink)

September is National Preparedness Month

Week Two – Make A Plan

When an emergency or disaster occurs, will you be ready? It is critical that you create a family disaster plan to keep you and your family safe, protect your property, and build your community’s resilience.

Develop a plan with the members of your household to prepare for what to do, how to find each other, and how to communicate in an emergency. Be sure your plan addresses the special and/or medical needs for you and your family.

You should:

Establish Meeting Locations

Select two family meeting locations where your family can reunite after a disaster. 

    • Choose one close to home 
    • Second farther away, in case you are asked to evacuate or can’t return to the area.

Develop an Emergency Contact Plan

Ask an out-of-state friend or relative to serve as your family’s emergency contact. After a disaster, it is sometimes easier to call long distance to unaffected areas.

    • Provide every family member with the name, address, and phone number of the emergency contact and make sure each family member has a cellphone or a prepaid phone card.
    • Inform your emergency contact of any family member’s special needs or medical issues.

List emergency contacts in cellphones as “ICE” (in case of emergency), which will make it easier for emergency management personnel to contact the right person in case of an emergency responder needs to make a call on your behalf.

Identify alternate communications methods:

    • Show all family members how to text message, as it may be easier to send a text than make a call during an emergency.
    • Learn how to use social media, which can be an effective tool to let friends and family know your location and status.
    • You can use the American Red Cross's Safe and Well service to register yourself as “safe and well” or search for loved ones after a disaster.

Plan How to Evacuate

Identify and practice how you will exit your home.

Establish possible evacuation routes to ensure you are able to get to your designated meeting location(s).

Identify available modes of transportation.

Make arrangements with family, neighbors, friends, or local government if you don’t have personal transportation.

If you need assistance, contact your local public safety official to make them aware of your needs.

Plan How to Shelter in Place

Designate safe room(s) within your home. They should have:

    • as few windows or doors as possible; and
    • access to television, radio, and telephones.

Make sure you have necessary supplies and can access your emergency kit.

If you receive medical treatments or home health care services, work with your medical provider to determine how to maintain care and service if you are unable to leave your home for a period of time.

Consider Everyone’s Needs

Plan for everyone in your household, including individuals with access and functional needs, seniors, children, and pets. 

If you or someone close to you has a disability or other access or functional need, you may need to take additional steps to prepare yourself and your family.

September is National Preparedness Month

9/15/2016 (Permalink)

The month of September is National Preparedness Month, a nationwide, month-long effort hosted by FEMA, the Ready Campaign and Citizen Corps, encouraging households, businesses and communities to prepare and plan for emergencies. 

Massachusetts experiences a wide range of emergencies and disasters. In the past few years alone, the state has seen flooding, hurricanes and tropical storms, blizzards and winter storms, tornadoes, hazardous materials incidents, power outages, terrorism, water supply disruptions and more. In addition, there are many other hazards that could occur including earthquakes, pandemics and other public health emergencies, nuclear power plant accidents and others. It is important for residents of Massachusetts to be Ready for various types of emergencies and disasters including knowing what the risks are, and what to do before, during, and after various types of emergencies and how to be prepared ahead of time.

There are four key things to be prepared for emergencies:

Be Informed – Know what emergencies may occur and stay informed

Make A Plan – Plan for your family before an emergency

Build a Kit – Assemble an emergency kit

Get Involved – Volunteer opportunities in emergency preparedness and response


Today we will talk about various ways to “Be Informed”

Massachusetts Alerts Smartphone App

The free Massachusetts Alerts app provides emergency notifications and public safety information based on your location, proximity to an event or incident, and the preferences you select.

Emergency Alert System (EAS)             

Emergency Alert System (EAS) is a national warning system that uses radio, television, and satellite channels broadcast important public safety information during times of emergency. When an EAS is issued, you will hear a tone followed by an audio message. Participating television broadcasters will also display a visual message, which might take the form of a scrolling banner or a static slide.

Wireless Emergency Alerts (WEA)

The Wireless Emergency Alerts (WEA) program is part of the EAS national alerting initiative, which enables cellphones to receive alerts for severe weather emergencies, imminent threats to life or property, AMBER alerts, and Presidential alerts. You do not need to subscribe to any service to receive alerts. The alerts are sent to all WEA-enabled devices in the impacted region. To find out whether you have a WEA-enabled phone, you should contact your mobile carrier.

NOAA Weather Radio

A NOAA weather radio provides alerts for weather warnings in your area. With batteries, a radio can work even when the power is out and can be programmed to provide alerts within your local area. Weather radios are a reliable source for severe weather announcements or weather-related emergency information. 

Social Media & Traditional Media

MEMA uses Twitter (@MassEMA) and Facebook to provide preparedness tips as well as information about severe weather, emergency situations, and disasters. MEMA also uses social media as a secondary method of alerting.

Traditional local media outlets (such as TV and radio stations) are another source for emergency alerts and information.

Mold Damage

8/9/2016 (Permalink)

Mold in Basement

Title: Does Your Home Have A Mold Problem?

Category: Mold Damage

Photo Caption: Mold can spread through a home in as little as 48 hours.


Microscopic mold spores naturally occur almost everywhere, both outdoors and indoors. This makes it impossible to remove all mold from a home or business. Therefore, mold remediation reduces the mold spore count back to its natural or baseline level. Some restoration businesses advertise “mold removal” and even guarantee to remove all mold, which is a fallacy. Consider the following mold facts:

  • Mold is present almost everywhere, indoors and outdoors.
  • Mold spores are microscopic and float along in the air and may enter your home through windows, doors, or AC/heating systems or even hitch a ride indoors on your clothing or a pet.
  • Mold spores thrive on moisture. Mold spores can quickly grow into colonies when exposed to water. These colonies may produce allergens and irritants.
  • Before mold remediation can begin, any sources of water or moisture must be addressed. Otherwise, the mold may return.
  • Mold often produces a strong, musty odor and can lead you to possible mold problem areas.
  • Even higher-than-normal indoor humidity can support mold growth. Keep indoor humidity below 45 percent.

If your home or business has a mold problem, we can inspect and assess your property and use our specialized training, equipment, and expertise to remediate your mold infestation.

If You See Signs of Mold, Call Us Today

SERVPRO of Lynn/Lynnfield

781 593-6663

Kitchen Fire in Lynn, MA

8/9/2016 (Permalink)

Oven Fire in Lynn, MA

Title: Lynn/Lynnfield Smoke and Soot Cleanup

Category: Fire Damage

Photo Caption: Smoke and Soot Damage Can Cause a Pervasive Odor in Your Home.


Smoke and soot is very invasive and can penetrate various cavities within your home, causing hidden damage and odor. Our smoke damage expertise and experience allows us to inspect and accurately assess the extent of the damage to develop a comprehensive plan of action.  

Smoke and soot facts:

  • Hot smoke migrates to cooler areas and upper levels of a structure.
  • Smoke flows around plumbing systems, seeping through the holes used by pipes to go from floor to floor.
  • The type of smoke may greatly affect the restoration process.

Different Types of Smoke

There are two different types of smoke–wet and dry. As a result, there are different types of soot residue after a fire. Before restoration begins, SERVPRO of Lynn/Lynnfield will test the soot to determine which type of smoke damage occurred. The cleaning procedures will then be based on the information identified during pretesting. Here is some additional information:

Wet Smoke – Plastic and Rubber

  • Low heat, smoldering, pungent odor, sticky, smeary. Smoke webs are more difficult to clean.

Dry Smoke – Paper and Wood

  • Fast burning, high temperatures, heat rises therefore smoke rises.

Protein Fire Residue – Produced by evaporation of material rather than from a fire

  • Virtually invisible, discolors paints and varnishes, extreme pungent odor. 

Our Fire Damage Restoration Services

Since each smoke and fire damage situation is a little different, each one requires a unique solution tailored for the specific conditions.  We have the equipment, expertise, and experience to restore your fire and smoke damage.  We will also treat your family with empathy and respect and your property with care.

Have Questions about Fire, Smoke, or Soot Damage?
Call Us Today – 


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